your opinion please!!!!!!

okay this may the wrong place to put this but the more opinion the better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm wondering if it is cheating to put food shopping as "walking slow 2.0 mph" wrong or not for exercise????????

walking up and down those alse have to count for something RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

not to say anything about standing in check out........................


  • AngieD2203
    AngieD2203 Posts: 53 Member
    You put in anything you like, but if you have to ask I think you know the answer, I'm not sure it's cheating exactly but if you think it is, you're only cheating yourself......
  • Vlly4life15
    Vlly4life15 Posts: 248 Member
    I personally dont count exercises because I feel like it really allows me to splurge on my diet that is just me
  • tartsul
    tartsul Posts: 298 Member
    i normally just log things like this if i spend 4 hours walking around ikea and the outlet mall... but i don't list all 4 hours as walking since i definitely spend time in the fitting room while i'm there. i might log 1 hour, to be conservative and help me not go over, since i'm not sure.
    you could get like a fit bit or something to help you know for sure what your activity is actually accomplishing.
  • LindaLeeL
    I don't count on exercise for extra calories ! I exercise to work back to a healthier me. I quit smoking a year ago (40 yrs + smoker) and have COPD. I started walking back in December and am improving very slowly.

    It all comes down to what works for you! :))
  • ladyfingers73
    ladyfingers73 Posts: 80 Member
    How long does it take you shop? If your in there for a hour you could log 30 minutes. That's up to you obviously, but to me that's just normal everyday activity. Although I don't grocery shop every day ;)
    I do walk my kids into school everyday and it takes me about 8 minutes from car to the classroom, i've thought about logging it, but figure it really doesn't cause me too sweat. I have to at least "breath heavy" to make it count. ;) ha! And no, I don't log THAT either.
  • kazzabel
    I only log the exercise I do outside of my normal routine, walking about & shopping I dont log for me

    I do log my cycle to work but not the walk I do to school first pushing my bike and I dont log the time I am doing cub scouts (which is normally quite active)

    I think it depends on how active you normally are and if you do anything thats out side of what you do normally or makes you sweat log it (I big shopping expadition might count in that)

    I belive its a personal thing and you need to find what works for you
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    If it moves it burns Calories. If it burns Calories then it counts. Depends how much youn eed the deficit
  • suzysweetpea
    suzysweetpea Posts: 25 Member
    I usually dont count small things like shopping, or cleaning house, because I usually do a workout on the Elliptical, but with that said, if your moving, I would say your burning something, it all counts in my book..:)
  • findingmyfit
    If you're in there a while then sure. I know I count my walking in even if I'm walking 5 min each way to the store. It really does add up. :)
  • MyfavoriteMe
    MyfavoriteMe Posts: 14 Member
    You put in anything you like, but if you have to ask I think you know the answer, I'm not sure it's cheating exactly but if you think it is, you're only cheating yourself......


    You can count off whatever you want to, but if you're eating extra calories to match you walking through a store? Your results won't lie.
  • karakreature
    karakreature Posts: 79 Member
    I log when I go to the store. I usually log 30 mins for every hour I'm there just because I'm not walking the entire time. Some people log cleaning as exercise or other daily activities, it's really what you feel comfortable with. Beyond shopping, I don't log any other daily activities unless I'm actually working out. Don't want to end up over eating. Good luck and feel free to add if you need some support.
  • PinkLinda
    PinkLinda Posts: 16 Member
    for some starting out....that walking through the grocery store may be the most 'excercise' they have during the day. i don't record my excercise on mfp as im still in losing weight instead of maintenance. i use separate program on my phone to track my excercise as i'm doing tri training. for me personally, the only time i would say the walking through the stores is when if i didn't do my normal workout cause i spent entire day walking all over creation for event/etc. I think you answered your own question when you asked the question.
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    I dont log those extra walking in the store, walking to my car ( i have 10 minute walk to and from my car at work) . I just let them be. but I am really active in the gym.

    I have however spent the day at a fair, or outdor event and I used the map my run app on my phone to track how long I walked over the course of a few hours.
  • pinky_pinkster
    pinky_pinkster Posts: 56 Member
    I think it only counts if you do 30 mins or more :wink:
  • kitkatkate77
    I only log the exercise I do outside of my normal routine, walking about & shopping I dont log for me
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    I am always shattered after shopping especially leaning in the trolly an getti g the food out hahah that's a workout itself x log it x
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    okay this may the wrong place to put this but the more opinion the better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i'm wondering if it is cheating to put food shopping as "walking slow 2.0 mph" wrong or not for exercise????????

    walking up and down those alse have to count for something RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    not to say anything about standing in check out........................
    i would not count it if

    1. This is a daily or several times a week chore.
    2. and if you do more walking than stopping and strolling....

    that is my 2 cents worth
  • mattack
    mattack Posts: 137 Member
    Sounds like cheating to me.
    Thats for sure accounted for in your daily calorie burn!
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    Exercising means achieving a maximum target heart rate. To some, male 50 years old MTR of 139 for 60 minutes might be too extreme. I personally think you are cheating yourself if you have to enter calories burned during shopping at the grocery store. My $0.02
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    Sounds like cheating to me. I only count something as excersize if it is only intended as excersize. I dont count "cleaning the house, walking the dog (even though this should be counted), grocery shopping, walking at work. Those are part of daily activities and living. Just my opinion.