Skin clearing foods?



  • onmywaytobeperfect
    Check for skin mites and hormones. If it's not a cause then do not use any tones, powder, concealer, creams (any cosmetics) for a month. Instead wash your face with camomile water, hydrate and clean with "natural masks". Use baking soda to clean, sour cream to moisturize. There are plenty of masks you can do out of honey, aloe vera, fruits, berries-all natural.+ lots of water!
  • pinky_pinkster
    pinky_pinkster Posts: 56 Member
    I have bad skin too - have had it forever and especially over my forehead, tried lots of stuff over the last 10 years but now I realise diet has more to do with it than I thought. I found this works:
    - drink loads of water
    - cut down on sugar (I use MFP to lower my daily amount of sugar)
    - if poss cut down on dairy (I find this hard though)
    - eat veggies that have vitamin A in - e.g. sweet potato

    I also found using a very light facial scrub works wonders and doing any exercise where I sweat loads seems to make my skin look better afterwards. :smile:
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    All i drink now is water except for the Bolthouse 100% juiced fruit and veggie drinks.

    A lot the suggestions provided are very interesting. I really should stop wearing makeup but i am soo embarrassed to walk out of the house not wearing it.... i hate how bad my face looks some times.

    I make sure its completely off at bedtime and on the weekends i try to stay home and go without it completely.

    Since i started doing all of these things my face has cleared up like 65% ( a little more then 50% but less than 75%
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    I have heard that carrots are good for the complexion and were used in Victorian times to clear up bad skin. Can't hurt.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    cutting down on processed, fatty, and fried foods, and upping your veggie intake will help clear up your skin. it's absolutely true. :)

    I used to have bad acne, and over the last couple years of focusing more on the foods I'm putting in my body, it's cleared up dramatically.

    give this a read:
  • danikanoodles
    danikanoodles Posts: 150 Member
    Acne can also be an indication of a food allergy or sensitivity mainly towards dairy, soy and gluten. Also too much fat in the diet can lead to breakouts like what was said above.
  • delekium
    delekium Posts: 40 Member
    I wash my face with baking soda now
  • altinker
    altinker Posts: 173
    Dr. Perricone has a Clear Skin 3 day diet on his website. He also has a blog article:

    I changed my skin care over to Perricone and supplement a bit with his vitamins, and I've noticed an improvement in my skin. He talks a lot about inflammation. Read up on it, and there is a link to a 3 day diet. See if it works for you.
  • MrsSardone
    MrsSardone Posts: 194 Member
    How about birth control? Since I've been on bc my skin is so clear! Your acne might get worse the first 3 months after you start the birth control, but once your hormones are regulated your acne should clear up.
  • sokkache
    sokkache Posts: 220 Member
    Fish oil pills have cleared up my skin and made it look healthy. You better believe, I take one everyday and I must say that I have pretty good skin, although with a few acne scars and dark areas. Those I can only fix with makeup. Just give it some time. Decrease the amount of grease that you eat in foods and that might help.

    I use acne wash by neutrogena, and benzoyl peroxide. Do you clean your pillow cases very often? Because germs from pillows can clog pores. Phones should be sanitized often if you use it often. makeup brushes especially should be washed as often as possible. Drinking lots of water, getting lots of sleep are huge factors. Just eating healthier in general slowly clears it up. Making sure you take off your makeup properly every night and cleanse your face.

    I do some face masks. some days, I wash my face with just plain oatmeal. It's very hydrating for the skin. Every week, at least once, I mix up this mask that consists of honey, greek yogurt, extra virgin olive oil, and coconut oil. I heat up the oils so they're all melted and warm. Then I mix it with the yogurt and honey. This mask worked wonders for me. Especially if you have dry skin during the winter, this mask hydrates so well. I'm not really sure how well it works with acne though.

    I've also heard somewhere that potato skin works well if you just put it on your skin for a while and then take it off, but I haven't tried it so I don't really know.
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    I have heard that carrots are good for the complexion and were used in Victorian times to clear up bad skin. Can't hurt.

    Thanks, i bought some fresh some carrot juice to help me out
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    Check for skin mites and hormones. If it's not a cause then do not use any tones, powder, concealer, creams (any cosmetics) for a month. Instead wash your face with camomile water, hydrate and clean with "natural masks". Use baking soda to clean, sour cream to moisturize. There are plenty of masks you can do out of honey, aloe vera, fruits, berries-all natural.+ lots of water!

    What is chamomile water? do i make chamomile tea and wash with that or something?

    i'm a little scared to use baking soda... my skin is very sensitive
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    This sounds ridiculous but the best facial soap I've used is actually clear equate hand soap. The walmart brand. I haven't tried softsoap but the equate one is AMAZING. I don't put anything else on my face, and I airbrush my makeup so my hands never touch my face. Try it, it could work for you too.

    Also going vegan helped tremendously; but the clear equate hand soap was what cleared it up initially. Sometimes in the winter my face gets dry so I use Murad Clean Scene moisturizer, once or twice.

    I've been watching a lot of documentaries lately about going vegan and i am interested in trying it out but I'm not sure if i can do it. I'm slowly working lots of plants into my diet.
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    Juicing/ blending fruits and vegetables helps my skin. I try to eat 1-2 all fruit & vegetable smoothies a day. Spinach and kale are nutrient rich so add as much as possible. And don't forget berries that are high in antioxidants, they will do wonders for you both on the inside and outside! Blending fruit and vegetables is better than juicing because the pulp is full of fiber.

    i bought some kale last night. Dont know how to make it. never ever ate it before.

    I'm not a berry fan :( i will try to expand my horizon's though
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    i was the same, then my mum bought me a jar of magnesium pills before xmas and over the course of about two weeks my skin cleared up. clearly a deficiency issue! either try my fix, or visit a herbalist or someone who deals with finding out what is missing in your system
    hmm i will look into this
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    me also-i'm like the flair up face. I get nasty white heads and just ran out of proactive. Is that the ONLY thing that works??

    proactive worked for awhile for me and then my face started geting red splotches on it and started peeling and burning :(
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    How about birth control? Since I've been on bc my skin is so clear! Your acne might get worse the first 3 months after you start the birth control, but once your hormones are regulated your acne should clear up.

    i was on it for awhile and it cleared up my skin but i was crying every single day about something stupid. It was very draining on me emotionally. i had never been so sad in my life. never again.
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    I've had acne problems my whole life. Not just on my face, but on my shoulders and back as well.

    I tried store face washes, masks, proactive, then the doctor gave me benzaclin, differen (gel and cream), then we started on antibiotics.

    Probiotics made my face like a pimple war zone. If I even eat that yogurt with the probiotics in it, I break out, it's weird. But anyway, then I started on a couple of antibiotics, menocycline then hydrocycline (or however you spell them) and they worked alright. My face was pretty clear, but still my shoulders and back were kind of broken out and my face would break out on occasion.

    Then one day the doctor decided to try switching me to a hormone pill, for another reason as well (I'm only 22 and losing hair/balding). So I'm completely off of everything except for the hormone pill now. I have NO pimples anymore, anywhere. In the year that I've been on the medicine, I've had TWO pimples. Yeah, two. It's been amazing.

    So apparently my issue was that I had a hormone imbalance that was causing everything. Now I'm pimple free and keeping my hair haha. Moral of my story? Going to a doctor and having your hormones checked might be a good idea.
  • Polywoggs
    Polywoggs Posts: 33 Member
    I've tried every single friggen acne soap there is at the drugstore. I've taken vitamins for this, i've tried proactive, i've used doctor prescribed creams and gels all to no avail.:cry:

    I was wondering if anyone knows of any specific fruits or veggies that are known for clearing up acne and skin blemishes? if so i want to eat them all!

    Try something VERY gentle- like Cetaphil (doctors use it). I use generic Cetaphil (Walmart).
    If you use a scrub- ditch it and use table salt- salt has a natural, healing compound.
    Don't scrub it. Mix it in w/Cetaphil & gently massage your face. -I also use generic Cetaphil moisturizer (also Walmart).

    Medicated scrubs & chemical peels damage your skin- making it more prone to sunburns, redness & dry patches.
    -You'd be amazed at how awesome a gentle soap & moisturizer will balance the skin texture/tone.
  • Joluru
    Joluru Posts: 89 Member
    I read a book called "The Skin Type Solution" and completely changed my skincare routine based on the results of the suggestions in the book. My skin has never been clearer. You take a multi-part quiz and then it talks about the different skin types, with specific ideas and products for each one.

    I also read a book called "Feed Your Face" by a Hollywood dermatologist, who recommends dietary changes for the best skin. I incorporated a lot more tomato products and daily green tea based on her recommendations; if it doesn't help, it certainly can't hurt! I have different skin issues than you, and didn't read to thoroughly on the acne section, but it's worth checking out if you want to take that approach.