I conquered the urge to drink a soda

I saw this new commercial on tv about 3 new favors of mountain dew. It was really tempting and I almost gave in to that urge yesterday afternoon. I went to the vending machine looked at the soda and realized I had the strength and will power to resist the temptation. It made me feel really, really strong and motivated. Instead, I filled my cup with water, and I was content. I just wanted to share that with everyone. :wink:


  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Thanks for sharing. It's the small, everyday victories that lead to overall success. Well done.
  • CaseyLynn216
    CaseyLynn216 Posts: 19 Member
    WooHoo! Good for you. Keep it up!
  • fit4kim
    fit4kim Posts: 15 Member
    Good for you! I decided about ten or more years ago not to drink it. Never looked back.
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    I used to drink 2 or 3 cans of coke every day. So far this year I've had just 2 and didn't enjoy either.

    Once you can get past the urges the willpower to say no is so strong you don't look back.

    Well done you :smile:
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    That is so great!

    I was addicted to soda (every kind) as a teenager (17 yrs ago). I learned some things about soda that I didn't like so I gave it up cold turkey. It was so hard for me at first but then one day it just didn't matter to me. Just recently, I accidentally sipped some sprite...thought it was my water. The carbonation bursting on my tongue scared me. I thought something was biting my tongue! There is no appeal there whatsoever!! Keep at it and eventually you will wonder what you ever liked about it.

    Great job.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Woohoo! Good for you!

    I feel lucky sometimes that I never crave softdrink (although I will drink a diet coke if I go to the cinema or out for dinner), I guess maybe because we were never allowed it in my house when we were children :)