Applebee's under 550 menu - Too good to be true?

sandara Posts: 830 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I went to lunch today with my Mom & Sis for Mother's day at Applebee's. I had the Grilled Dijon chicken & Portobellos from their under 550 menu. When I plugged it in to my food diary it came up 450 calories. I had to go check and see if that was correct and according to Applebee's nutritional information it is. It just seemed too good to be that low in calories. Had seteamed pototoes and summer veggies for the sides! I thought something that good would have more calories! lol Sure hope Applebee's nutritional info is correct!

I went back to the food diary and plugged the items in individually and came up with 454 calories. And I tried to be generous with the measurements to be sure I covered all. So it must be pretty close! lol


  • mebras3775
    mebras3775 Posts: 50
    I know what you mean. Last time I went I had the asiago peppercorn steak witht eh steamed potatoes and the veggies. the potatoes were so good and the steak was fabulous and it came in under 550, I was amazed food that good wasnt higher in calories.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Its all about portions and how its cooked! :)
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    Its all about portions and how its cooked! :)

  • taryn_perry
    taryn_perry Posts: 193 Member
    I went there the other day to meet a friend and got their house salad and steamed veggies, but was disappointed to learn that they veggies were SOAKED in butter. Not sure if it was just my batch, but may want to ask what they cook things.

    Definitely all about portions.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Definitely not too good to be true. I make delicious food at home all the time. Healthy doesn't have to be boring! :wink:

    But you certainly want to be sure they don't slip up and use too much oil or butter. You gotta remember the cooks are human and make mistakes. Also, having worked in the food service industry for many years in the past, I know all too well that restaurant cooks often don't make food to company specifications. That means while corporate may have a certain way something is supposed to be prepared (with a certain amount of oil or cheese or whatever), the cooks don't always use those measurements.

    So, your Pizza Hut pizza, for example, could end up with two times more cheese on it than the nutrition facts account for or something like that and you'd never know (and you'd be consuming hundreds of calories more than you thought based on the nutrition info).
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    I have only eat at Applebees once, I got the grilled shrimp dealio. I had the experience like Taryn, my veggies were saturated in butter and the rice was generic white rice (even though the waited told me it was brown rice). I just ate my kids fresh broc instead (:P) and made a note to specify if I go there again. Not too bad considering what the rest of the menu looks like. I just wouldn't make it a regular eatery.
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    I agree with Littlespy. I have a fast food checkered work past and I know darn sure that when you watch those training videos on how to make something it's nothing compared to being in a rsuh at dinner time and just heaving things on a plate. But assuming they actually made it according to specs and you can tell by looking at it that it's not dripping in butter and such I would say it's a safe bet that it's right. Hmmm, might have to talk the hubby into taking me there soon. Sounds yummy.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Yes I was worried the veggies would have butter on them but they arrived without. If there was any on it at all I couldn't see or taste it. So maybe I hit them at the right time. :smile:
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