Am i a freak????

Is it normal to feel guilty about not excersizing? I usually do a fitness dvd when i get home from work, today i wont be able to because i am getting a spray tan straight from work (going to a wedding over the weekend). And i wont be excersizing over the weekend because i'm going away with my boyfriend who i havent seen in 5 weeks, going to the gym really is the last thing on my mind right now, i'm too excited! but why do i feel so guilty about not excersizing for one or 2 days? I hate feeling like this i'm becoming obsessed and its unhealthy :-( I know in my head its ok not to exzcersize compulsivley every day and taking a few days off wont hurt me i'll get straight back on it, but i cant help thinking its going to affect my weight loss journey!


  • scjl132
    scjl132 Posts: 85 Member
    This is the time to remember it's a journey and you're taking a little side trip. Life happens and you have to give yourself permission to take some time off. The important thing is to resume your workouts after you get through your weekend. Enjoy your weekend!
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    spray tan... workout... spray tan... workout...

    I don't get it. You're choosing a skin color over fitness? I think it's perfectly reasonable to feel funny about that.

    Go for a jog with the bf. Workout, plus opportunity of post-run showering together fun.

    I don't see the issue?
  • ruthieg10
    ruthieg10 Posts: 18 Member
    I don't get it. You're choosing a skin color over fitness? I think it's perfectly reasonable to feel funny about that.

    I don't see the issue?

    I dont want to look like Casper in my Wedding outfit!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    if you usually exercise regularly, and you're taking a few days off, the rest will probably do you a lot of good as your body will use that time for growth and repair. Eat right and you'll probably find when you work out again that your strength and/or stamina has improved a little.
  • ruthieg10
    ruthieg10 Posts: 18 Member
    This is the time to remember it's a journey and you're taking a little side trip. Life happens and you have to give yourself permission to take some time off. The important thing is to resume your workouts after you get through your weekend. Enjoy your weekend!

    Thanks ;-) i do know this deep down, but it always helps to get it reaffirmed!
  • prettyhazelr
    I feel guilty when I don't either. But since its only one or two days, just get back on it as soon as possible and if you have time, workout a little longer since you missed the last two days.
  • Kellyeee2013
    I do the same thing. I even planned out which four days I COULD go this week. I did two of them... and now cannot go for the third because of time and something unexpected came up (job interview early in the morning) but I will be able to go for my 4th day. Anyway, I obsess about it too. It is that feeling of "not doing anything" to help with weight loss... especially since I seem to mess up my eating everyday even if by only a few cals. The gym gives that feeling of "YEAH! I did it, and no one can mess it up or take it away, cause it's been done!"

    Be easy on yourself and get there when you can. Do longer harder workouts when you do have the extra time. That is what I started doing.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    It's a journey, and real life happens. So you take a few days off. No big deal. Consider it practice for when you hit your goal weight and something happens to cause you to take days off of exercising. Let's say worst comes to worst and you gain 3 lbs (totally hypothetical number, by the way). It's OK. Shake it off. Start again!

    Have fun with your boyfriend, enjoy your spray tan. Take your time off, enjoy the wedding!

    Edited cuz I didn't initially read the part about the wedding :-D
  • KelBelz22
    KelBelz22 Posts: 95 Member
    If you can't make it to the gym, try doing little things around the house like squats, push ups, anything to get your body moving. I understand about the wedding and how that would be exciting but even running up and down the stairs a few times will get your blood pumping.

    Hope this helps
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    5 weeks? I have a feeling you will get enough exercise this weekend. Relax while you can.
    And i wont be excersizing over the weekend because i'm going away with my boyfriend who i havent seen in 5 weeks,
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    Uhm, just a wild guess, but I'm thinking if you are going away with the BF whom you have not seen in 5 weeks, "exercise" will not be skipped all together this weekend..... Have fun and don't worry about it!! As others have said, it's journey and that includes little side trips! Just get back to your routine on Monday or Tuesday.
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    Skipping structured workout for time with boyfriend = a good choice.

    Skipping structured workout for a spray tan = uh, maybe not. such a god choice.
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    I dont want to look like Casper in my Wedding outfit!

    Ah... Any time I'm feeling a little too pale, I just think of Audrey Hepburn. Gorgeous, but not blessed with much melanin. I figure if she can rock her paleness to Epic Cultural Icon status, I can handle a little seasonal paleness.

    Seriously, though, no matter how differently I'd chose (it's not about me!!), if it's a one-off, you're totally fine. If you find more excuses next weekend, and the next... you're breaking your awesome new habit and might want to re-evaluate your priorities (which change sometimes, that's OK). Just stay honest and true to yourself, and you can't go wrong.