What is the number one thing that catches your eye?



  • wannabtight
    wannabtight Posts: 187 Member
    ( . Y . )
    lol never seen that before.
  • A guy who is respectful and sweet. He cares about you and your passions. He wants to be with you. He does random cute stuff to surprise you and make you smile. When guys go to the gym and into music.
  • sexy eyes and a pretty smile!
  • Erykah3584
    Erykah3584 Posts: 324 Member
    For me, its the way a guy dresses. If hes wearing baggy clothes and looks sloppy, I look away! Men need to learn about fitment these days. :grumble: So glad my hubby knows how to dress!
  • Maribel_1986
    Maribel_1986 Posts: 457 Member
    Nice skin and a bright smile! Also, I love guys with goatees :wink:
  • sclarktiw
    sclarktiw Posts: 217
    I get moist whenever I see my hubby vacuuming...

    Goes and grabs a vacuum...
  • mbreed75
    mbreed75 Posts: 125 Member
    Just supporting men in Uniform. Me in my prime.

  • sclarktiw
    sclarktiw Posts: 217
    1-For me it is a positive/optimistic attitude

    Number one is definately a deal maker, 2 & 3 are bonuses and if you have number one the rest just fall into place.
  • MommiLauren
    MommiLauren Posts: 323 Member
    For me personally, if I see him being great with kids, then I'm a goner. Also manners are big for me. Open a door for a lady, even if it's not me and I know you were raised right. When it comes down to it, how you treat me means so much more than how you look.

    yes! this! and also when i see a man in uniform, and tattoos i love tattoos =)
  • drkuhl2017
    drkuhl2017 Posts: 181 Member
    Physical: eyes and smile

    Being a gentleman and being good with kids
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    What is the number one thing the opposite sex can do to catch your eye?

    I would say eyes and smiles are a tie physically. A woman in a 'power' position at work is sexy. And then, a great sense of humor is always yummy.
  • Vincentsz
    Vincentsz Posts: 407 Member
    (Physically )Thick legs and *kitten*! Get's me every time!

    Hey you asked.

    PS I'm Still a Guy!

    (Personality) A sense of humor!
  • sclarktiw
    sclarktiw Posts: 217
    I also really like a man in uniform. I'm not going to lie. I can't help it. ;)

    Really? what is it about us in uniform?

    Authority maybe?
    Most men in uniform are physcially fit and sure of themselves.
    Most, but not all.
    It also means he stands for something, has a job and isn't a pansy.
    All good things.

    Besides my regular 7am to 6 pm job, I am a 24/7 OC FIREMAN! (and I do it because I want to!)
    I am tall! (6'1")
  • ACepero79
    ACepero79 Posts: 711 Member
    Eyebrows makes sense, but I don't understand the elbow and boob one?

    There is a correlation between the elbow and the physicality of the boob - including areola and nipple size. Its one of the reasons why I always carry a tape measure with me.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    Sense of humor above all else.

    This!! Make me laugh and I'm your forever :)

    Knock Knock...

    Let me get my robe!!........... Ok, who's there? :)
  • Nice toned arms, long eyelashes, and tattoos. ;)
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    well shaped breasts and lean tan legs. Good hair.

    oh, a halfway decent personality I guess. i dont care much.
  • hickorycutie
    hickorycutie Posts: 210 Member
    chunky guys with a sweet smile and a goatee
  • browneyedbeaute
    browneyedbeaute Posts: 172 Member
  • well shaped breasts and lean tan legs. Good hair.

    oh, a halfway decent personality I guess. i dont care much.

    SO WRONG!!! lol