Beachbody programs - Share your results with me!



  • reyna99
    reyna99 Posts: 489 Member
    Anything and everything :) but I mainly love the lifting programs!
    Les Mills puMP
    I just posted my profile pic today of my 90day ChaLEAN Extreme challenge resutls
    good luck!
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    I am interested in seeing results as well
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member

    I guess I don't see it that way...I've only done p90x and incorporated insanity in to that routine.

    I don't know what you are training to do, but most of those dvd's are fine for me. I'm not an extreme athlete. I play sports, but my living is not made doing so.

    I don't know what you consider expensive either. I don't think $360 for a year is expensive for a gym membership nor do I think $100 for workout dvds is expensive.

    Try craigslist for the extra equipment...let others buy them full price and you can buy them 80% off barely used from them.

    Again I think 99.9% of ppl would be fine doing any type of workout and eating healthy.

    The bulk of P90X's resistance training is isolation training, which I personally don't believe in. It yields no functional benefit and only exists to shape the muscles of the body. This is something I personally have no use for given my goals because you can accomplish that same result with compound training, which also yields sizable strength gains and tremendous calorie burns. The problem is that compound training cannot be replicated at home with the amount of weight typically used for these home video workout programs because doing compound training properly requires having significantly more weight--enough to require getting the whole body behind the weight to accomplish the lift. They use bodyweight exercises to give you the strength gains and the weights for isolation training. But this process is much less efficient and leads to a much more time consuming workout. Maybe it's just because I'm an efficiency nut, but why should I spend an hour or more doing something that can be accomplished in 30 minutes? I don't get it.

    In any case my perspective on these programs comes from the perspective of someone who cares more about being able to DO more than seeing the number on the scale move or looking better with their shirt off. So if you only care about how you look and not seeing gains that translate to better athletic performance you might want to ignore what I have to say because it doesn't apply to you.

    For my goals, supplementing a high intensity cardio regimen with the strength training (such as with the Insanity/P90X hybrid you mentioned) is counterproductive as muscles need rest after proper strength training to optimize actual strength gains. So chasing your strength training day with a day of super balls-to-the-wall cardio may be burning more calories but it's also getting in the way of seeing functional strength gains.
  • fallonrhea
    fallonrhea Posts: 388 Member

    In any case my perspective on these programs comes from the perspective of someone who cares more about being able to DO more than seeing the number on the scale move or looking better with their shirt off. So if you only care about how you look and not seeing gains that translate to better athletic performance you might want to ignore what I have to say because it doesn't apply to you.

    I have SIGNIFICANTLY better athletic performance snowboarding now that I've completed P90X and a P90X/insanity hybrid. I did these programs solely to improve performance in my winter sports - and I can ride moguls for 4 days straight without getting tired...

    I agree with you that if you want to see muscle growth and bulk, these programs are not necessarily the best fit - lifting heavy will benefit you much more. However, I do not think it is fair for you to generalize that it is not possible to become stronger and perform better athletically using these programs.

    I was in fantastic shape before I started this program. I did not start them to lose weight or look better with my shirt off. I continue to get what I need out of these programs. You may not - and that's totally okay, but this program HAS worked for me and many others...
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member

    In any case my perspective on these programs comes from the perspective of someone who cares more about being able to DO more than seeing the number on the scale move or looking better with their shirt off. So if you only care about how you look and not seeing gains that translate to better athletic performance you might want to ignore what I have to say because it doesn't apply to you.

    I have SIGNIFICANTLY better athletic performance snowboarding now that I've completed P90X and a P90X/insanity hybrid. I did these programs solely to improve performance in my winter sports - and I can ride moguls for 4 days straight without getting tired...

    I agree with you that if you want to see muscle growth and bulk, these programs are not necessarily the best fit - lifting heavy will benefit you much more. However, I do not think it is fair for you to generalize that it is not possible to become stronger and perform better athletically using these programs.

    I was in fantastic shape before I started this program. I did not start them to lose weight or look better with my shirt off. I continue to get what I need out of these programs. You may not - and that's totally okay, but this program HAS worked for me and many others...

    If you read the whole posts I didn't say you can't, I just said they aren't the most efficient about it. They use bodyweight exercise in P90X to try to make up for the fact that the isolation training alone yields no functional strength gains. That all comes from the bodyweight training. But compounds > isolation any day of the week. Just compounds require way too much weight compared to what most people have at home, or have room for.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    my profile pic is my before and after, and I mainly do p90x, I do the strength 4x a week, and run 2x a week
  • fallonrhea
    fallonrhea Posts: 388 Member

    In any case my perspective on these programs comes from the perspective of someone who cares more about being able to DO more than seeing the number on the scale move or looking better with their shirt off. So if you only care about how you look and not seeing gains that translate to better athletic performance you might want to ignore what I have to say because it doesn't apply to you.

    I have SIGNIFICANTLY better athletic performance snowboarding now that I've completed P90X and a P90X/insanity hybrid. I did these programs solely to improve performance in my winter sports - and I can ride moguls for 4 days straight without getting tired...

    I agree with you that if you want to see muscle growth and bulk, these programs are not necessarily the best fit - lifting heavy will benefit you much more. However, I do not think it is fair for you to generalize that it is not possible to become stronger and perform better athletically using these programs.

    I was in fantastic shape before I started this program. I did not start them to lose weight or look better with my shirt off. I continue to get what I need out of these programs. You may not - and that's totally okay, but this program HAS worked for me and many others...

    If you read the whole posts I didn't say you can't, I just said they aren't the most efficient about it. They use bodyweight exercise in P90X to try to make up for the fact that the isolation training alone yields no functional strength gains. That all comes from the bodyweight training. But compounds > isolation any day of the week. Just compounds require way too much weight compared to what most people have at home, or have room for.

    I don't disagree with your efficiency argument. But I do not necessarily agree that it is always more efficient for better athletic performance. Doing heavy deadlifts and squats in the gym would give me bigger and stronger leg muscles, yes - but will it give me the endurance and agility necessary to ride a straight line of moguls from top of the mountain to the bottom without getting tired? No.

    I'm not completely disagreeing with you - I just think you're generalizing a little too much.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member

    In any case my perspective on these programs comes from the perspective of someone who cares more about being able to DO more than seeing the number on the scale move or looking better with their shirt off. So if you only care about how you look and not seeing gains that translate to better athletic performance you might want to ignore what I have to say because it doesn't apply to you.

    I have SIGNIFICANTLY better athletic performance snowboarding now that I've completed P90X and a P90X/insanity hybrid. I did these programs solely to improve performance in my winter sports - and I can ride moguls for 4 days straight without getting tired...

    I agree with you that if you want to see muscle growth and bulk, these programs are not necessarily the best fit - lifting heavy will benefit you much more. However, I do not think it is fair for you to generalize that it is not possible to become stronger and perform better athletically using these programs.

    I was in fantastic shape before I started this program. I did not start them to lose weight or look better with my shirt off. I continue to get what I need out of these programs. You may not - and that's totally okay, but this program HAS worked for me and many others...

    If you read the whole posts I didn't say you can't, I just said they aren't the most efficient about it. They use bodyweight exercise in P90X to try to make up for the fact that the isolation training alone yields no functional strength gains. That all comes from the bodyweight training. But compounds > isolation any day of the week. Just compounds require way too much weight compared to what most people have at home, or have room for.

    I don't disagree with your efficiency argument. But I do not necessarily agree that it is always more efficient for better athletic performance. Doing heavy deadlifts and squats in the gym would give me bigger and stronger leg muscles, yes - but will it give me the endurance and agility necessary to ride a straight line of moguls from top of the mountain to the bottom without getting tired? No.

    I'm not completely disagreeing with you - I just think you're generalizing a little too much.

    I wasn't simply referring to squats and deadlifts or that style of heavy lifting either =) I'm talking a little bit more outside the box. Try sandbag workouts, suspension training, stuff like that.
  • adoreabella
    I have done Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire (on week 14) and Brazil Butt Lift. I just started throwing in Les Mills combat. I have lost 45lbs and 40+ inches, so they totally work. I like Turbo Fire and Les Mills because the music is good and the instructors are super motivating, but I am sure whatever program you choose you will enjoy :)
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    I did P90X 3 years ago and kick started my exercise regimen. Before doing that I used to do to occasional exercise and also ran. But P90X kicked me into shape. I got burns in places I did not know existed. I also followed the program's diet and was actually eating more. The first couple of weeks I felt like I was so full at the end of the day, and I was eating ALL the time to get to my prescribed very high calorie target. But then it happened - fat started falling off. I got in the best shape of my life. I was also going through a very sad time in my life so I was very motivated to do P90X. It was my therapy. Instead of drinking, I would do my P90X routine after work. It was so intense that it would numb me for the night and I would forget the sorrows. Anyway, when I visited my folks, their jaws collectively hit the floor. Then summer came, I felt better, met new people, and had a few beer.

    I also tried Insanity but I did not like it as much as P90X. Insanity if for people already in good shape.

    I have also bought their supplements and shakeology. I did not like the taste of shakeology.

    My more recent experience with Beachbody has been disappointing. Once they got big and successful, they started doing a lot of aggressive marketing even with their established customers. That has turned me off and I am currently boycotting their products, while still doing a P90X workout now and then. They sent me stuff I did not order and it was a pain to return it etc.

    P90X is the single most brilliant workout ever put together. If you commit to it for 90 days, and eat the required amount of calories, it will transform you.
  • tynger112
    Did insanity and lost 27lbs, before and afters are on my profile if you wanna check it out
  • astheygrowup
    astheygrowup Posts: 188 Member
    I did 30 days of Brazil Butt Lift but that program just wasn't for me. I did see a little change but not much at all. After that I completed Chalean Extreme (loved the program) and walked away with pretty good results. I will be wrapping up Les Mills Pump on Friday of next week but below are my results from start to the end of month two. I have gotten the best results from this program. I am going to follow this program with P90X. My husband and I have had this program for about 4 years now and never completed it. I feel I have reached the point that I can do it with ease at this point to where before it was a struggle and I gave up.

    Les Mills Pump start and end of second month since this was one of the programs you were interested in.


  • crystallight711
    crystallight711 Posts: 156 Member
    Bump, so I can find this thread again and post my results. I will finish up 12 weeks of Turbofire on Sunday!
  • lafilleavectoi
    lafilleavectoi Posts: 125 Member
  • fallonrhea
    fallonrhea Posts: 388 Member

    In any case my perspective on these programs comes from the perspective of someone who cares more about being able to DO more than seeing the number on the scale move or looking better with their shirt off. So if you only care about how you look and not seeing gains that translate to better athletic performance you might want to ignore what I have to say because it doesn't apply to you.

    I have SIGNIFICANTLY better athletic performance snowboarding now that I've completed P90X and a P90X/insanity hybrid. I did these programs solely to improve performance in my winter sports - and I can ride moguls for 4 days straight without getting tired...

    I agree with you that if you want to see muscle growth and bulk, these programs are not necessarily the best fit - lifting heavy will benefit you much more. However, I do not think it is fair for you to generalize that it is not possible to become stronger and perform better athletically using these programs.

    I was in fantastic shape before I started this program. I did not start them to lose weight or look better with my shirt off. I continue to get what I need out of these programs. You may not - and that's totally okay, but this program HAS worked for me and many others...

    If you read the whole posts I didn't say you can't, I just said they aren't the most efficient about it. They use bodyweight exercise in P90X to try to make up for the fact that the isolation training alone yields no functional strength gains. That all comes from the bodyweight training. But compounds > isolation any day of the week. Just compounds require way too much weight compared to what most people have at home, or have room for.

    I don't disagree with your efficiency argument. But I do not necessarily agree that it is always more efficient for better athletic performance. Doing heavy deadlifts and squats in the gym would give me bigger and stronger leg muscles, yes - but will it give me the endurance and agility necessary to ride a straight line of moguls from top of the mountain to the bottom without getting tired? No.

    I'm not completely disagreeing with you - I just think you're generalizing a little too much.

    I wasn't simply referring to squats and deadlifts or that style of heavy lifting either =) I'm talking a little bit more outside the box. Try sandbag workouts, suspension training, stuff like that.

    Still keep in mind though that looking for the most "efficient" workout (meaning gaining more strength less time) isn't necessarily the best route for ALL aspects of athletic performance. Another part of athletic performance other than strength is endurance - which requires longer periods of exercise. The functional strength gains (yes, mainly from the bodyweight exercises, I agree) that I have a acquired through these programs have also manifested themselves alongside an incredible cardiovascular and endurance strength that I feel I wouldn't have gotten better otherwise. For example, forcing myself to jump up and down for an hour really helps when I have to be essentially jumping and turning 180s to make mogul to mogul on a snowboard down a slope.

    My point: The efficiency argument only depends on what KIND of athletic performance you want.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Even then, you can challenge endurance with timed set training. Not without spending forever on it. That's the point behind Crossfit/HIIT =)
  • fallonrhea
    fallonrhea Posts: 388 Member
    Even then, you can challenge endurance with timed set training. Not without spending forever on it. That's the point behind Crossfit/HIIT =)

    I think we just need to agree to disagree =/. What is better for you is not necessarily better for me. I enjoy these workouts and I get a lot out of them. It trains me properly for the sport that I do. I both plyometrics and the insanity videos, I have to spend time squatting down like I'm on a snowboard then jumping and turning a 180. It directly translates. Plus, I like pushing myself for longer periods of time. I'd rather be up and moving for that extra half hour than not. Working out isn't really a chore for me. It's my "me" time. I'm not really looking to do a 20 minute workout and be done.

    I've done HIIT, and honestly it wasn't until I did my hybrid that I really started to notice my improved abilities on the slopes. Why that is true for me and not for you, I'm not sure...but I can't be convinced this is the end all be all for everyone when my personal experience suggests otherwise.

    My point this entire time has been that you can't generalize that one type of workout is "better" than another. Or is going to give you "better" or "more efficient" methods of achieving true performance. Or is going to get you to "DO" more as you said. It really depends on the person, how much they enjoy what they're doing and how much of their effort they're going to put into it.

    Making gross generalizations about what exercise regimens are best worries me that someone may be discouraged from trying something new that they could have potentially fallen in love with and gotten great results from. That's all...
  • crystallight711
    crystallight711 Posts: 156 Member
    I just finished 12 weeks of Turbofire!


    Starting measurements

    *Waist - 34"
    *Hips - 38"
    *R Arm - 11"
    *L Arm - 11"
    *R Thigh - 24"
    *L Thigh - 25"
    *Chest - 36"
    Weight - 161

    Week 12 Results

    *Waist - 28" (-6")
    *Hips - 36" (-2")
    *R Arm - 10" (-1")
    *L Arm - 10" (-1")
    *R Thigh - 22" (-2")
    *L Thigh - 22" (-3")
    *Chest - 33" (-3")
    Weight - 142 (-19lbs)
  • southernchick417
    Wow, you guys are all awesome!! Wonderful results, too! :) Thank you for sharing! I think I will finish up with Turbo Fire and when I get home from vacation, I'm thinking P90X! I really appreciate everyone's help, feel free to keep posting results!
  • keshiabug1
    I just started Insanity this past Monday and these are my results.. after one week!

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