McDonald's and Me

Okay, so here's the situation. My husband would really like McDonald's for supper tonight and I thought it would be okay.

Knowing me, I tend to do my "homework" and research what I can have so that I can allow it for my daily intake. Not only that, I can't have red meat because it doesn't agree with my stomach so I'm left with Chicken or fish. Not much variety there. :grumble:

Have you seen the nutritional information for McDonald's??? :explode: I'm getting flashbacks of SUPERSIZE ME the movie, starting to get sick and I haven't eaten anything yet. :sick:

Why does there food taste so good and be loaded with so many calories? :noway: That's just wrong.

So, being that Hubby really wants McD's (he's a stick, by the way), we go and I decided to get a Happy Meal. Apparently, they have age limits on purchasing Happy Meals. I was told that if I wasn't purchasing it for a child 12 and under that I couldn't purchase it at all. HUH??? :embarassed:

We both left the restaurant and hit the drive through. Hubby got what he wanted and I got what I wanted. We told them we were picking up our child from practice (we don't have kids).

Am I alone in doing this? I want to keep within my limits and have the proper portion size but restaurants are not helping out here. I know I could have gone for a salad but seriously, there's only so much salad you can have in a week.

Thanks. :flowerforyou:



  • thendrick
    thendrick Posts: 102 Member
    I order Hamburger Happy Meals all the time and I've never been asked if it's for a child?
    In fact, all a Happy Meal is, is a hamburger, small fries and small drink (and a toy of course!)
  • fitzio1015
    fitzio1015 Posts: 168
    i would have asked to see a manager.....that is crap... you should have told him to keep the dang toy if it was that big of a deal....

    God i hate places who do not treat customers the way they should....
  • jadenjo
    jadenjo Posts: 13
    I don't see anything wrong with that at all. I can't believe they even said anything to you. Pretty rude, if you ask me. I think they make enough money that a few Happy Meals being eaten by adults isn't going to hurt their bottom line. Your only other alternative would be to order those things separately off the menu but I wouldn't. I say do what's best for yourself because I'm pretty sure poor old Mcdonalds won't be going out of business anytime soon, lol.
    And what's up with our husbands always wanting to feed us bad stuff?!!! Oh boy, mine sure puts a lot of temptation in my way. I told him he's going to have to get healthy too if he doesn't stop! Yeah, Anyway, you're doing great and I wouldn't worry about it. Jo
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    *LULZ!* HA HA HA HA!!! Made you LIE to them before they'd sell you a frickin' Happy Meal! That's so absurd!

    Seriously, though, on the extremely rare occasion that I hit Mickey D's I usually get a grilled snack wrap. Last weekend I got stuck grabbing something there, so I went for a salsa roja wrap. It was about 250 calories. Its worst sin is that it has over 800mg in sodium. Ack. Probably a lot less than the Happy Meal, though! Throw in a fruit and walnut salad, and you actually have a semi-decent fast food meal.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    NO!!! You are not alone! I've gotten to be a total stickler about sodium lately so I stay away from McDonald's but I LOVE Wendy's. I get a little cheese burger and a caesar salad or the chili (which isn't THAT great but has some fiber in it). It bothers me that I hear so many people talking about how obese this country is and restaurants don't help out at all. :-(
  • irunwithscissors
    irunwithscissors Posts: 89 Member
    Wow! I used to get Happy meals all the time! Never been asked or told that! I purposely drive around the fast food strip that is on my way home to prevent getting fast food. However, if I were in that situation, I would have done the same thing. Perhaps got the chicken nuggets though!
  • Ayre
    Ayre Posts: 15
    When I go to McD's I will get the six piece chicken nugget meal with apple dippers and a small diet coke. It has, I think, around 360 calories. OR I will get the bacon ranch grilled chicken salad. The salad itself has 270 calories. Paired with a diet coke it tastes pretty good. Using less of the dressing you are given also helps. I will only use about 1.5 of the ranch dressing. I think the total may be in the ballpark of 390 calories. It may be lower...can't remember.
  • waymethb
    waymethb Posts: 21 Member
    Thats total CRAP! I would have asked to see a manager too..I've gotten plenty of happy meals and they have never asked if I was buying for a child?? Besides a happy meal is soo good cuz you still get to have mcdonalds just not all the calories of a big meal!
  • Mom2Emery_Liam
    I agree, that's total CRAP! I've gotten them plenty times before, they have no right to deny you one. You're paying for it aren't you? Maybe they were low on supplies or something...geez. I've never heard of that.
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Maybe its an outside force trying to convince you that you probably shouldnt be having a maccyD's?

    Seriously if my boyfriend said he wanted a maccy D's I would have told him to bugger off and get one on his own if he wanted it that badly. Then given him a right rollocking for tempting me and being completely unsupportive.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Maybe its an outside force trying to convince you that you probably shouldnt be having a maccyD's?

    Seriously if my boyfriend said he wanted a maccy D's I would have told him to bugger off and get one on his own if he wanted it that badly. Then given him a right rollocking for tempting me and being completely unsupportive.

    LOL ITA. Fine get your Mcy D's dear, but drop me off at Subway first. :)

    And WTH I've never heard of the only under 12 "rule" that's a load of horse poo! Whose to say you weren't buying it for a kid a why should they give a crap either way. Geeze customer service really sucks now days!
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    They do have a adult happy meal (no toy) lol. When I do (rarely) stop a Mc Donalds I order the grilled chicken wrap NO Sauce, about 210-230 calories (cant remember) but for me the best choice.
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I ALWAYS order a Happy Meal when we go. Chicken nuggets, small fries, with a diet coke and a side of apple slices. They have never said anything about me not able to. I would have told them it was to take home for my child. Who are they to question you? It's crazy lol Good for you on your choice too :smile: Chicken snack wrap without sauce is good too but high in sodium
  • bolsen21
    bolsen21 Posts: 22
    i get happy meals all the time, but i go to through the drive thru. and i have my kids in the car..........
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    They've been asking if Happy Meals are for a child where I live for years. I'm not really a fan of McDonald's anyway... but I do enjoy their iced coffee.
  • binkyb00
    binkyb00 Posts: 81 Member
    Wow, I've never had to deal with that. I actually order kids burger at Fuddruckers before too because it's the same size as an adult and fills me up real fast. I do feel guilty everytime I ask for a kids size, so I try to order it only when I'm with my family.

    I think it's stupid the way they treated you. What do they care if you are a kid or not? Isn't it your money that they reall want? I think whoever did that to you is just being a jerk.

    Oh and here in California toys in happy meals are banned to help fight obesity. Honestly I think it's the parents fault if they choose to feed their children fast food.
  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    OMG! I have never heard of that! That is so dumb! Most of the happy meal toys will probably get thrown out anyway. Its not like your was going to waste anything. I would have blown a gasket! They should make smaller meals for people who love McDonald's but have to watch what they eat. Salads don't count! Sorry you had trouble with them!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    They do have a adult happy meal (no toy) lol. When I do (rarely) stop a Mc Donalds I order the grilled chicken wrap NO Sauce, about 210-230 calories (cant remember) but for me the best choice.

    I get the same thing, my downfall is that 3 of my kids work at McD's uggh! so i'm always there dropping off or picking up, then my littlest ones want to stay and play..I end up eating there and also get the grilled chicken snack wrap, no sauce no cheese, with apple slices no caramel sauce crap and I get bottled water, if i'm still hungry I go back for the yogurt parfait. all comes in at under 350 calories..not too bad!
  • sissy56
    sissy56 Posts: 108 Member
    I used to take my dog through the drive-thru at Burger King and get her a burger. Wonder what McD's would think of that? Seriously, what do they care who eats it as long as it's paid for?
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I used to take my dog through the drive-thru at Burger King and get her a burger. Wonder what McD's would think of that? Seriously, what do they care who eats it as long as it's paid for?

    lol :laugh: , my mom does that with her little poodly thingy...he just loves chicken, I thought she was the only person in the world that did that!