Depressed..Please Give Me Adivce

MyFitnessPal totaly worked for me, but one day I lost control, I was never able to start dieting again because it's just too hard. I really do feel depressed and embarassed because I gained all my weight back. Someone please give me some advice. Thank You


  • Hi! You are definitely not alone! :) I have done this so many times.
    Something I had to realize is that it's not "dieting". You cannot just diet and expect to lose weight.
    It is a whole lifestyle change. Exercise every day. Rest a couple days but still eat healthy. Remember its okay to eat out once in a while. Its not bad to slip up now and then. Its okay to be lazy some days. But you cant give up. :) Just keep going! It's hard but hey, 1 pound is still progress.
  • jenndymond
    jenndymond Posts: 117 Member
    A little tough love. Put on your big girl pants and get back on the horse. You will only suceed if you want to.

    Excercise is also good for depression.
  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
    Definitely true that exercise helps depression. I have struggled with that myself and getting in a normal exercise routine always remedies it. Just make it a habit. Once you're back in the routine it's hard to live without, and once you stop eating crap it doesn't seem nearly as appealing. Of course you'll still crave some bad stuff, but it's okay to cheat now and again.
  • Just take it 1 day at a time.. Slow a steady win the race.. :smile:
  • terijoestoes
    terijoestoes Posts: 205 Member
    What is it about trying to lose weight that we best ourselves up so bad. We were bad or we ate bad foods or whatever. Must get out of that mindset. This is a new life commit to it. No one has to know you stopped and then started unless you tell them. If you live in a part of the country that is cloudy. Do some research about Vit d. The sunshine vitamin. It really helps with depression. So does exercise
  • nicsalt
    nicsalt Posts: 86 Member
    Take it one day at a time. Just logging in and asking for support is a step in the right direction. Good luck.
  • cboutin89
    cboutin89 Posts: 79 Member
    Remind yourself of the reasons you wanted to change and find something you really enjoy(physically) to get you right back up.
  • katz41
    katz41 Posts: 22 Member
    definitely agree re exercise, it needs to be regular, raise your heart rate and be part of your routine; and it most certainly helps with depression...swimming is my favourite, it exercises all the muscle groups and easier on your knees than running!!
    walking is one of the finest exercises too and cheapest!!
    healthy diet as in balanced meals, regular meal times and definitely no junk food!!:smile:
    good luck, ps we all have a splurge now and then, just make sure its occasional and not every day!!
  • jkmiller82
    jkmiller82 Posts: 214 Member
    Someone in another forum once said something that made so much sense to me. They said: No one ever drops their cell phone and then says, "Well, I dropped my phone, I might as well kick it the rest of the way down the street"

    It's the same way with dieting. One bad day will not spoil your diet. If you eat a burger and fries then take a walk around the block and say "Tomorrow's a new day to make healthy choices."

    Also, don't deny yourself anything. If I ever try to live off of only fruits and vegetables I will eventually binge. It is something I know about myself. So I buy cookies and macaroni and cheese and all the things I love and I eat them in MODERATION. Moderation is the name of the weight loss game.

    If you still feel starving at the end of the day, think about changing your weight loss goals to a lower number, like one pound a week instead of 2. Your health is not a race.

    Just keep in mind that it's not one size fits all with weight loss and you may have to play around for a while before you find your stride, but when you do you'll be happier and healthier than ever.

    Last tip: Check out this website: When you want to eat something "bad" find a recipe from this site that resembles the craving and have a guilt-free dinner.

    You can do this!
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I find when I mess up, the very next meal (not the next day, week, etc.) is the most crucial meal. I would rather have a few bumps in the road than a derailment that ends my progress.

    It's all about health. Treat your body right, and it will eventually reward your efforts. Best of luck.
  • Candro
    Candro Posts: 11 Member
    Hi - everyone has fallen off the horse. You are not alone! I have many times. In thinking back, I believe I've sabotaged myself when I lose a few pounds. I had to really think through that part. This time i am being conscious to keep going and not give up. It is working!

    I promise you -- just take a step. Once you take action, it gives you a sense of accomplishment to keep going. Research your health issues and give yourself what you need (supplements, counseling, fresh/healthy food, a support system). Be kind to yourself! Keep in touch here or with friends to encourage you. Hope you feel better.
  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member
    There's no high score for dieting. You're gonna have bad days. That's how we all got here in the first place. But you get up and do better the next day. Even if it's just 3 twinkies instead of 7. The you do better the day after that. Many of us have messed up relationships with food. But don't let fuel rule your life. YOU CAN DO THIS.

    It ain't gonna be easy. It ain't gonna be perfect. Some days ain't gonna be pretty.

    But you are strong, you are beautiful, and you are worthwhile.
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    Many of us have been there, done that. It's hard to shake off that feeling of failure. But remember this: you don't have to be perfect, just persistent! In fact, that's true about a lot of things in life. Being persistent is easier to do than being perfect.

    Come on, you can do it!:flowerforyou:
  • Hello! My doctor gave me some good advice in relation to depression/food/beating myself up about bad choices. She said to acknowledge the slip up and move on with a positive attitude, don't put so much energy into feeling guilty. Take one meal at a time and just keep moving forwards, don't dwell too much on past negativity :) You have a whole web community for support too so yay! We have the rest of our lives to practice eating healthy ~
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    Hello! My doctor gave me some good advice in relation to depression/food/beating myself up about bad choices. She said to acknowledge the slip up and move on with a positive attitude, don't put so much energy into feeling guilty. Take one meal at a time and just keep moving forwards, don't dwell too much on past negativity :) You have a whole web community for support too so yay! We have the rest of our lives to practice eating healthy ~

    I would agree with all of the people who have responded to your request!! We are all just like you in that we overeat and struggle to lose weight. This doctor's advice is right on for someone who feels so bad about overeating that he or she stops trying. I am just like that, too. It is my friends on here who have made me stop judging myself so harshly and gotten me to keep logging my food and eating well to the best of my ability one day at a time. Take a good look at what you have been doing and be analytical - not emotional - as you observe it. Now move forward and leave it behind!!! Come on back! Get some friends and open up your diary. Encourage others. If you overeat, log it, analyze it, and get back on track. Search the forums for topics that interest you and find like minded people. Add more friends. Repeat as needed. Smile:happy:
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    And not for nothing, but there are professionals out there who can help. You may need help with the things you set up as barriers to your own success. That's not a bad thing, it's a fairly normal thing. I was never able to deal with binging until I worked with a therapist. And right now, I expect to work with a therapist when I lose more weight because I know there are traps set for me and I don't plan to walk into them this time. I'm really happy with exercise and a new way of eating and I don't want to lose those good habits, so I'll do whatever it takes, including swallowing my pride and asking for help.

    Many insurance plans will help with the cost. And many therapists will work with you to help you afford care. And if that's really not possible, try to find a support group in addition to the support you'll find here.
  • welven
    welven Posts: 2 Member
    First, know that you are not along. I can relate to how you feel because I've been there and done that.

    When I get off course, I just start again knowing that....

    - Everyday is a new day that God has given us
    - I need to keep focused on the goal
    - I need to work at stopping the distractions from derailing me
    - I need to stay on my course, and
    - When I find myself in the rough (where I think you are now), I need to make it a short stay!

    Best wishes for you in getting back at it. Don't think of it as a diet, but rather make life style changes that you can live with for the rest of your life. Find an exercise that you enjoy doing and do it consistently. Enjoy the journey and the memories you make along the way.