This is so frustrating.

zombiegirl29 Posts: 4
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I'm eighteen and living at home with my parents, who have control of what food
is bought and brought into the house for the most part.
It's difficult to eat healthier when literally all they buy is stuff like Spam, Doritos,
cookies, and pizza. Yeah that stuff is yummy, but it won't benefit me. >.<

Anyone else have this frustration?


  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    I went through the same thing when I was your age. I talked to them about what I was trying to achieve and went to the store with them to help pick things out. Is there any way you can talk to them? They might be supportive of your efforts to change your eating habits. You certainly won't be able to fix their's. They have to do that on their own.

    Do you have a job? If you don't, then talk to them about foods that you want to eat.
  • wb2glp
    wb2glp Posts: 5
    Ask to tag along on their next trip to Piggly Wiggly and help them make better choices. Be nice about it and explain what you are doing.
  • crazyjkgirl
    crazyjkgirl Posts: 123 Member
    I guess I can relate to your frustration. Possible solutions would be to finance some of your own groceries. Or maybe your parents will be receptive towards suggestions but be careful how you approach this!

    Of course, portion control is key along with exercise perhaps even more so for you than someone who has true control over the food available to them.
  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    You're 18, why not get a job and buy your own food?
  • lynzt16
    lynzt16 Posts: 48
    I have the same problem!!!! My mom is ok with eating, but my dad has horrible eating habits! When i was moved out of my house for university, i lost 15 lbs because i got to shop for myself; i could have fat free mayo, and skim milk, and choose foods that i wanted to eat. I find if i do my own grocery shopping i have a much better will power NOT to buy the crappy junk food, but if someone else buys it and brings it home...i have very LITTEL willpower.
    Since i have started logging my calories on here, i find i have less of a problem, because this is the other half of my will power! Just keep loggin your cal's on here and try shopping for yourself or even ask your parents or write down on the "shopping list" the items you would like.
  • minnesota
    minnesota Posts: 204 Member
    I would suggest you talk to your parents about how important this is to you and they should be supportive on something so big as your health and well being. People just don't seem to take their health seriously enough. Explain to your parents it would a great thing as a family to live a healthy lifestyle to ensure not only your future, but their's also and if that is something they don't care about or don't want to change they really need to sit down and think about what is important in life and I believe HEALTH is number one.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Spam? Seriously? Gross!
  • peart47
    peart47 Posts: 25 Member
    Maybe suggest that you would like to cook them a meal (healthy of course though they don't have to know that) and ask them if they will pick up the ingredients or see if you can go with them. There are some great recipes on and they all have nutritional info with them. Hang in there kid! Keep logging your cals and exercising, YOU'RE DOING GREAT!!!
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    I am going to reiterate what some of the others on here have said. Have you spoken with them about what you would like to have in the house for you? Also, going shopping with your mom might help... you could suggest things that you would like to eat. Also, if you work you could always buy some things for yourself that you would like to have. I know that it is hard to eat healthy when there is all the junk food laying around so the best be might be to talk with your mom about buying things that are healthier for you.

    Good luck!!!!
  • fat2thin15
    fat2thin15 Posts: 1
    I KNOW what u mean. im 19 and live at home too with parents that just want to buy bad things !!! since i have a job though i buy healthy things once in a while thAt way i dont eat the pizza ! lol i love the 100 calorie popcorn ...fav snack ! try buying ur own things if u can ,.,otherwise just keep ur self bussy and dont eat it unless ur hungry,,and in moderation if u end up eating the pizza :)
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Nobody in my house eats healthy except me. I'd just ask them to buy some fruit and vegetables for you to snack on. I am constantly tempted by pizza and chips at my house but I make sure I have healthy snacks and that I don't let myself get too hungry. This has worked well for me.
  • popplylily
    popplylily Posts: 97
    i totally understand... my parents were just not buying food-lol how long till you can move out? sounds like way too much temtation, or a very serious talk with them about supporting you and adjusting so its not so hard on you
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I went through that the first time I tried eating healthier. I was 16. I told my Mom I really needed her to buy me some healthy food that I could make lunches from and healthier I had her buy me: chicken breast, frozen greens, some pretzels, zone bars, and slim jim beef jerky. If my parents got ice cream, I requested sherbet. It lasted me a long time because only I was eating it and I didn't eat it as often as they ate their ice cream but I had a healthier alternative.
  • mythicals
    mythicals Posts: 70
    Go grocery shopping with them and help choose healthier foods.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    As a mother, if my daughter asked me to purchase healthier food for her I would be so impressed and completely devoted to helping her. Not knowing your relationship with your parents, the common sense approach would be for you to go to your mom and/or dad and say "I want to eat healthier and take better care of myself and I would like your support. I specifically would appreciate it if you would help me by purchasing .....(fresh fruits, vegetables that I like, frozen low calorie, low sodium items...????) fill in the blank based on your healthy eating plan. I am assuming your goal is not for them to change their eating habits, but just to provide for your improved eating habits. Hopefully your determination to eat better will have a positive influence on them in the long run though! I encourage you to speak kindly to your parents about this and I am prayerful they will be receptive and supportive!!!!!
  • The same holds true for every mom or dad trying to shed some excess.

    I know several parents who have kids and therefore "kid food" in the house.

    It makes it that much more difficult to have will power with all those goodies around.

    We can do it!
  • popplylily
    popplylily Posts: 97
    i went MENTAL when i left home lol... all that loan money and my first self trip to the supermarket i mean yummm!!
    everything pop tarts you name it...
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