Calculating TDEE

When calculating my TDEE should i select sedentary or very active? I know they are almost extreme opposites but heres my background...I work in an office environment. Pretty much in front of a monitor or in meetings all of my work day. When i get home i rest before going to the gym for 60 minutes of cardio. Even though most of my day is sitting, should i select very active for activity level?

I started my diet and exercise back in September without consulting a doctor or even doing any reading. I have cut my calories and worked out just about every day. It started as 4 times a week but went to 7 as i saw the weight drop. I now know that was a bad plan and have likely lost a lot of muscle mass. I was eating probably around 1200 calories and burning 900 at the gym for a net of 300. Not taking into account my TDEE or BMR. Some of you may recommend cutting back on the exercise, but i have found when i skip a day that it turns to 2, 3, 4 etc...I need to keep it as part of my daily routine. I do cardio on the elliptical that is somewhat low impact and im not sure i even burn 900 as the machine tells me.

I was able to lost over 40lbs since i started in September. Now that I'm a bit more "educated" i want to make sure i go about this the correct and healthy way. My goal is 2lbs per week. I know this is aggressive after losing 40 lbs but i need to get in shape in an attempt join the Army reserves or national guard while keeping my 9-5. Im getting older and my window is closing.

I have felt somewhat overwhelmed and lost looking at some of these calculators and other posts. I was hoping someone could give me a starting point to work from. I continue to work out 6 days a week giving myself a day for rest. As i mentioned above, i'd like to keep working out part of my routine.

I have calculated my TDEE at 2400. -900cal for the days i do cardio puts me at 1500 net. 1500*6 = 9000 + 2400(rest day) = 11400. 2400*7 - 11400 = 5400 Cal Deficit. or 1.54lbs per week. Is this close or am i way off?

Sorry this was supposed to be a simple question but turned into an essay.

32yrs old


  • knyagrl
    knyagrl Posts: 20
    Since you spend the majority of your day sitting in an office (as do I), it should be sedentary.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Each level equates to a certain amount of hours of exercise each week, you do at least 60 mins a day so 7hrs/wk so I think a moderate or low activity, above sedentry, would be the best fit for you to use in calculations.
  • SnivyToast
    SnivyToast Posts: 25 Member
    Options Try this calculator.

    You fall into at least "moderately active" due to your number of work outs a week. Just because you sit in a office for a majority of your day does not make you sedentary.
  • macogle
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Options lets you enter how many hours you're active to get your TDEE
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    That depends which calculator you are using. Some just factor in exercise only, others want a general day of your type of job. I would say Light to Moderate. is a good one, and choose whatever goal (if losing weight around 15-20%) It will give you your BMR, TDEE (maintain) and what to shoot for if you want to lose weight on workout days.
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    Options Try this calculator.

    You fall into at least "moderately active" due to your number of work outs a week. Just because you sit in a office for a majority of your day does not make you sedentary.

    I agree, most TDEE already factor in a BMR as if you weren't working out at all and the amount of activity should really be based on how much time is being spent active. Light is 1-3hrs a week, Moderate is 3-5hrs Strenuous is 5-7hrs and Very Strenuous is anything 7+.