Is it really that bad to eat processed food??

I been eating healthy for like almost a month now.. and i am already sick of the "fresh food" lol.
I want tysons chicken fingers/french fries.. or beef shaved steak. I'm sick of the "fresh chicken from the butcher" I love beef and steak but everybody says beef isnt good for you so i limit on that.. I don't like fish/pork/or ham.. so what the heck am i suppose to eat.. I mean the french fries its like 100 cals for one serving.. the tysons chicken is kinda hefty @ 190 per 3oz which is literally like one chicken.. but like does it really matter if I just ate one chicken and one serving of the fries for dinner.. Calorie wise thats only about 290 cals. Or since its processed it won't let me lose weight?? I am scared to even buy it.. but like i said idk what to eat i am a picky eater..


  • delphineboom
    Haha I eat microwave meals everyday and I'm still alive, but I guess it's good to have a balance between fresh foods and processed foods
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    No, it doesn't matter. Just because its processed does not mean you won't lose weight.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Some processed food isn't that bad, as long as you can fit it into your macros and your calorie intake. The biggest thing with the processed foods I have found is the sodium. Sodium levels can skyrocket if you aren't careful. I eat processed foods every once in a while...for example had kraft mac and cheese last night for dinner. As long as you can fit it in then go for it, just I wouldn't make it a habit. Try to stick to the fresh stuff more often than not.
  • dallensutton
    dallensutton Posts: 11 Member
    I say go for it! As long as you keep the cals under your daily limit you will still lose weight. You just won't be getting as much nutrition from the meal (vitamins etc) and you will probably be hungry again in an hour lol.
  • JonMB
    JonMB Posts: 49 Member
    I really like the Healthy Choice meals. I'll only have them maybe once a week, but I found that they're pretty cheap, taste surprisingly good (for a frozen meal), and are lower in sodium than most other frozen meals too.

    I had this one the other day. It is my favorite so far.

  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    i have to try and eat healthy yet stay in a very very tight budget. i have to include processed foods and yet im losing weight. clean eating is nice in theory. but not realistic for me. i like my bad stuff. i just include it in my daily allowance. i will make something healthy like the chicken and may pair it up with tortellini or bagged pastas and rice. hasnt set me back at all.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I think it's best (for health, not weight loss) to have a lot of whole foods that are nutrient dense, but I also have plenty of processed stuff. It hasn't hurt my progress. For weight loss it's just about calories.

    ETA there's nothing wrong with beef. If it fits your macros and you enjoy it, then have it.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I guess it all depends on your goals. Only you can decide that.
  • LindseyAlyssa
    Processed food has additional chemicals and is typically rather high in sodium (which will make you retain water).
    I don't feel it's bad if you check the ingredients and nutritional facts, but it IS bad when you don't pay attention and just eat because you want to. I still work with some processed foods, but I make sure it fits into my dietary needs.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    no... however if your diet is entirely nutrient void or you over eat on calories then yes it is that bad.
  • katrinajMiles
    katrinajMiles Posts: 71 Member
    I think at the end of the day as long as it's in moderation. If you really want this food that bad then have it as a treat once a week. Also maybe try researching recipes to make non processed food more appealing.
  • jemhologram
    My goal for this year is to lead a more balanced, healthy lifestyle. For me clean eating is not realistic as i love my "bad" foods so for me i am concentrating on adding more whole foods and healthier foods and cutting down on the unhealthy foods. I cant cut them out completely so i am just eating them less and more in balance with other foods. I have noticed a difference in my moods and energy levels by cutting down on processed foods.
  • kaylinn9
    kaylinn9 Posts: 112
    Of course processed foods aren't the healthiest alternative, but that doesn't mean you have to cut it out of your diet cold turkey. Depending on what type of processed food you're referring to, some of them aren't even that bad.

    But just beware of hydrogenated oils - those are the fancy nicknames of trans fats. Even if the nutrition labels say that transfats are 0g, there are still very small amounts of trans fats in those hydrogenated oils. (Which, if you didn't know, trans fats are man-made fats that are THE HARDEST to burn off).

    Gluten, I've heard, has horrible effects on your digestive system - a friend of mine suffered constipation because of his over-intake on gluten. Just beware of these types of ingredients and you should be fine.

    A change in diet is difficult, but it can ultimately help you lose weight without even working hard.
  • Courtney24891
    no... however if your diet is entirely nutrient void or you over eat on calories then yes it is that bad.

    I actually try to stay in the 900 calories range.. I was doing 1200 for 2 weeks and didnt lose anything and went to 900 and the next week i lost 4.. so I don't go over ever. I am just sick of eating baked chicken and veggies all the time. But i don't wanna buy processed food and have that effect my weighloss.
  • Courtney24891
    I really like the Healthy Choice meals. I'll only have them maybe once a week, but I found that they're pretty cheap, taste surprisingly good (for a frozen meal), and are lower in sodium than most other frozen meals too.

    I had this one the other day. It is my favorite so far.


    I actually tried 2 of the healthy choices the other day.. And they were pretty gross tasting. lol i had gotten chicken and sweet potatoes/and turkey w/mashed
  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    If you are sick of "fresh food" then you may not be preparing them to their ultimate potential.

    If you like breaded chicken then buy some cutlets and bread them!

    Or just eat the Tysons....I find that having some packaged food on hand (veggie burgers, fake chicken nuggets, frozen lasagna) can prevent me from making terrible choices when I'm too tired to cook. Something quick can mean the difference between eating a healthy dinner and snacking on the entire contents of my pantry..haha
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    If all you care about is losing weight, then go ahead and eat a pountine every day, just don't go over your macros.

    If you care about optimum health and being fit and healthy for the rest of your life - don't eat the garbage. Beef occasionally isn't bad - if it's fresh and came from the butchers. I.e. it didn't come out of a box in the frozen section of the grocery store.
  • moonsforeyes
    Honestly? Weight loss is calories in, calories out. Just make sure you are logging and eating your allotted calories and in your macros and you will lose weight. Just keep in mind that a lot of the processed food will not have the nutritional value fresh and "healthier," foods have so make sure you are getting your required nutrition and you should be fine!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I'm with the others. I eat my fair share of microwave meals, have even tried a hamburger helper! I just look at the sodium intake. Sometimes I am over, one day I was way way over. If that is the only way you can lose weight and ENJOY your foods then go for it
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    In moderation, it's fine. Even some cheese wiz on whole wheat or grain toast for a treat would be fine. as long as most of what you eat or drink is healthy, you should be fine.