New here

Hi new here as i need to loose a lot of weight and was told about this site so here goes ;)


  • tlkrallman
    Welcome to MFP. Good luck in your journey.
  • marylowery2
    marylowery2 Posts: 20 Member
    I am in the same boat. This site has been really helpful. Feel free to add me!
  • rblesd
    rblesd Posts: 28
  • loizlane
    loizlane Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome! You've come to the right place... You can do it :)
  • Hirgy03
    Hirgy03 Posts: 332 Member
    Welcome, and good luck with your weight loss. I've found that using the calorie tracker is very helpful, even though I swore I'd never be able to follow up with it. However, it gives you a good idea of the amount that you need to be taking in, and after a few weeks, you can pretty much guess within a hundred calories or so what you've done each day.

    As far as the tips and advice offered on here, keep in mind that for every opinion on here, for the most part there are equal and opposite take them all with a grain of salt. I take a few that make sense to me and find a "middle ground" that works for me and that I know I'll follow up on.

    There are many on here that go to extremes one way or the other, so keep that in mind. maybe it will work for you to go that route, not so much for me. There are many on here that will offend you, and many that will be easily offended by you. Dismiss those folks and you'll find that the majority on here are even-keeled.

    Learn the terms "butt hurt" and "newbie" will take you far on these boards.
  • missybru
    missybru Posts: 4 Member
    Thankyou :smile:
  • daniellec1992
    I'm new too! Feel free to add me. I can cheer you on :) x
  • brandymandycandy
    Welcome!!!!!! Good luck with your journey, feel free to add me if you would like some motivation.
  • Poetic_Photography
    Welcome to MFP! There's a great deal of support on here & the site itself is easy to use :smile: