
krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
Hi, I'm pretty new to myfitnesspal. I have been here for about 2 weeks, and I really like it. I was doing weight watchers and counting points, but I really like having somewhere that I can go in and enter what I ate and exercise and it calculates it for me. It helps me be accountable for what I am eating. I have a long way to go before I reach my goal weight. Would love to make some friends on here to help me through this long journey. I need to lose about 190 lbs. Im doing it one day at a time. I started my weight loss journey a year ago and have lost 40 pounds in that first year. However, I know I can lose more than that in a year because I ended up quitting for about 4 months. Luckily, I only gained 5 lbs in those 4 months.
So, a little about me (other than weight) I am a single mom of an 8 year old boy with ADHD and Asperger's Syndrome. I am unemployed, but in school full time online so I can be there for my son when he needs me. I am getting my Master's Degree in Psychology. I look forward to meeting you and continuing on this weight loss journey with you. :)


  • Sherry45106
    Hello!!! My name is Sherry and I too have been using Fitnesspal.com for about 2 weeks. I absolutely LOVE it! It really does help us be accountable for what we are eating. I have used WW in the past as well and had success losing about 50 lbs. But I drifted away and gained much of it back. Then in 2003 I went to my Dr for a checkup and he recommended the South Beach diet. I had great success with it as well, but I just could not make that diet a lifestyle change. Since then, of course I gained back. I always am conscious to a certain degree about what I eat, but of course it's easy to believe you only ate 3 oz of something when you really ate 6 or 8 oz. So, fitnesspal keeps me in line because I log on throughout the day and make sure of what I am eating! I have about 60 lbs to lose, and I know I can do this again!!!!
    You and I sound so much alike, except for the fact that my kids are grown. I have 4 kids, one of which is my 27 yr old daughter who has ADHD and I personally believe she suffers from Asperger's, although she doesn't believe it. Then again, she doesn't seem to recall the incidents that occurred with her when she was a little girl. And, I too am unemployed and in school online full time going for my Bachelor's in Psychology! My graduation target is May 15, 2011. I then want to go for my Master's a well. What school are you attending? I started with University of Phoenix but I transferred last year to Kaplan University. Well, good luck with school and with fitnesspal! Talk to you soon!
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Hi Sherry. My name is Stephanie. I attend the University of Phoenix. I received my Bachelors through them in 2008 in Human Services. I will be finished with school August 30 this year if I do not take any breaks. I may need one after this class. I have been taking my classes back to back with no breaks since Christmas and I think I need one for a mental break. It was nice meeting you :)
  • hayden7
    hayden7 Posts: 1
    hi, i am kinda new on myfitness.com. i do like it because i wasnt eating enough and it reminds me of what i need to eat. i started a year ago working out at a gym and with a trainer and have lost about 60lbs. i too have son that has aspergers syndrone (with adhd, sensory and speech). It can be very challenging; caring and teaching him, he is 7. i am too a single mom and work as a med tech. good luck
  • trollorbust
    trollorbust Posts: 18 Member
    Hi .. welcome!! I have been here for a while now. And I love it!! GOOD LUCK!!