Do you eat anything after dinner?



  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    Yes, but I make sure I leave the calories for it. It's something I'd like to get out of the habit of, because it's purely boredom/munchie eating and sometimes it consumes my thoughts.

    I try to stick to a 60 cal pudding or something.

    Tonight, it's a chocolate dipped shortbread cookie though. Oops!
  • Kutchka
    Kutchka Posts: 14
    I try not to eat after dinner and was told by one weight group some years ago dont eat after 8 pm so I dont have that stuck in my head :wink: but if I am tempted because I am peckish I eat some fruit
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    carrots and pb 2
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    I eat all sorts of crazy stuff after dinner. I have done it through my entire time on MFP. I eat right up until I get in bed. I am eating right now.
  • dee__s
    dee__s Posts: 30
    Hot dogs and scrambled eggs.. oh and soup with ravioli in it. So as you can guess i did go 400 calories over today
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    i always eat right before bed. usually protein+fats.... tonight is 1/2 cup cottage cheese and 1/4 cup almonds :)
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    If I'm hungry I do. I can't sleep if I go to bed hungry so even if I don't have the calories I have a little something.
  • nashsheri33
    nashsheri33 Posts: 225 Member
    i eat something before bed, just so my blood sugar doesn't go south during the night, and i take my meds before bed with food. (i'm diabetic.) it usually involves yogurt, or fruit. maybe peanut butter and pretzels, or carrots and hummus, or Diana's Banana Babies. sometimes it's hard to budget the calories, but i usually manage to save 100-200 calories for a snack.
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    i always eat right before bed. usually protein+fats.... tonight is 1/2 cup cottage cheese and 1/4 cup almonds :)
    this chick knows what up
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    I have a bowl of cereal every night around 8 or 9.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    I absolutely have a snack before bed... ice cream, dark chocolate, cereal and milk, vitatop muffin...
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Lately, yes.
    So I started eating breakfast much later so I can eat dinner closer to bedtime.
  • North44
    North44 Posts: 359 Member
    If I'm going to have some sort of dessert it's almost always right after dinner. I very rarely eat anything close to bedtime- even when I'm not "dieting."
  • RebekahKuhl
    RebekahKuhl Posts: 16 Member
    I always eat after dinner! Usually I have 600-800 of my daily calories left just for evening snacks! Lol
  • Km0714
    Km0714 Posts: 62 Member
    yes, at around 8 or 9 i'll have some sort of snack/dessert such as unsweetened apple sauce with truvia and cinnamon, plain greek yogurt with a spoonful of chocolate whey protein, 1/4 cup of dark chocolate chocolate chips, nuts, veggies and hummus, all sorts of things!
  • GenesisandEden
    GenesisandEden Posts: 338 Member
    I have 1tbsp of natural PB just before bed.
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    I used to eat all night long, cereal with milk, toast with butter, leftovers from dinner. So now I try to limit night snacking to a smothie under 300 calories or string cheese. If I go over m calorie limit, i will go for a walk so i am not tempted.
  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    During the week, I eat dinner then work out. Afterwards, I consume a protein drink and sometimes a piece of fruit. The theory behind "don't eat after (put in time here) is necessary in order to lose weight" is a myth. The reason that others recommend not eating after dinner is that is usually when people tend to snack to excess (eat the entire bag of food instead of one serving).

    Your body burns the same amount of calories while you sleep regardless of whether your stomach is full or empty. I dont recommend drinking a lot of caffeine before bedtime as you may have difficulties falling asleep but that is due to caffeine's effect on the body and not the calories in one's stomach.
    I frequently eat a midnight snack. I can't sleep when im hungry
  • meangrl29
    meangrl29 Posts: 40 Member
    I eat a very small dinner so I can have a snack later. usually really good cheese. 1 or 2 ounces.