Increased exercise, yet weight loss has slowed

Good afternoon all,

I'm Darren. I have a slight... Worry, that I was hoping someone on this forum could help/advise me on

Here's my story (so far)

I started losing weight at the end of August, using the WW pro points system. I did not join them, I simply found out my own points and purchased the books. It has worked very well for me. I started at (I wouldn't tell anyone my weight, had I not lost any) 20 stone and am now down to (as of yesterdays weigh in) 16 stone 11 1/2 lbs. I really am pleased to have lost that amount since the end of August, as I never thought it would be so simple, or that I would feel so good and look so different. I'm not hugely fat, as I'm large built (this isn't an excuse... Most 20 stone people actually look 20 stone) When I weighed 19 stone something at the age of 16, a Dr. had me re-weighed because he didn't think it was right. So ner

I work part time (Thurs-Sat) so on Mon-Wed I never had a reason to get up early and do something, but just before Christmas I started working with my dad on those days, so was working 6 days a week. I know this helped my weight loss, but one week after new years this work stopped. I did not want to go back to sitting around for most of the 3 days, with not much to do, so I decided to start walking. I lost 2 1/2lbs for the following two weeks. I was walking 5.8 miles 2/3 times a week as well as walking home from work once (7.5 miles) and to and from my nans and local town (say another 6 miles) So I had gone from not much walking/exercise to quite a bit.

Now comes my worry. When I weighed myself yesterday, I was quite saddened to find I had only lost 1lb. I know this is recommended and many would be happy with that, but with my recent drop in Pro Points and increase in exercise, I was expecting more. At least another 2 1/2lbs. So what I would like to know is, although I may still be losing more fat due to the amount of walking (I walk roughly 4mph and take big strides) I have started doing, am I building muscle in my legs? Ergo the weight loss decrease, but muscle increase.

I'm hoping an expert of sorts will be able to tell me that is the case.

Thank Y'all :)


  • pnut456
    pnut456 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Darren,
    Have you ever taken your measurements? You could very possibly be building muscle as you mentioned with all the walking you are doing but really would know unless you are taking measurements and monitoring your body fat percentage. I would take your measurements and check back in a month and see where you are at. If you weigh roughly the same but your measurements have gone down then you are increasing your lean muscle mass. Congrats on all the weight loss and good luck!!!!!
  • DBillyBob
    Thanks Pnut :) I think it would be wise to take measurements and keep an eye on it. I have a tailors tape somewhere... I hope you get to reach your goals too.