What food's calories have you been shocked by?



  • The chips from Chipolte. I never get them for myself, but last night they gave me an extra bag so I ate them before checking, big mistake :( 570 calories! Almost as much as my burrito bowl.
  • syringa54
    syringa54 Posts: 2 Member
    Ya, ministertom, OMG 400cals for Poptarts. Evil little F*&%$*! I
  • wrgawife
    wrgawife Posts: 61 Member
    Biscuits... Popeye's biscuits are 260 for 1 i know read lobsters has to be more that that !!! ugh!!
  • Apples. I have had some 200+ calorie apples depending on weight. I know that is not a lot of calories, but it still shocked me.

    Peanuts. Cashews. All nuts actually.

    I've decided that nuts are nothing more than a fat delivery system.

    Actually, nuts are a great, healthy snack if you measure out your portion. I'm under a doctors care and being monitored with my weight loss and she suggest I use peanuts and/or almonds as snacks to keep me full between meals. Really good healthy fats. You just can't over-do it and eat the whole jar.
  • For me, the biggest shocker was Olive Garden meals. That is by far my favorite restaurant, but most of the meals I would get were 1400-2000 cals JUST in the entree. That did not include the salad, breadsticks, and dipping sauce I would eat with it. Even the salad there is crazy high in calories due to the dressing they put on it.

    I still have it, but it's like twice a year now and only for special occasions.
  • cld111
    cld111 Posts: 300 Member
    I have another one, but going the other way. I am always happily surprised to enter in 1/2 cup of plain greek yogurt (2% fat). It seems so decadent, but yet it's only 85 calories!
  • Flavored Water! helps me drink more water but seriously! Oh and out of curiosity i looked at chupa chups lollipops 46 cal each this was a surprise as i thought it would be WAY MOre!
  • Anything at Wagamamas restaurants. If you can find any main course under 1000 cals you're doing well.

    The difference between cheap ready meals (eg chicken curry with rice) which are often 900 cals or more vs a more upmarket version at 450.

    Low fat stuff like a lot of low fat yoghurts that have 2 or 3 times the amount of cals than other low/zero fat ones.

    On the flip side I've been surprised at how much lower the cals were in some products in McDoanlds and KFC (at least in the UK) then what I was expecting. Yes I know they're still not good for you, just saying on a pure calorie level...
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    Fruits and just about everything from restaurants x.x
    It's such an eye opener to see how oversized the portions at restaurants tend to be even when they don't look like it!
    French fries from fast food also shocked me, as well as milkshakes. Needless to say, I always try to stick to salad and an occassional ice cream cone if going out xD
  • seif0068
    seif0068 Posts: 193 Member
    Same here! I was just going to post that!
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    something must've went wrong:

    Strawberries are only 32 cals per 100 grams


    use a food scale and match stuff up by weight, that 1 cup input has to be wrong
  • WannaDizzolve
    WannaDizzolve Posts: 270 Member
    Sonic's SuperSonic Double Cheeseburger with Mayo. Over 1200 Calories! That's more than a day's food.
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    Grapes! A serving of them, according to one calculation in the food database, is more than a single orange???

    Also the Safeway Value Meals.
  • Ranch chicken wings from Walmart. I thought fried wings were about 100 or so each. After I ate 4 and I put it in MFP, the total was 720 calories. Ouch!!!!!!!!
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    pasta - I was so clueless about portion sizes

    some of the fleshy fish like salmon and black cod has high fat content - but the taste is worth it imo so i just have to combo it with a low cal side

    as for junk / fast food

    CINNABON ! 1 of those has like ~ 900 calories. I would've guessed 500. I mean I know they were high cal but damn, 1 cinnabon = 3.5 donuts wtf!
  • Apple - 55 cals
    Regular Oatmeal - 100 cals
    Banana - 100 cals

    So sad , I love them all :frown:
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    I would say peanuts.
    Last week I made a vegetarian pad thai and the recipe required peanuts. When I got home and started registering the recipe, I noticed that it said that 20g = 100 cal. I measured out 20g on my scales and was shocked to see how few peanuts, like less than a third of a mouthful!
    In fact, I was damned surprised by the calorific content of a supposed healthy meal option. But, most of the calories were in the rice noodles and crushed peanut garnish.

    And the other surprise was dried cranberrries. I can't remember how many calories they contain off-hand but it was enough of a shock not to go near the open packet I've got in the refrigerator.
  • supersparklies
    supersparklies Posts: 40 Member
    I basically ate a whole DQ icecream cake and then realized each slice was about 500 calories. Oops.
  • Resa52
    Resa52 Posts: 182 Member
    For me it was the muffin that I occasionally had for breakfast. 650 calories!

    And the cheese that I usually eat 5-6 slices of at a time is 150 cal a slice. OMG!
  • Resa52
    Resa52 Posts: 182 Member
    My husband has always gotten a french silk pie from Perkins for his birthday that we demolished within 24 hours. This year we're tracking and found that EACH PIECE contains like 750 calories. Oops...