Any other females on this journey with PCOS?



  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I'm 46 & have been struggling with PCOS since my early 20s. It took me 6 years to get diagnosed & actually ended up telling the doctor what I had after finding an article online about it. Once we (and I use that term loosely) found the diagnosis I was referred to a nutritionist who specialized in PCOS & other endocrine issues. Its been almost 20 years since I saw her & I still vividly remember her saying "A normal woman can eat 1600 cals a day & work out 30 mins a day 3 times a week & lose weight. You would have to eat 1200 calories a day or less & work out 7 days a week to lose the same weight. You need to readjust what normal is in your head. Your 'Normal" is not everyone elses"

    I was told the same. Lowest I went was 1490 and I eat 1690 now. Don't exercise as much as I should but somewhat recur ally and have definitely lost weight. The doctors were wrong in that advice.
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    I'm not diagnosed with anything yet, but it's looking like it might be PCOS. Except that instead of irregularly, I get my period way too often - every three weeks - and way too long, it lasts 10 days. Testosterone is high, estrogen is low, my cortisol is through the roof and I'm insulin resistant, and all the doctor will tell me is to stop drinking sugary drinks (which I never do anyway) and to "try some gentle walking after dinner as a way to ease into exercising" when I've already told him I run 3x per week, fence, bike, and ride horses, as well as covering miles of ground on foot every day at work. He doesn't believe me. :-/
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    It's harder but doable.

    The one thing I loathe about PCOS is the facial hair. I have roger it waxed every two weeks and it pisses me off.

    I hear you on that. I can grow the most amazing beard. If it wasn't for the fact that I HATE it with a passion I'd almost be able to laugh at it. Supposedly once I lose some more weight that'll help tamper down the testosterone that rages through my body. I seriously cannot wait.
  • SashaJaneJ
    SashaJaneJ Posts: 92 Member
    I was told that I have PCOS when I was 21.I hate everything about PCOS. Hair in unwanted places and being big. I have lost 177 pounds since May, 2011. Please feel free to add me.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I'm not diagnosed with anything yet, but it's looking like it might be PCOS. Except that instead of irregularly, I get my period way too often - every three weeks - and way too long, it lasts 10 days. Testosterone is high, estrogen is low, my cortisol is through the roof and I'm insulin resistant, and all the doctor will tell me is to stop drinking sugary drinks (which I never do anyway) and to "try some gentle walking after dinner as a way to ease into exercising" when I've already told him I run 3x per week, fence, bike, and ride horses, as well as covering miles of ground on foot every day at work. He doesn't believe me. :-/

    Time for a new doctor!

    Jenfir I'm now about the same weight as you so I'm really hopin the hair goes away the more I lose. It's horrible. It's also so coarse and I've had my beautician take out skin trying to get it out!
  • bluevalentine
    bluevalentine Posts: 4 Member
    Same here. Only thing that seems to work is limiting carbs.
  • bnm1979
    bnm1979 Posts: 52 Member
    I have had PCOS for 6+years now, never knew it affected me like it did. Weight gain, etc....I was only having cycles every 75 days or so and was told I would never have kids. WELL, 2 kiddos later, here I am. I have lost 30+ pounds since Oct 15, 2012 and happy to say that Dec and Jan were "normal" cycles (started without cycle inducing meds and 30 days apart) Loosing weight has ALWAYS been hard for me. I am doing the Bouari Clinic plan. Mainly low carb, high protien. Amazing how loosing weight makes so many things better. Stay strong and focused and you can do it!
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    yes! there are a lot of us actually!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Lower progesterone causes females to lose weight slower than other females. Keep at it, it will come off.
  • spartania
    I was diagnosed in late November...on metformin and spiro, and it's going ok. Since the beginning of December, I have lost 13 lbs...feel free to add me.
  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    DesireeLovesOrganic Posts: 456 Member
    I have it too. Diagnosed at 19 (32 now.) Had a hard time with getting pregnant and m/c. I find the symptoms go mostly go away (except cystic acne a week before my period but manuka honey helps that a lot) if I stay under a certain weight. As soon as I have gotten close or go over that, the symptoms get worse. I get regular cycles now too (never did in my life until I lost weight.) Both times I got pregnant was when I lost weight too.
  • Mistyfied_MD
    Mistyfied_MD Posts: 62 Member
    I was just diagnosed with PCOS this morning and will be starting metformin tomorrow. It was a little depressing looking at the ultrasound screen. I know I haven't helped myself with my affinity for beer, either, even if I do stay within calorie limits.

    It's been extremely slow going losing weight, but at least since joining MFP 3 weeks ago I can actually say I *have* lost, even if it's only half a pound a week so far. I struggled all last year and couldn't lose a pound, despite fairly regular exercise.
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    What is PCOS?
  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    DesireeLovesOrganic Posts: 456 Member
    What is PCOS?

    polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • Betty_Canada
    Betty_Canada Posts: 85 Member
    Diagnosed sixteen years ago.

    Through moderated carbs (about 25-30%) and 1000 mg a day of Metformin, have managed to lose 40 lbs since last July. Using NuvaRing to control cycles, as nothing else will.

    I had the never-ending cycle. I would bleed/spot for months, and then nothing for months. There was no logic to it. And a couple of times a year I would be completely laid up in bed, doubled over, whimpering in pain. Was finally diagnosed when I went to the hospital because I was convinced I was hemorrhaging.

    So, about seven kinds of birth control and five kinds of antidepressant later, finally decided Something Had to Be Done. (Mostly my so-called doctor not actually listening to me and going on about my weight and not actually paying attention to my symptoms. The Metformin was from my ob-gyn, who is awesome.)

    Reducing testosterone and insulin through the Metformin and the moderated carbohydrate diet has gone a long way to helping with the facial hair growth. What IS coming in is much lighter and finer, and I haven't *had* to sugar since November. (I tweeze the odd stray here and there.)

    I hate skin tags. And abdominal visceral fat. I swear, the next person who asks me when I'm due is going to get told, "just as soon as they deliver your fresh bottle of clue musk."

  • mklassy123
    Well this is interesting, although I take small studies that haven't been repeated with a grain of salt.
  • mklassy123
    I was just diagnosed with PCOS this morning and will be starting metformin tomorrow. It was a little depressing looking at the ultrasound screen. I know I haven't helped myself with my affinity for beer, either, even if I do stay within calorie limits.

    It's been extremely slow going losing weight, but at least since joining MFP 3 weeks ago I can actually say I *have* lost, even if it's only half a pound a week so far. I struggled all last year and couldn't lose a pound, despite fairly regular exercise.

    I'm sorry you were diagnosed and have to belong to this "sisterhood". Just know that you are not alone, there are obviously many of us out there with PCOS, and probably many more that just haven't been diagnosed. If you have questions just ask away, it sounds like the women on here are open and honest, and we all have very similar if not exactly the same symptoms. It's a livable condition, albeit an annoying one.
  • esvaemt
    esvaemt Posts: 11 Member
    Me. Diagnosed four years ago while TTC...along with hypothyroidism.
  • cmcd214
    Hi everyone,
    I'm new here and also have PCOS. I was diagnosed with PCOS and Hypothyroidism when I was 16 but, regrettably, disregarded any medication plan that I thought would interfere with my college experience. I tried Metformin for a week but couldn't deal with the vomiting-and I am sure my alcohol consumption during those years was not helping either. I was however on birth control consistently since the age of 16. To make a long journey short I am now about to turn 24 and am finally mature enough to make my health a priority. Ignoring PCOS just caused the weight to keep creeping on. I am on Levothyroxine and Metformin along with my BCP. I am not looking to conceive anytime soon, just looking to lose weight. I have been eating low carb (50-100g/day) since December and have lost roughly 20 pounds. I have a long way to go-looking to lose an additional 80-100 lbs I am exploring the whole paleo diet option right now...trying to figure out how I would give up cheese and eggs! I do not have a specific goal weight in mind, but I think I'd be happiest around 170. I am 5'9.5 and am roughly 260. Just wanted to say hi and good luck to everyone else on their journey!
  • jaynehayden83
    jaynehayden83 Posts: 16 Member
    It does seem to be so difficult to lose weight I have been trying for so long and am now slowly losing weight but it seems to be such a hard battle. If anyone wishes to add me as a friend for support please do so.