Any other non water drinkers out there?



  • keelz2010
    keelz2010 Posts: 182
    Try caffeine free fruit teas instead, or green tea. I'm currently loving Twinings Blackcurrant, Vanilla and Ginseng fusion, it's nice and you can drink it hot or chilled. I don't really like water, especially when it's cold. I tend to add blackcurrant or orange squash to it instead.
  • rsmblue
    rsmblue Posts: 353 Member
    Vitamin Zero Water is GREAT!!!
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member

    LOL. It's not dangerous per se...
    That's why I laugh at people who say "only pure water counts". Distilled is pure water.
    We need the minerals from tap/spring/bottled water.

    Distilled water is actually boiled until it evaporates. The vapor is condensed back into liquid form. The distillation process robs the water of all minerals and impurities. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, carbon dioxide in the air dissolves in distilled water which makes its pH acidic - usually between five and six tenths and seven. To neutralize distilled water, they suggest adding 1/8 teaspoon baking soda or a drop of ammonia. Some believe that drinking water that has an acidic pH is dangerous to your health.
    Better be careful with that wine that is between pH 3-5 then I guess. There are strong acids and weak acids.
    That is why I said it isn't dangerous "per se" , in and of itself and I laugh when people say they need to drink "pure" water. We need the minerals in our tap water or from a pure mountain spring, or good beer.

    and soda is made from distilled water, too. but when people believe they are to drink copious amounts of water every day, and they then decide to fill that need with distilled water, it is asking for health problems long-term. no one is out there drinking that much wine. well, at least, no one looking to lose weight and be healthy, I would imagine.
  • I've always been terrible at getting my glasses of water in each day. However, this past summer we had an extended stay in Taos, NM and I was so worried about altitude sickness that I was trying to do better. Our host would leave us artisan goodies and a pitcher of cold water infused with fresh mint and other herbs from his garden. My husband, teenagers, and I went through pitcherfuls daily. There was definitely something about drinking the "fancy" water from an beautiful antique pitcher, out of large wine glasses, that made it go down so much sweeter :)
  • Dudes, water has no "taste" ... seriously. It's. water.

    Water does have a taste because of the various mineral content.

    I personally don't mind the taste of water that much, but I would much prefer the taste of a diet fizzy drink or coffee.
  • hvan01
    hvan01 Posts: 5
    I hate water plain. I use the 10 calorie flavored packets everyday.
    I love the Great Value energy ones.
  • Coors light.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    crystal light is good and now they have one with caffeine.......
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Get one of those pitcher filters and try that. I had to force myself to drink water at first because I just didn't want it, and now I drink it because I'm thirsty. It's filtered and doesn't taste like anything really. But it's cold and refreshing and quenches thirst; a total win!
  • You need to let your tastebuds get used to the lack of flavour in water. Drinking fluids with flavour in it is just going to make it harder for you to switch to plain water.
    Trust me I know, I used to loathe water where it used to make me shudder! now I can't get enough of it and hate flavoured stuff!

    Start by drinking plain water in small amounts (Ice cold worked best for me), fill up a bottle and just throughout the day just keep taking small swigs from it, even just 2-3 sips at a time.

    The idea is just get used to the flavourless sensation. After doing that for awhile increase it to mouthfuls. then drink more each time until you can sit and drink a glass in one go.

    You really do get used to it, and then water ends up tasting so 'clean' and refreshing and then you start to really appreciate it for what it is!

    I now drink 2.5 litres of straight water every day, so its definitely worth a try!
  • nightmare21
    nightmare21 Posts: 20 Member
    i HATE straight water! i use MiO. or i drink aquafina flavor splash. :) i only drink straight water when i am working out.
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    I am also not a fan of plain water. The only time I drink plain water is during a workout. I drink either tea or crystal light the rest of the time.
  • neen6270
    neen6270 Posts: 82 Member
    I like propel.
  • Lexi507
    Lexi507 Posts: 79 Member
    Ok, this is weird, but how I drink water makes a big difference for me. If I try to drink water out of a glass or a bottle, I have to work to drink it all. But, if I drink water through a straw, it seems to disappear really quickly. I don't know why a straw makes a difference, but any other way is boring, but it works for me. Now that I found a way that works, I'm doing pretty well getting 9-12 cups a day.
  • hollietkac
    hollietkac Posts: 38 Member
    You could try to incorporate a serving or 2 of coconut water a day. It is 45-60 calories depending on brand. The flavor is very subtle and it has a lot of benefits (extremely hydrating and high in potassium and other vitamins). I tend to feel very dehydrated when I wake up in the morning, so I have been drinking a cup before bed and it really helps.
  • jessclutter79
    jessclutter79 Posts: 13 Member
    I too dislike water, I only drink it when I'm working out. I'm a true COKE fan- no diet drinks for this gal. We also drink alot of sweet tea- the good o' southern thirst quencher... However, Jan 1 2013 we have up all sugery drinks. I have found a new FAVORITE - Gold Peak Diet Tea- it seriously tastes like the real deal- If you are a sweet tea drinker, please take my word and try it...
  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    I drink 3 litres i try my best i feel good its anoying jumping to bathroom
  • oDapho
    oDapho Posts: 50
    You don't like water? Seriously? I can understand if you drink from the tap and it tastes of weird minerals and dirt or whatever, but clean, purified water is tasteless. It's instinctual to drink it. :P
  • Liz12mae
    Liz12mae Posts: 57 Member
    i really dont like it either, during the day i usually drink it with crystal light or Mio, but i do find when i work out i HAVE to have plain water and it tastes so good then... weird i know... lol
  • Liz12mae
    Liz12mae Posts: 57 Member
    I too dislike water, I only drink it when I'm working out. I'm a true COKE fan- no diet drinks for this gal. We also drink alot of sweet tea- the good o' southern thirst quencher... However, Jan 1 2013 we have up all sugery drinks. I have found a new FAVORITE - Gold Peak Diet Tea- it seriously tastes like the real deal- If you are a sweet tea drinker, please take my word and try it...

    ill have to try this tea. thanks