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Overestimating Exercise Calories?



  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,371 Member
    MFP does not take into account your height, weight, body type, muscle content, fat content, heart rate, etc when it estimates calories.... so yes, it's an estimate... if you're uncomfortable with it just log that you did the exercise for less time than you really did and you'll be ok
    I disagree. One of my MFP buddies hit me up asking why his 30 minute "Walking, 4.0 mph, very brisk pace" didn't show him burning the same number of calories as me. Then he figured out it was due to the difference in our weight. He weighed about 30 pounds less than me. I assume the same thing. It does take into account your weight for the number of calories burned.

    But....there is no "right" number of calories burned. I think it's a great guide to start by though. You'll figure out the amount of exercise you need for the amount of food you eat. It just takes time.
  • annakommers
    annakommers Posts: 48 Member
    both MFP AND the machines in the gym GROSSLY overestimate calories, the tradmill gives me up to 300 calories extra burnt than my HRM, must say it was a shock when i bought it!!
  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,371 Member
    It's so hard to say. Some of these posts are saying that MFP's estimates are above gym equipment estimates... and gym equipment estimates are almost always higher than what you're actually burning. I try not to take the exercise calories too seriously.
    I'm sure they're all different from each other. My elliptical gives me a much higher number than MFP does. MFP's estimate can't take into account how hard you are working. I could have the incline way up and the resistance set high or the opposite. They would never know. The machine should, but I don't put much stock in it.
  • GoffGirl1029
    GoffGirl1029 Posts: 93 Member
    if you really want an accurate count, you should look into HRMs. :)
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    Most exercise calories are too high on MFP. I did not eat all of my exercise calories back until I bought a HRM so I had a more accurate count. That being said my HRM says I burn more calories running than MFP gave me. Otherwise, yes MFP is over estimated.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I found MFP to be fine until I changed the time that I worked out, then the calories-burned went crazy. That's the main reason I bought an HRM.
  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,371 Member
    both MFP AND the machines in the gym GROSSLY overestimate calories, the tradmill gives me up to 300 calories extra burnt than my HRM, must say it was a shock when i bought it!!
    I've read other posts about HRM and calorie estimates. You need to have a HRM that takes info from your build and age and such. Then it can make a better estimate. Once again, I don't think it's meant to be a number that is hard and fast. I use it as an estimate and try to balance my exercise and diet. They're all tools to use. Figure out which one works for you.
  • Get120
    Get120 Posts: 56
    MFP overestimates every exercise I use from the database, some are double some are triple. for example it says that I would burn 450 calories doing general stationary cycling via the database when in reality (using my polar FT4) I only burn 269. If I ate back the calories the database said I burned I wouldn't be getting the deficit I want to lose weight.
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    just goes to show the reason why many here are fearful about eating back calories. I weight 220, but 169 cals for 30 min of 3.0mph walking seems alot, no? who bloody knows.
  • I have the opposite problem with MPF...it is lower than what my Garmin GPS watch is telling me. For example, I ran 7.25 miles at 8:37 pace in 62 mins, and burned 1092 calories. But MPF is saying that 981 for 8:30 pace and 62 mins.

    So I actually adjust up if I enter the numbers on the web. =)

    I trust my Garmin a bit more than MPF, but both of them are estimates of course.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    To estimate calories, you must know the actual intensity of the workload being performed (NOT the heart rate--the actual workload itself).

    Some exercise activities--treadmill walking, for example--are simple, the actual workload is relatively easy to accurately measure, and the equations that estimate calories are also accurate. So, if you can input an actual speed and elevation into MFP, those calories should be accurate.

    If an activity -- say stationary cycling--is listed, but with only general categories of intensity to choose from (easy, medium, hard), obviously, the estimates will be less accurate, since there is no exact definition of what they mean.

    Lastly, many of the occupational and recreational activities listed in the database derive their energy estimates from general tables of activities, the accuracy of which range from OK to "random guess".

    For more information on how activity database calories are derived, follow this link:


    So I'm asking a totally legit question here-not trying to argue (as I read your profile and you clearly know your stuff).

    I understand the concept of workload (I think) and that an accurate measure of the workload is the basis for the energy expenditure estimates (based on actual measurements in labs and such). My question is doesn't the amount of energy required to perform a certain workload vary based on fitness level (at least to some degree)? Won't a person without the aerobic capacity to perform a certain activity consume more energy to do it than a person who has the aerobic capacity to perform an activity o much greater intensity?

    Perhaps I am swayed by personal experience. But when I started all this, I worked up a sweat walking a 25 minute mile. I now feel that a 22 minute mile is marginally more challenging than sitting in a chair. My HR reflects that fitness gain-and whatever hocus pocus my Garmin uses to calculate calories burned also reflects a lower number (I haven't change the weight or anything else-I really don't use it for calorie counting anyway). The workload is the same, but the amount of energy I am using to perform that activity is substantially lower (or so it seems). Doesn't that factor into calories burned or is it just aerobic fitness?
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    Don't get too caught up in the numbers....everything is really just an estimate.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    To estimate calories, you must know the actual intensity of the workload being performed (NOT the heart rate--the actual workload itself).

    Some exercise activities--treadmill walking, for example--are simple, the actual workload is relatively easy to accurately measure, and the equations that estimate calories are also accurate. So, if you can input an actual speed and elevation into MFP, those calories should be accurate.

    If an activity -- say stationary cycling--is listed, but with only general categories of intensity to choose from (easy, medium, hard), obviously, the estimates will be less accurate, since there is no exact definition of what they mean.

    Lastly, many of the occupational and recreational activities listed in the database derive their energy estimates from general tables of activities, the accuracy of which range from OK to "random guess".

    For more information on how activity database calories are derived, follow this link:


    So I'm asking a totally legit question here-not trying to argue (as I read your profile and you clearly know your stuff).

    I understand the concept of workload (I think) and that an accurate measure of the workload is the basis for the energy expenditure estimates (based on actual measurements in labs and such). My question is doesn't the amount of energy required to perform a certain workload vary based on fitness level (at least to some degree)? Won't a person without the aerobic capacity to perform a certain activity consume more energy to do it than a person who has the aerobic capacity to perform an activity o much greater intensity?

    Perhaps I am swayed by personal experience. But when I started all this, I worked up a sweat walking a 25 minute mile. I now feel that a 22 minute mile is marginally more challenging than sitting in a chair. My HR reflects that fitness gain-and whatever hocus pocus my Garmin uses to calculate calories burned also reflects a lower number (I haven't change the weight or anything else-I really don't use it for calorie counting anyway). The workload is the same, but the amount of energy I am using to perform that activity is substantially lower (or so it seems). Doesn't that factor into calories burned or is it just aerobic fitness?

    Not really. HRMs have conditioned everyone to think of this backwards. We mistakenly accept the HRM numbers as the "standard" and judge everything based on how they relate to those numbers.

    In general (and yes there are some variances, but not that significant), for simple, structured activities such as walking, running, elliptical, stairs, etc --activities that don't require high levels of coordination or motor skills--the aerobic cost of the activity is relatively fixed and is not dependent on fitness level--or age, height, or gender, for that matter.

    I often use the example of running at 6 mph (10:00 mile) because the numbers are easy. The aerobic cost of running at that speed (level ground, no wind) is 10 METs (a MET is a measure of oxygen uptake). That cost of 10 METs is the same no matter who is doing the running--me, you, my stepson, an Olympic athlete, etc). It is the same for the same person after they have been running for 12 months. It is a relatively fixed cost.

    The difference in perception is that the fixed cost of an aerobic activity will become a LOWER percentage of your maximum over time and with training. The cost is the same (10 METs), but if your aerobic maximum increases over time with training, it will now be a lower percentage of the max, and thus it will feel easier and your heart rate for running at that speed will be lower.

    Your heart rate range is relatively fixed as well. When you train and increase your fitness level, your VO2 max (aerobic fitness) increases but your HR max (maximum heart rate does not). So when you start training, your VO2max might be 12 METs and HRmax is 180. With training, you might increase your VO2max to 15 METs, but HRmax will still be 180. The increase in VO2 max basically "resets" your heart rate/oxygen uptake "scale".

    So where before, running 6.0 mph (i.e. working at 10 METs) might have represented 83% of your max and resulted in a heart rate of 160, now working at 10 METs now represents 67% of your maximum and result in a heart rate of 140. (Or, to look at it another way, now you can run 7 mph before you reach a heart rate of 160).

    The reason why the HRM shows a lower calorie burn is that the HRM doesn't know your actual workload. And often the HRMs do not know your VO2 max. So the HRM is assuming (in this case) that your VO2 max is still 12 METs and the lower heart rate means you are working at a lower absolute intensity.

    Hopefully, I have explained it well enough that you realize that the lower calorie burn on your HRM is due to the fact that your HRM settings have become outdated, NOT because you are burning fewer calories.

    (Of course, if you have lost weight, then, yes, you will burn fewer calories at any given workload. From a weight loss standpoint, that should be offset somewhat by the fact that you can now run faster or exercise at a higher workload).

    Hope that provides more background.

    And BTW, please don't ever hesitate to ask a question--or even to argue. I keep my credentials in the background because I really don't want people to feel I am unapproachable. A good question--or even a good argument--can often make for a constructive and positive exchange. And---I don't know everything, so I am always happy to hear new information.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    To estimate calories, you must know the actual intensity of the workload being performed (NOT the heart rate--the actual workload itself).

    Some exercise activities--treadmill walking, for example--are simple, the actual workload is relatively easy to accurately measure, and the equations that estimate calories are also accurate. So, if you can input an actual speed and elevation into MFP, those calories should be accurate.

    If an activity -- say stationary cycling--is listed, but with only general categories of intensity to choose from (easy, medium, hard), obviously, the estimates will be less accurate, since there is no exact definition of what they mean.

    Lastly, many of the occupational and recreational activities listed in the database derive their energy estimates from general tables of activities, the accuracy of which range from OK to "random guess".

    For more information on how activity database calories are derived, follow this link:


    So I'm asking a totally legit question here-not trying to argue (as I read your profile and you clearly know your stuff).

    I understand the concept of workload (I think) and that an accurate measure of the workload is the basis for the energy expenditure estimates (based on actual measurements in labs and such). My question is doesn't the amount of energy required to perform a certain workload vary based on fitness level (at least to some degree)? Won't a person without the aerobic capacity to perform a certain activity consume more energy to do it than a person who has the aerobic capacity to perform an activity o much greater intensity?

    Perhaps I am swayed by personal experience. But when I started all this, I worked up a sweat walking a 25 minute mile. I now feel that a 22 minute mile is marginally more challenging than sitting in a chair. My HR reflects that fitness gain-and whatever hocus pocus my Garmin uses to calculate calories burned also reflects a lower number (I haven't change the weight or anything else-I really don't use it for calorie counting anyway). The workload is the same, but the amount of energy I am using to perform that activity is substantially lower (or so it seems). Doesn't that factor into calories burned or is it just aerobic fitness?

    Not really. HRMs have conditioned everyone to think of this backwards. We mistakenly accept the HRM numbers as the "standard" and judge everything based on how they relate to those numbers.

    In general (and yes there are some variances, but not that significant), for simple, structured activities such as walking, running, elliptical, stairs, etc --activities that don't require high levels of coordination or motor skills--the aerobic cost of the activity is relatively fixed and is not dependent on fitness level--or age, height, or gender, for that matter.

    I often use the example of running at 6 mph (10:00 mile) because the numbers are easy. The aerobic cost of running at that speed (level ground, no wind) is 10 METs (a MET is a measure of oxygen uptake). That cost of 10 METs is the same no matter who is doing the running--me, you, my stepson, an Olympic athlete, etc). It is the same for the same person after they have been running for 12 months. It is a relatively fixed cost.

    The difference in perception is that the fixed cost of an aerobic activity will become a LOWER percentage of your maximum over time and with training. The cost is the same (10 METs), but if your aerobic maximum increases over time with training, it will now be a lower percentage of the max, and thus it will feel easier and your heart rate for running at that speed will be lower.

    Your heart rate range is relatively fixed as well. When you train and increase your fitness level, your VO2 max (aerobic fitness) increases but your HR max (maximum heart rate does not). So when you start training, your VO2max might be 12 METs and HRmax is 180. With training, you might increase your VO2max to 15 METs, but HRmax will still be 180. The increase in VO2 max basically "resets" your heart rate/oxygen uptake "scale".

    So where before, running 6.0 mph (i.e. working at 10 METs) might have represented 83% of your max and resulted in a heart rate of 160, now working at 10 METs now represents 67% of your maximum and result in a heart rate of 140. (Or, to look at it another way, now you can run 7 mph before you reach a heart rate of 160).

    The reason why the HRM shows a lower calorie burn is that the HRM doesn't know your actual workload. And often the HRMs do not know your VO2 max. So the HRM is assuming (in this case) that your VO2 max is still 12 METs and the lower heart rate means you are working at a lower absolute intensity.

    Hopefully, I have explained it well enough that you realize that the lower calorie burn on your HRM is due to the fact that your HRM settings have become outdated, NOT because you are burning fewer calories.

    (Of course, if you have lost weight, then, yes, you will burn fewer calories at any given workload. From a weight loss standpoint, that should be offset somewhat by the fact that you can now run faster or exercise at a higher workload).

    Hope that provides more background.

    And BTW, please don't ever hesitate to ask a question--or even to argue. I keep my credentials in the background because I really don't want people to feel I am unapproachable. A good question--or even a good argument--can often make for a constructive and positive exchange. And---I don't know everything, so I am always happy to hear new information.

    Thank you-that makes perfect sense and answers all my "follow up" questions. I'm not terribly worried about the calories burned myself (to some degree but all I do is run and since 87 calculators and mfp all say pretty much the same thing-I'm really calling it a wash). Your info explains everything (including why my fancy garmin does what it does). I've just seen you mention the workload a few times recently and I was curious about the rest. Makes perfect sense now-thank you!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Not really. HRMs have conditioned everyone to think of this backwards. We mistakenly accept the HRM numbers as the "standard" and judge everything based on how they relate to those numbers.

    In general (and yes there are some variances, but not that significant), for simple, structured activities such as walking, running, elliptical, stairs, etc --activities that don't require high levels of coordination or motor skills--the aerobic cost of the activity is relatively fixed and is not dependent on fitness level--or age, height, or gender, for that matter.

    I often use the example of running at 6 mph (10:00 mile) because the numbers are easy. The aerobic cost of running at that speed (level ground, no wind) is 10 METs (a MET is a measure of oxygen uptake). That cost of 10 METs is the same no matter who is doing the running--me, you, my stepson, an Olympic athlete, etc). It is the same for the same person after they have been running for 12 months. It is a relatively fixed cost.

    The difference in perception is that the fixed cost of an aerobic activity will become a LOWER percentage of your maximum over time and with training. The cost is the same (10 METs), but if your aerobic maximum increases over time with training, it will now be a lower percentage of the max, and thus it will feel easier and your heart rate for running at that speed will be lower.

    Your heart rate range is relatively fixed as well. When you train and increase your fitness level, your VO2 max (aerobic fitness) increases but your HR max (maximum heart rate does not). So when you start training, your VO2max might be 12 METs and HRmax is 180. With training, you might increase your VO2max to 15 METs, but HRmax will still be 180. The increase in VO2 max basically "resets" your heart rate/oxygen uptake "scale".

    So where before, running 6.0 mph (i.e. working at 10 METs) might have represented 83% of your max and resulted in a heart rate of 160, now working at 10 METs now represents 67% of your maximum and result in a heart rate of 140. (Or, to look at it another way, now you can run 7 mph before you reach a heart rate of 160).

    The reason why the HRM shows a lower calorie burn is that the HRM doesn't know your actual workload. And often the HRMs do not know your VO2 max. So the HRM is assuming (in this case) that your VO2 max is still 12 METs and the lower heart rate means you are working at a lower absolute intensity.

    Hopefully, I have explained it well enough that you realize that the lower calorie burn on your HRM is due to the fact that your HRM settings have become outdated, NOT because you are burning fewer calories.

    (Of course, if you have lost weight, then, yes, you will burn fewer calories at any given workload. From a weight loss standpoint, that should be offset somewhat by the fact that you can now run faster or exercise at a higher workload).

    Hope that provides more background.

    And BTW, please don't ever hesitate to ask a question--or even to argue. I keep my credentials in the background because I really don't want people to feel I am unapproachable. A good question--or even a good argument--can often make for a constructive and positive exchange. And---I don't know everything, so I am always happy to hear new information.
    great stuff, as always.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    When I got an HRM, I compared it to MFP and to Everyday Health, which is where I got my Turbo Fire estimates. I found MFP actually does overestimate, Everyday Health underestimated.

    Edited to add: MFP & EH doesn't really take into account when you become used to a workout. Last night while doing a workout that used to kill me, but I got through it effortlessly without stopping, yeah I broke a serious sweat, but I wasn't as out of breath like I used to be.
  • rachaelgifford
    rachaelgifford Posts: 320 Member
    I am never 100% accurate with my calorie counting, and my HRM is probably not 100% accurate at measuring calories burned. I figure that having a close idea is better than where I was before I started here. I personally go for the lowest calorie burned option, be it my HRM (which it usually is) or MFP, and if I am not sure about the food, I go for a higher calorie value in the option. I guess it kind of evens out. When I am closer to my goal, I will have to be more careful, but right now it is working and it is part of my life, but not controlling it :-)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    What you have to remember is that MFP's estimates are just some burn from some other person's workout...no body has the same burn...much depends on: 1.) intensity, 2.) your fitness level, 3.) heigh/weight/age, 4.) possible medical issues and the list goes on and on.

    A HRM is a good investment if you want a more accurate calorie count and invaluable if you want to learn to train in appropriate zones to meet your goals. If you use a HRM, remember to deduct the calories based on your BMR for that period of time that would have been burned regardless of your exercise.
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member

    Not really. HRMs have conditioned everyone to think of this backwards. We mistakenly accept the HRM numbers as the "standard" and judge everything based on how they relate to those numbers.

    In general (and yes there are some variances, but not that significant), for simple, structured activities such as walking, running, elliptical, stairs, etc --activities that don't require high levels of coordination or motor skills--the aerobic cost of the activity is relatively fixed and is not dependent on fitness level--or age, height, or gender, for that matter.

    I often use the example of running at 6 mph (10:00 mile) because the numbers are easy. The aerobic cost of running at that speed (level ground, no wind) is 10 METs (a MET is a measure of oxygen uptake). That cost of 10 METs is the same no matter who is doing the running--me, you, my stepson, an Olympic athlete, etc). It is the same for the same person after they have been running for 12 months. It is a relatively fixed cost.

    The difference in perception is that the fixed cost of an aerobic activity will become a LOWER percentage of your maximum over time and with training. The cost is the same (10 METs), but if your aerobic maximum increases over time with training, it will now be a lower percentage of the max, and thus it will feel easier and your heart rate for running at that speed will be lower.

    Your heart rate range is relatively fixed as well. When you train and increase your fitness level, your VO2 max (aerobic fitness) increases but your HR max (maximum heart rate does not). So when you start training, your VO2max might be 12 METs and HRmax is 180. With training, you might increase your VO2max to 15 METs, but HRmax will still be 180. The increase in VO2 max basically "resets" your heart rate/oxygen uptake "scale".

    So where before, running 6.0 mph (i.e. working at 10 METs) might have represented 83% of your max and resulted in a heart rate of 160, now working at 10 METs now represents 67% of your maximum and result in a heart rate of 140. (Or, to look at it another way, now you can run 7 mph before you reach a heart rate of 160).

    The reason why the HRM shows a lower calorie burn is that the HRM doesn't know your actual workload. And often the HRMs do not know your VO2 max. So the HRM is assuming (in this case) that your VO2 max is still 12 METs and the lower heart rate means you are working at a lower absolute intensity.

    Hopefully, I have explained it well enough that you realize that the lower calorie burn on your HRM is due to the fact that your HRM settings have become outdated, NOT because you are burning fewer calories.

    (Of course, if you have lost weight, then, yes, you will burn fewer calories at any given workload. From a weight loss standpoint, that should be offset somewhat by the fact that you can now run faster or exercise at a higher workload).

    Hope that provides more background.

    And BTW, please don't ever hesitate to ask a question--or even to argue. I keep my credentials in the background because I really don't want people to feel I am unapproachable. A good question--or even a good argument--can often make for a constructive and positive exchange. And---I don't know everything, so I am always happy to hear new information.

    I have been trying to get this kind of info - i was wondering if as I became more fit if the same exercise (jogging 6.0 for example) for the same amount of time was burning LESS calories than it was when I was less fit, sounds like no, yay! Thanks!
  • eclarso
    eclarso Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for all the info everyone! Very helpful!