Girls- do you fluctuate?

Hey ladies

I'm looking for input-- do you find that your weight fluctuates sometimes? If so, by home much? I weigh myself every morning and, for the most part, it's pretty consistent, with about a half pound (roughly) of weight loss per week. I can tell when I've slacked, and I can usually tell when I've put in extra effort.

Today, though, I was seriously bummed when I stepped on the scale and found I had gained back the 2 pounds I'd lost this month. I worked out the last two days and I stayed under my 1200 calorie (net) goal, so there's nothing there that would point to a two pound gain. I'm hoping it's maybe a hormonal, female thing and that it will leave as fast as it appeared. :-)



  • momjmd
    momjmd Posts: 296 Member
    I do-- I hold a lot of water so it varies a lot.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    while you are right women do tend to hold more water than guys, i can speak for myself my weight can fluctuate close to 5 lbs in a day.

    if youre going to weight yourself and do so on a schedule i would suggest pick a time and stick to it
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Yes, you're supposed to fluctuate. You should be fluctuating small amounts daily, becuase you are a human being and not a machine. But especially the days leading up to your period or the first days of your period, you will almost certainly gain between 2 and 5 pounds. That's just water retention related to having your period. It's 100% normal and does have anything to do with actually gaining weight. Don't let it throw you off.
  • Alexc2013
    Alexc2013 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I fluctuate also ... anywhere from 2-3 pounds. It depends on whether I've had salty foods. I'm sure those pounds will drop again in no time :smile:
  • kaylinn9
    kaylinn9 Posts: 112
    Make sure you weigh yourself at the same time of the day. If you weighed yourself in the morning, weigh yourself in the morning again. At night, your weight is going to fluctuate by 2 pounds.

    Also, pay attention to the clothes you're wearing when you step on the scale. You should either wear the same/similar clothes every time you step on the scale or you should just go stark naked (which a lot of people have suggested me to do).

    Don't worry about slight fluctuations - it's the overall tone of your body that matters in the long run.
    Plus, you have to give this 3-6 weeks before judging your diet plans!
  • thinkcrystal
    thinkcrystal Posts: 48 Member
    Options is really frustrating. I started this road to a healthier me at 169lbs and i weighed myself every morning. It was motivation for me to see the weight come off. I finally stepped on the scale at 160... I was like its really working!!! however for the past 3 weeks i have been moving like WTH!!!!! My husband says i need to stay off the scale and maybe stick to once a week weigh ins but i just feel like im not getting any where any i completely know how you feel!!! :sad:
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    i weigh myself every morning and at night. usually in the evening im about 3-4 pounds heavier than in the morning. I only weigh in on Wednesday mornings. throughout the week, i fluctuate between 2-3 pounds. i think its normal.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Your probably ovulating or about to get your period.
  • mdigiac
    mdigiac Posts: 34
    I get very nervous before stepping on the scale, even if I know there should be a loss. I know once a week is the way to go, but sometimes I want to check in between weigh ins. This, for me is dangerous. Weight does fluctuate and it can be depressing when the numbers move the wrong way!
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    I fluctuate between 2-6 pounds daily. Over the course of three days this week, been between 2-3lbs average fluctuation.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i hope no one typos a A for the U
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    My weight fluctuates up to 3 lbs. I can usually tell when it's going to be up based on exercise, sodium and time of month. I'm maintaining, so I'm just happy if I fall somewhere in the 129-132 range.
  • mdearmond
    mdearmond Posts: 76 Member
    i fluctuate like crazy. and oddly it seems to follow no sort of pattern at all. some days i'll weigh more in the morning than later, some days i weigh 3 or 4 pounds more in the morning than i do after a whole day full of eating and drinking. i just give myself a 5 pound range to kind of go off of and as long as i stay somewhere within it whenever i weigh i consider it maintaining, which is my goal for the time being.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    And, since no one's said it in the earlier posts.... constipation can also be a factor sometimes.

    I use the 3 day rule. If I haven't seen a consistent change for 3 weigh ins, it isn't real.
  • kimberlyshian
    I have been weighing daily too and am thinking about cutting back to once a week so I wont drive myself crazy too!!