Diet Changes, Exercise w/ conception

Ok. I want to eat healthy. I really do. Problem: Dr. Pepper and cookies taste better than a salad and fruit. Plus all the icky preservatives in the unhealthy things allow me to eat foods at my own pace as opposed to having like a week to eat the 7 bananas I just bought. What I want to do is like salads and vegetables as I was also not really raised on them. What is the trick to liking salads? I love warm, cooked foods with flavor. I hope people can understand my problem. How can I keep fresh foods fresh and transition from sugar packed foods to salads and the like?

I would like to quit caffeine as well and drink water. Any tips on making that transition?

Finally, I want to lose weight and tone up but my husband and I are trying to conceive and I don't want to jeopardize the potential or actual pregnancy because I worked out too roughly. I am 152 lbs and I want to be 130-135 lbs. Please help!


  • ironette
    ironette Posts: 21 Member
    Please help!
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Cold salad isn't your only choice for healthy and fresh food. Veggies can be roasted, stir-fried and steamed, and flavor can be added with herbs, spices and peppers (I love hot sauces, personally). Lots of recipes out there - find one that you'd like to try and take the plunge.

    As for keeping fresh greens on hand all the time, the only way I know is to go to the grocery store or market more often and buy only what you can eat before it goes bad. It's very common in some countries for people to go to the market every morning to buy what they're going to fix that day. I've also found that there are certain places where the produce is very fresh and lasts longer than the typical grocery store stuff - Costco for one, farmer's markets when in season, and I'm also a member of a CSA (community supported agriculture) that delivers a crate of just-picked organic fruits and veggies every week. Those last for at least a week, usually more.

    I had to quit caffeine cold turkey because I had a couple of scary and expensive incidents with an irregular heartbeat...and I was a big diet Pepsi and Dr. Pepper drinker. So I switched to diet root beer for a long time, and in the past year I've switched again to Crystal Light drink mix. It's really easy to add a couple of those little singles packets to a tall water bottle and keep it close by. I drink a lot more of that than I would of plain water. I like the Pomegranate flavor.
  • lovemykids58
    lovemykids58 Posts: 195 Member
    You should look into places like, hungrygirl and there are some great ones on here. You dont have to eat salad if you dont want to- nordo you have to work out too hard. there are plenty of things you can do to get active without killing yourself. walking, yoga are great and youtube has great lowimpact stuff ( also. Anyone can get healthy if they really want to.
    Best of luck!
  • mrstravisjones
    mrstravisjones Posts: 104 Member
    I am ttc as well. I work out quite rigorously - crossfit 4-5 times a week. It is a very high intensity workout. I asked my OBGYN about if I needed to make any adjustments to my working out. I explained the type of workouts I do. His response - exercising like that is only going to help your body. The healthier you are, the easier it is to conceive.

    As for eating healthier and enjoying it. If you like warm foods better, I recommend buying fresh produce such as carrots, onion, zucchini, sweet potato, brussel sprouts, green beans, etc, chopping them into bite sized pieces, and roasting them in the oven. Salt pepper and a little bit of olive oil. I roast 2 pans at the beginning of the week, and my husband and I eat from it all week long. 400 for about 35-40min. Easy work for a week long of healthy veggies.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I just got off the soda addiction, and so has my husband. My best advise to you is carry Motrin with you every where. You will probably get head aches from the caffeine with draws but they will go away after a day or two.

    I will get haters for this, but I found the Mio's a good help with getting away from the sodas. That or crystal light, lemon, lime, etc... My husband hates the taste of plan water. Claims, "It doesn't quench my thirst." I call the BS flag on it all the time, but he uses the Mio water flavors to help him out. Honestly, I don't care as long as it is something other than the 4 cans of soda he is used to drinking (he will swear it was only two, but I counted).
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    Warm chicken breast w/ salad. Shrimp and beef, tuna.... etc. Plus salad can be more than leafies - add bacon, eggs, cheese, broccoli, mushrooms, sunflower seeds, etc.... then add a good dressing (ranch, honey mustard, etc) Just make sure to have alot of veggies w/ less of the other yummie things.

    get frozen veggies - or buy fresh and steam cook then freeze

    and caffeine can be good - you don't need to stop it to drink more water. I bought a SodaStream so I can make my own diet energy drinks (caffeine & b vitamins). But I also used to use the Mio water additive and a have a Bobble water bottle (has a filter in it).

    Stop thinking of this as a "diet" - it's a liftstyle change. It's a good habit change - you can still enjoy your yummies, just look for better versions. And remember - sometimes a "treat" is fine, just don't make it a habit.
  • SamAdams125
    SamAdams125 Posts: 54 Member
    You certainly don't have to eat salad to be healthy. Just stick to your calories, and start making healthier substitutions. Swap white rice for brown rice, 80% ground beef to 90% lean or switch to a lean ground turkey or chicken instead. Trade out snacks like pretzles or chips for say an apple and some almonds.

    For exercise, you can always start by walking and lifting weights if you're afraid to do anything super high intensity cardio-wise.

    And then, just remember that when you get pregnant you should chat with your doc. You should NOT try to lose weight while you're pregnant. Your doc can help you learn to eat the right amount during pregnancy (so you gain a healthy amount).

    Good luck!
  • Alicia744384
    Alicia744384 Posts: 8 Member
    One trick I use is, if I have something like an enchilada, I put it steaming hot on top of a salad.. If I have a bowl of hot soup, I dump it on top of a hand full of spinach, or greens.. makes you feel like you're eating more, plus added nutrition!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    You didn't get conditioned overnight to like the foods and drinks you like now.

    It's going to take some time to decondition and re-train yourself.

    Maybe try swapping out one food at a time for a healthier alternative.

    Your tastebuds WILL change and adjust. It WILL happen. Have some faith in your body and make the decision to give it what it needs, no matter how long it takes. Commit to the long term and you won't panic in the short run. Good luck! :smile:
  • ironette
    ironette Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks guys for the advice! :)