Curious about cooking abilities



  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    I remember my daughter coming home from a health class in junior high or highschool one day and the teacher had asked for a show of hands from those whose parents cooked from scratch rather than out of box. She said only she and one other person in the house raised their hands.

    I think some of it is knowledge, and some of it is just preference. Personally, I love to cook! Growing up my mom would cook whatever meat we were having from scratch, but our sides were frequently boxed rice or stove top, and frozen veggies in the boxes that you just pop in the microwave for 5 minutes. I don't think I ever had steamed veggies until I married. I've learned a lot from trial and error and Food Network is my favorite channel.

    And I've had my daughter in the kitchen helping since she was old enough to hold a spoon, and had her making her own lunches for school early on. I'm sure she's not the norm though. My ex about had a heart attack the first time she made breakfast on her own including using a knife and the stove at age 8.
  • I cook every night from scratch and during the day I go through the internet to choose recipes for the food I have on hand.So every night I try a different low fat meal.
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    I learned to cook and bake as a child but by my teen years my family was purchasing fast food or other dinners for take out much more often than actually cooking. It was more about conveniece than lack of ability.

    I fell into the bad habits my parents did and while I still cooked and baked from time to time I often went for convenience of eating out and packaged food as well.

    Changing my eating habits several years ago helped me renew my love of cooking. And I'm a great cook now. If I have kids I will pass that on for sure.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,139 Member
    I'm a chef and I also instruct cooking seminars/classes.

    My parents were both awful cooks, not in the sense that we were fed fast food or processed food, because that didn't exist in our house, they just screwed everything up. I spent my time at my grandparents farm in the summers until my teens and it was there that I learned to cook from my grandmother. My Aunt also influence me, she was a Executive Chef for a resort.

    Anyway, fast forward to cooking classes. It continues to surprise me that so many people have no idea how to remotely cook, but of course that's why their coming to class, nevertheless it's still an indication that a decline over the last few generation and I don't see that changing too much going forward considering the ingenuity in the processed food industry to follow trends and make changes that continue to address consumers needs. The gap is widening as a result, and along with that is lowered expectations and palate sophistication that leads to picky eaters with poor relationships with food. imo
  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    I've been cooking since I was 8 years old. Both of my parents are excellent cooks.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    Hahaha! I am too good a cook. I love my own cooking. These days that helps me to make delicious heathy meals for myself, but I am certainly not overweight bc I lack cooking skills, tho' I can see how that would happen.