Ladies - do you log your period weight gain?



  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I weigh myself once a month, so this isn't really an issue for me.
  • mollylookalike
    mollylookalike Posts: 60 Member
    What's this "weighing yourself" that you speak of?

    I locked my scale in a closet months ago . . . dirty little liar.

    I'm glad the battery died in mine. :drinker: :laugh: :blushing:
  • jensan37
    jensan37 Posts: 151 Member
    Heck no!!!! I don't weigh myself that week.
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    I try to weigh once a this generally doesn't effect me.
  • Silvara_11
    Silvara_11 Posts: 133 Member
    Glad you asked the question - I just ignored my weight gain last week, hoping I can record a loss tomorrow!
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    I don't. I know it is water weight. My boobs swell to twice the normal size, hurt and I am very gassy. I do weigh, but I don't log. I weigh mostly because it has become habitual. lol
  • MountainMamaMarissa
    MountainMamaMarissa Posts: 202 Member
    No, I don't log it. My weight goes up 5 -7 lbs. during that time, but it goes back down after that week. I only log true fat gains and losses, not water retention gains and losses.
  • jensan37
    jensan37 Posts: 151 Member
    no but i log the chocolate i ate while pmsing :D
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I only log losses. I don't like logging gains, then getting "WTG" or some *kitten* like that when I lose the same damn 2 lbs over and over and over and over....

  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I log my weight every Monday morning, regardless.

    I feel that to do otherwise would be lying to myself and I'm not prepared to do that.
  • millicent5176
    millicent5176 Posts: 1 Member
    Nope! I only record losses. I'm trying to only weigh once a week, but that's tough.
  • ChrissyC1985
    ChrissyC1985 Posts: 406 Member
    no, i gain up to half a stone in water weight some months, i fill in the food diary to the letter but that week don't log weight. do the other measurements though and go back to normal the week after.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    I weigh regardless. If there is a gain that week I know it will be gone the next. Usually lots of water PMS week helps me to keep the gain under 2lbs.
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    The second my boobs swell to painful proportions, I stop weighing myself. I don't start up again until my cycle stops, even though I go back down about three or four days into it. :)
  • Paijj
    Paijj Posts: 11
    No way....combine the weight/water gain and general hormone hell I would be WAY too likely to introduce that scale to my friend the sledgehammer! :mad: And Lord knows I can't afford to replace my scale once a month!
  • hypocritelecter
    hypocritelecter Posts: 61 Member
    I did in the past (weigh myself once a week, regardless of my 'condition') but I noticed I could gain 2-5, sometimes 7-8 lbs! I have my periods irregularly, perhaps three times a year, so when I can feel my body becoming more achey I skip the scale for that week. It definitely hasn't hurt my weight loss. :)
  • janzia
    janzia Posts: 76 Member
    No. If after a week the scale hasn't gone down then I would because then it's not period/water retention anymore.

  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Monday is my weigh in day. But if I weigh in Monday and my weight is up, I weigh in again Tuesday. And again Wednesday, or however long it takes to get rid of the extra pounds that I know are just period related. I will log neutral (no gain no loss) but I don't log gains. I look at my food diary and see the deficit I'm eating at and think "there is no way I ate 7000 calories above my burn rate (how many calories it takes to gain two pounds, as I understand it)." So just figure those aren't "real" pounds.
  • MissMdM
    MissMdM Posts: 124 Member
    Yes I do. I'm don't feel like a failure because I got my period and have bloating. The following week it comes off.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Yep. To me, personally, weight is weight. I just don't freak out if there's a gain that I think is attributed to something like TOM, or water retention due to other reasons, like too much sodium and not enough water. If I don't log that week, and consider a gain inevitable, I'm worried I would use it as an excuse to not pay as much attention to what I'm eating and it would turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Just my personal preference- I'm not saying that's how everyone should do it :smile: