More evidence for Not Eating Late



  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I expect it is different for different people. I lose weight much more easily if I eat my biggest meal earlier in the day. It's challenging, though, because of social and family obligations that revolve around dinner.

    "Every time the meal timing question comes up, I have to ask: what if you're eating dinner on a plane and you cross time zones? Or what about daylight savings time? If I have to stop eating at 6PM, does that get pushed back to 7PM when we spring forward? "

    Most likely it isn't the exact time that matters so much as the number of hours between your last meal and when you go to bed.

    Why do you feel that the "number of hours between your last meal and when you go to bed" matters?

    I was responding to the poster who asked about the exact time to stop eating, and having a temporary struggle with the quote function. I was surmising (like all of us here who haven't carried out a study). It makes no sense to me that there is an actual time, ie 6 pm of whatever. It makes much more sense to measure the time in terms of hours since the last meal. But as I said, surmising.

    So you are surmising that it matters that you have a window of time between your last meal and the time you go to bed?
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I expect it is different for different people. I lose weight much more easily if I eat my biggest meal earlier in the day. It's challenging, though, because of social and family obligations that revolve around dinner.

    "Every time the meal timing question comes up, I have to ask: what if you're eating dinner on a plane and you cross time zones? Or what about daylight savings time? If I have to stop eating at 6PM, does that get pushed back to 7PM when we spring forward? "

    Most likely it isn't the exact time that matters so much as the number of hours between your last meal and when you go to bed.

    Why do you feel that the "number of hours between your last meal and when you go to bed" matters?

    I was responding to the poster who asked about the exact time to stop eating, and having a temporary struggle with the quote function. I was surmising (like all of us here who haven't carried out a study). It makes no sense to me that there is an actual time, ie 6 pm of whatever. It makes much more sense to measure the time in terms of hours since the last meal. But as I said, surmising.

    So you are surmising that it matters that you have a window of time between your last meal and the time you go to bed?

    For me, it makes a difference. I don't know about anyone else, although the study would indicate that I'm not the only one. I find it very hard to sustain, though, unless I'm away from my normal life and routine.

    Now that I think about it, it might also have to do with darkness and circadian rhythms. Who knows?
  • nickiog
    nickiog Posts: 187 Member
    i skip breakfast most days specifically so i can eat candy and cookies in bed, at 11 , and come in under goal. ive lost more than 70lbs.

    just sayin.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    I'd rather lose 17lbs and NOT be starving than 22 and be miserable and have my stomach growling all ngiht- period!
  • mag2906
    mag2906 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm 36 years old. For first 25 years of my life I lived in Europe (sadly not Spain lol) and ate my main meal before 3 PM.
    Guess what? I struggled to lose weight because - no matter how much I eat during the day - I'm always hungry in the evening!
    I've lost 45 pounds eating dinner after 6 PM (while living in Canada).

    Let me add that I'm a night person and have to force myself to go to bed by 11PM so there is at least 4 hours gap (not intentional) between my dinner and going to bed.
  • From the study linked in the story.

    Surprisingly, energy intake, dietary composition, estimated energy expenditure, appetite hormones and sleep duration was similar between both groups. Nevertheless,

    The bold part could be one of the reasons for the 5lb variance in 20 weeks.

    I like your ticker!!!! Hodgetwin fan?!
  • mag2906
    mag2906 Posts: 57 Member
    Every time the meal timing question comes up, I have to ask: what if you're eating dinner on a plane and you cross time zones? Or what about daylight savings time? If I have to stop eating at 6PM, does that get pushed back to 7PM when we spring forward?

    So far, I have yet to receive a satisfactory answer, which tells me that meal timing doesn't matter much.

    That's called over analyzing the process :)
    I don't think it really matters when you eat. Just do what works for you and lets you stay as fit and as healthy as possible.
  • I try to stick to a "lean and green" for dinner (pretty much vegetables and protein) then have some sugar free jello later on at night... I find that I sleep better.. :bigsmile: play around with different things, see what you and your body like the best... it is different for everyone :wink:
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Every time the meal timing question comes up, I have to ask: what if you're eating dinner on a plane and you cross time zones? Or what about daylight savings time? If I have to stop eating at 6PM, does that get pushed back to 7PM when we spring forward?

    So far, I have yet to receive a satisfactory answer, which tells me that meal timing doesn't matter much.

    I feel like I'm watching Gremlins all over again. I always wondered that as a kid. If you can't feed Gizmo after midnight then when does the clock reset? 1pm the next day is still after midnight.
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    I'd rather lose 17lbs and NOT be starving than 22 and be miserable and have my stomach growling all ngiht- period!

    Exactly. And having done this in the past only to give up, i now know (for me) this doesn't work.

    People on here must look at my diary in disgust. :/ No Breki and eat late.

    I dont know how i live with myself.
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    Nothing shocking about this. And for 5 lbs., I rather stick to a schedule that works for me. Having said that, I eat most of my food by 4p. That's because of my schedule. I am also single and live alone so dinner is not necessary. My body is used to that.
  • Phrakman
    Phrakman Posts: 113
    A study founded on obese people recalling their dietary intake and energy expenditure is not a study id take seriously.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I didnt read the article cuz I'm lazy but think you all need my 2 cents for some reason. I think with most obese people the throw on a late night binge because they are relaxed, usually alone, and they are hungry so they eat and eat a lot. Then you wake up the next day and guess what you arent hungry for breakfast or lunch so it sets you up again for late night eating.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I file this under: "It MAY make a difference, but if it does, it's not significant enough for me to care about".
  • tressieazbill
    tressieazbill Posts: 59 Member
    More people snack and vegg in front of the tv at night. So they are less active and burn less calories. Also they tend to eat more calories then people who stop eating after dinner. I stop eating after 6:30 if i am really hungry i have lemon water or cucumbers with vinager. I am doing really well with weightloss and im sure this has helped.
  • blancafh
    blancafh Posts: 9 Member
    I'm from Spain and living in the UK now and I can't for the life of me eat at 6 or 7pm like most people do here. And I never eat dinner before 9pm and I'm still losing weight consistently so I still don't believe in this. If I'd eat at 6-7pm I would be so hungry by midnight that it it would be quite easy to end up snacking too much.
    We usually have a snack around 11am, then we have lunch around 2-3pm, another snack around 6pm and dinner at 9-10pm. I just think is quite sensitive, instead of having a big time gap between dinner and bed time you get to eat every 3 hours or so, so you don't risk overeating.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    the ony way this study could even be close to valid, would be if both groups ate the same exact food every single day as each other, except at different times - and had the exact same energy expenditure every day as each other.
    and even then, it isn't really that accurate, because everybody's body is different. Really, unless you could clone yourself and test it out, you don't know what is "better" and that again, would only be for YOU and not everybody in the world.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    I'm from Spain and living in the UK now and I can't for the life of me eat at 6 or 7pm like most people do here. And I never eat dinner before 9pm and I'm still losing weight consistently so I still don't believe in this. If I'd eat at 6-7pm I would be so hungry by midnight that it it would be quite easy to end up snacking too much.
    We usually have a snack around 11am, then we have lunch around 2-3pm, another snack around 6pm and dinner at 9-10pm. I just think is quite sensitive, instead of having a big time gap between dinner and bed time you get to eat every 3 hours or so, so you don't risk overeating.
    Yes, but this all depends on what time you go to bed. If you eat a large dinner at 9 and go to bed at midnight, you are eating 3 hrs before bedtime. If someone eats a large dinner at 6pm and goes to bed at 9pm, it is the same thing. the times aren't the issue - it is the time between your largest meal and bedtime. Are you eating dinner as your largest meal?
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I eat the majority of my calories in the evening. I'm doing just dandy.
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    They should do a study to see which group kept the most wieght off. Better to lose 17 pounds permanently than 22 pounds temporarily.