30 Day Shred.. Starting 1/28/13



  • DanetteNel
    DanetteNel Posts: 68 Member
    It is important to take measurements - upper arms, waist, hips, thigh.

    On 30 Day Shred you are going to add muscle, which means your scale will not truly reflect what is happening to your body.

    Ignore your scale for now, and take your measurements once a week to see the effect it has.

    Good Luck and KEEP AT IT!!!

  • 2in3day
    2in3day Posts: 3 Member
    Did L1D2 last night and while the push-ups aren't getting easier, my shoulders don't feel quite so sore today.

    I don't carry much weight on my upper body so I'm noticing that quite a few places feel hard after only two days - which I think is indicative of how puny I am and how little work my upper body does normally!

    It's a nice day here in the UK, so I'm thinking of doing L1D3 tonight but skipping the cool down and going out for a walk/jog round the block to finish me. I'm conscious of the toning effect of the shred but the cardio elements aren't enough to really improve my fitness.
  • cookiemahnster
    cookiemahnster Posts: 60 Member
    L1D3 in the books for me! Woke up with sore calves and I don't think D3 helped that much, but still a good workout for today. Just need to stretch the calves a little more. Slightly higher calorie burn today, woohoo.
  • Scallyboo
    Scallyboo Posts: 126 Member
    Im going to join in this thread if thats ok? I started last night, today is day 2, but I can only do the work outs in the nights after work and putting kids to bed etc.

    My inner thighs are awake today to put it mildly. Those squats are killers.
    Didnt have time to measure last night so I'll do that tonight :)
  • luckychef13
    luckychef13 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey All! Been doing the 30 day shred sporadically just as a good exercise routine to add to my workouts. Today I am making a commitment to myself to do it every day for the next 30 days. That will put my last day the end of Feb. Would love to add some new friends that are doing this as well so we can encourage each other. I work anywhere from 10-14 hours a day 4-5 days a wk, so on my off days I have no problem working out. However on the days I work, i'm just too tired sometimes. I feel like the 20 minute workout Jillian has designed would be perfect for me to squeeze in on those long days that I don't want to spend an hour on the treadmill. Good luck to everyone and feel free to add me!
  • Fit2BeFly
    Fit2BeFly Posts: 185 Member
    A few days late, but I am in.
  • tazhinshaw
    tazhinshaw Posts: 297 Member
    My bestie and I started last night!! I have no arm muscles so I could hardly do any push-ups but hopefully soon I will be able to keep up!
  • Destinee704
    Destinee704 Posts: 69 Member
    Starting 30 Day Shred Tomorrow.. If you would Like To Join Me please Feel Free.. I have Several of My Friends Joining in With Me as well.. I have Completed 30 Day Shred 2 times already and Have had Great Results and Now Trying again For a 3rd Time after Having My Baby Girl 7 weeks ago ;)

    Wish you all Lots Of Luck.. REMEMBER Day 1-4 are the Worse Just Push thru the Pain and It will Get Better around Day 5 ;)

    “Unless You Puke, Faint or Die, Keep Going!” ~Jillian~

    Let's Do This!!!! ((Again))


    I'm in! Today is my 4th day of Level 1 of the 30 day shred. Lets do this! I hope to have the results and be able to move to level 2 on the 11th day. Wish me luck!
  • AB963K
    AB963K Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in had great results last January so excited to commit :-)
  • cournae
    cournae Posts: 30 Member
    I will be starting this within the next few days, just waiting for my DVDs to ship! Im so glad I saw this thread, I will need some encouragement!
  • princesselle1
    princesselle1 Posts: 107 Member

    I'm on day 5 on level 1!! Can definitely feel my legs are more toned already but my stomach where all the fat is sitting is gone bigger is that normal?? Can't understand?? Stil going to continue see what the 10th day will look like!
  • ShellB8585
    ShellB8585 Posts: 42 Member
    L1D3 complete and already feeling healthier/better. Used heavier weights tonight which was a killer but feeling better for it afterward :-)
  • Finished D3L1 this evening. Sooo glad I did as I almost gave myself the day off after being on my feet all day. Still had a strong desire to quit earlier than halfway through, but somehow made it ONCE AGAIN to the point of "Omg, I'm almost done?!?!" So motivating. Makes me look forward to the next day of experiencing it all over again! (That and all the fabulous inspirational success stories on MFP). I have gone UP 2 pounds in weight, but I am already seeing positive physical change in my body, and it's only Day 3! I decided to pick a day and weigh myself maybe once a week so as not to get discouraged. I know the number on the scale isn't the most important thing, although I have to be honest and say I really hope it goes down eventually. Of course, if I could fit into my old clothes again, it wouldn't matter to me what the scale says!
  • ShellB8585
    ShellB8585 Posts: 42 Member
    L1D4 complete and yey today was the first day i didn't wake up aching :)
  • DanetteNel
    DanetteNel Posts: 68 Member
    Level 1 Day 5 done!

    No more sore muscles, so hang in there if you are still in pain!

    (I did take a day off after Day 2 to let my calves recover.)

    I have been doing 3 minutes on my stationary bike before doing 30DS and afterwards as well. I also stretch for 5 extra minutes afterwards.

    I really think this has helped with the whole sore muscle problem....

    WELL DONE LADIES - GO FOR IT !!! :flowerforyou:
  • Scallyboo
    Scallyboo Posts: 126 Member
    Did Level 1 day 2 last night. Wasnt half as bad as the first day. Already feel that my thighs are that teeny tiny bit smaller.
    I measured last night and was shocked to find that my thigh was 22" and my upper arm was 11". So my upper arms are half as big as my thighs? AGHHHHHH and I always hated my arms!

    Looking forward to day three today. The only thing that really got me last night was the jumping jacks/jump rope combination, God my calves burn and I had to stop for a second or two.
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    L1D3 ... done! Today was a little harder because I woke up with a migraine...on top of the soreness. Normally this would have caused me to skip my workout but I sucked it up and pushed through. Thanks to all of you for providing me with the incentive!
  • Rianne90
    Rianne90 Posts: 229 Member
    Just finished L1D3, I did a rest day yesterday because my entire body was sore and I felt like I couldn't give it my all if I were to push through. I still can't do the push ups/lunges without pausing though, I get really unstable with the lunges because my muscles start to shake (but I guess that's a good sign?). I know it'll get better over time and I'm looking forward to tomorrow :).
  • rae_rae330
    rae_rae330 Posts: 39 Member
    L1D3 complete! Took a rest day yesterday, woke up way too sore...but today the soreness had eased a bit and I kicked some *kitten*! :-)
  • mindovercakes
    mindovercakes Posts: 102 Member
    A bit late to the party, but have started today. Completed L1D1 over an hour ago, had a shower, got dressed, had breakfast... and my muscles are still shaking!! :o

    Loved it and hated it, all I kept thinking throughout was: thank goodness it's only 20 minutes, over and over. I know (hope!) it gets easier, I suppose the first day felt like a shock to the system ;)

    Tomorrow is my run day so it'll be interesting to see how I feel doing both things!

    Have a fab day peeps xx