May Cardio Challenge: 360 Minutes/Week!



  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    376 minutes after running the dogs tonight. Week 1 goal reached!

    Ta-da!!!! You're inspirational. :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hey All,
    Just touching base real quick ~ just back from a 50 minute walk for a 285 cal burn!! That puts me at 280 - 80 more to go by Sunday!!! I think I can .... I think I can:wink:

    Think I need a Jillian fix tomorrow - BFBM in the am for me - that's a solid sweaty 40 min - looking forward to checking the cal burn on that!!

    Have a great nite peeps,

    Great job... :flowerforyou: I know you can get there by Sunday!

    I just realized, I did the math wrong. All this time I thought I was aiming for 30 mins a day. That means, I still have 89 minutes to make this week's goal. Just curious - is the cutoff tomorrow and we start fresh on Sunday? Or cutoff on Sunday, start fresh on Monday? I'm gonna get this done! :)
  • elizabennett
    I am having a very hard time motivating myself, guys! I feel like I lost all momentum when I was gone and now it's hard being back and my husband on-call all the time, so I can't really go anywhere. I did force myself to get on the bike for 25 minutes today, which considering that I was totally rebelling, is pretty good for today. It just doesn't seem worth it to work so hard, to go without and not have any weight loss after all this time. I do have my Dr. appt. on Tuesday to see what's up, so maybe they'll find a reason. I'm just in a rut and it's hard to get out. I will keep checking the see what you are all doing. It does help motivate me. I wish I had had the time in Philly to check in. Maybe I wouldn't have gone so far off track. Oh well. Doing a little better every day will eventually get me back, right?
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I am having a very hard time motivating myself, guys! I feel like I lost all momentum when I was gone and now it's hard being back and my husband on-call all the time, so I can't really go anywhere. I did force myself to get on the bike for 25 minutes today, which considering that I was totally rebelling, is pretty good for today. It just doesn't seem worth it to work so hard, to go without and not have any weight loss after all this time. I do have my Dr. appt. on Tuesday to see what's up, so maybe they'll find a reason. I'm just in a rut and it's hard to get out. I will keep checking the see what you are all doing. It does help motivate me. I wish I had had the time in Philly to check in. Maybe I wouldn't have gone so far off track. Oh well. Doing a little better every day will eventually get me back, right?

    YES!!! Doing a little better every day WILL eventually get you back. So glad you found it in you to get on the bike. How did you feel afterward? (Hopefully, good). Don't be too hard on yourself for how you're feeling - could be you're just tired from your trip and recovering too. (Long flights and time changes are killer). Give yourself another week and I bet you'll be feeling all bright eyed and bushy tailed again. :wink:

    I found that I pretty much burned out from the 30 day slimdown challenge. I made it to day 26 and then.... quit. And did nothing for a few days. Felt guilty, but now I'm back on the horse. And my challenge to myself this month is... to lighten up and have fun with all of this. :drinker: I'm all for hard work, but when it feels like you're getting diminishing returns.... it becomes time to shake it up.

    Best of luck... glad you're still here. :flowerforyou:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I am having a very hard time motivating myself, guys! I feel like I lost all momentum when I was gone and now it's hard being back and my husband on-call all the time, so I can't really go anywhere. I did force myself to get on the bike for 25 minutes today, which considering that I was totally rebelling, is pretty good for today. It just doesn't seem worth it to work so hard, to go without and not have any weight loss after all this time. I do have my Dr. appt. on Tuesday to see what's up, so maybe they'll find a reason. I'm just in a rut and it's hard to get out. I will keep checking the see what you are all doing. It does help motivate me. I wish I had had the time in Philly to check in. Maybe I wouldn't have gone so far off track. Oh well. Doing a little better every day will eventually get me back, right?

    Start with 10 minutes, then build up from there....Just get up and move...we don't care how, when or what...find something new to try

    Tell your MD to check thyroid, vitamin D, B levels....they all affect mental health

    Good luck
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    Wednesday, 45 kettleballs
    Friday was guts-n-butts 50 minutes and vinyasa yoga 60
    today was kettleballs 45 minutes and kardioke 45 minutes
    Sunday, core conditioning 60 minutes

    Oh, and I feel every minute of that exercise...trying to catch up for the week; but, I will end the week at 305

    Congrats to all who make it! For those of us who didn't...we will

    Happy Mother's Day!
  • OnieBee
    OnieBee Posts: 67
    60 minutes on the elliptical making my total this week 300! Having faith that I will complete this challenge tomorrow!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I forgot to report in, but I did my workout today - 53 minutes, I think it was. Felt every minute of it, but loving it! :)
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    I only got in about 200 this week (It's now Sunday night here for me in Aus) but I will definitely try and get 360 done next week! CONGRATULATIONS to all that got there, and all that tried :) It's a great goal and motivator.

    Hopefully I'll get an hour in tomorrow night after a 9-5 day at Uni. Not to mention study for my Japanese exam on Friday and economics report due to following week >.< I wish I could drop it all and become a personal trainer or something!!

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I only got in about 200 this week (It's now Sunday night here for me in Aus) but I will definitely try and get 360 done next week! CONGRATULATIONS to all that got there, and all that tried :) It's a great goal and motivator.

    Hopefully I'll get an hour in tomorrow night after a 9-5 day at Uni. Not to mention study for my Japanese exam on Friday and economics report due to following week >.< I wish I could drop it all and become a personal trainer or something!!


    Cavemen had it so good...all they had to do was hunt for food and stay warm:bigsmile:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Wednesday, 45 kettleballs
    Friday was guts-n-butts 50 minutes and vinyasa yoga 60
    Saturday, kettleballs 45 minutes and kardioke 45 minutes

    I got the day of work today:bigsmile: They cancelled core conditioning; so, I signed up for karidoke and vinyasa yoga...that's 105 minutes. I will post it officially after I acutally do the exercise.

    Hopefully, I will reach 350 with the classes and I am sure I can do 10 minutes of some sort of cardio to hit 360...I really excited that it worked out.
  • OnieBee
    OnieBee Posts: 67
    Accomplished another 60 minutes on the Elliptical bringing my total to 360 minutes for this weeks challenge. Thank you for letting me participate, it gave me the motivation to go for it!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Accomplished another 60 minutes on the Elliptical bringing my total to 360 minutes for this weeks challenge. Thank you for letting me participate, it gave me the motivation to go for it!

    Awesome!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: You did it and should be proud....what differences do you see?
  • OnieBee
    OnieBee Posts: 67
    I noticed that now my heart rate doesn't go straight to 180 after the first 10 minutes. During today's cardio I maintained approximately 165 throughout my entire 60 minutes doing the same amount of miles as in the beginning! Super excited to see if I've lost inches.

    It has been very encouraging knowing there is a group of friends here working on the same goal!

    Congrats to everyone!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    I am having a very hard time motivating myself, guys! I feel like I lost all momentum when I was gone and now it's hard being back and my husband on-call all the time, so I can't really go anywhere. I did force myself to get on the bike for 25 minutes today, which considering that I was totally rebelling, is pretty good for today. It just doesn't seem worth it to work so hard, to go without and not have any weight loss after all this time. I do have my Dr. appt. on Tuesday to see what's up, so maybe they'll find a reason. I'm just in a rut and it's hard to get out. I will keep checking the see what you are all doing. It does help motivate me. I wish I had had the time in Philly to check in. Maybe I wouldn't have gone so far off track. Oh well. Doing a little better every day will eventually get me back, right?

    Hey Eliza,
    RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT!!!!!Hang in there, you'll get you're mojo back ~ not to worry!! We all lose our momentum from time to time ; that's why we need each other:smile: I know how hard you work from the other thread - you're doing the right thing ~ checking in and doing what you can everyday. You'll feel like yourself in no time at all; i just know it!!!

    Smile is totally right ~ it's about making it fun and getting your work out in. If it ain't fun I ain't gonna do it for long!!

    Hang in there !!

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Wednesday, 45 kettleballs
    Friday was guts-n-butts 50 minutes and vinyasa yoga 60
    Saturday, kettleballs 45 minutes and kardioke 45 minutes
    Sunday, kardioke 45 minutes, vinyasa yoga 60, biking 31 minutes

    Total 381 for the week....I made it!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    OK, tomorrow starts a new week....who's doing what??? who's trying something new???

  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    My weekly total was 259... I didn't quite get there, maybe this week!

    great job Kim, I'm chasing after you now. :)

    I am supposed to be on vacation from work this week - so that could make this goal easier OR harder. It could go either way...
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Morniing Peeps,
    Checking in and I made it !! Weekly total 382 thanks to some run/walks this weekend. Finally found some reasonably priced shoes so I don't get the full fledged heel spurs and shins splints that I was afraid of! This morning the pain is way less.
    Off to hit a 20 min cardio boot camp before work and get the blood flowing in this monday moriing.
    My eating was off this weekend - only over by 500 cals per mfp but jusy "unhealthy " crap: pizza, brownie, cookie variety.
    Freswh strart there too!!

    Why is getting the diet under control so hard!! Any tips for the weary? :laugh:

    Make is a great Monday,
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    My weekly total was 259... I didn't quite get there, maybe this week!

    great job Kim, I'm chasing after you now. :)

    I am supposed to be on vacation from work this week - so that could make this goal easier OR harder. It could go either way...

    Hey Kiddo,
    I am sure you'll get there this week !! A full Monday thur Sunday will be a piece of cake (so to speak) for you!!! If I know you you're going to end up pushing all of us!! Watch out:drinker:

    Enjoy your vaca and do something fun!!

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Plan for today is kettleballs at 12:30 and zumba at 7:45 body is really starting to feel all this exercise.

    Janet, I am getting my diet under control this week. I made a new salad that I just love that's quick, easy and pretty low-cal. The beans gave extra fiber. The dressing is the one you need to be careful with:

    Chopped grilled/baked chicken breast (or shrimp/fish)
    black bean salsa (store bought)...quicker than making my own
    pico de gallo (store bought)...quicker than making my own
    Marie's chipoltle salad dressing (or, do low-fat ranch with salsa mixed in or chipolte seasoning)
    romaine lettuce

    I thought of adding avocado later, maybe some light cheese, maybe next time