When to lift weights?



  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Why don't you look up Michelle Bridges 12 week challenge? it's a fantastic on line programme that you sign up for. You can decode whether you want to train for a marathon, lose weight via cardio, tone up or become strong. You can choose from at home, gym or classes work outs and it's really really good! You print of every weeks programme, it has photo's and every exercise is demonstrated.
    it also gives you a weekly meal plan if you want to follow. Both for men & women. I highly recommend.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    NikoM5 sounds like he knows what he's talking about. For me I do compound every other day. My DOMS kicks in the worst on day 2, so I'm lifting, and feeling like my body is ripping apart...but I've already given myself a day in between to recover. I'm just THAT out of shape (especially when I up my weights). Exarnious, go to bodybuilding.com, or get New Rules of Lifting if you're a newbie. Do some research, and youtube as much as you can.
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    If you aren't feeling your strength workouts you aren't doing it right!!! Add higher weights, work to failure, and do more sets until you notice soreness then next day.

    The soreness is called DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) You will feel it the first couple weeks when starting out but it will go away and it should by no means be used a guide for how effective your workouts are. I don't get DOMS and my workouts are just fine. You also do not necessarily want to work till failure. There are times to do it but for the most part progressive load is the way to go.
    IMHO they (deadlifts) are second only to squats for lifts that will change your fitness.

    Both are great but deads are the better all around exercise working more muscles than squats.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    If you aren't feeling your strength workouts you aren't doing it right!!! Add higher weights, work to failure, and do more sets until you notice soreness then next day.

    The soreness is called DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) You will feel it the first couple weeks when starting out but it will go away and it should by no means be used a guide for how effective your workouts are. I don't get DOMS and my workouts are just fine. You also do not necessarily want to work till failure. There are times to do it but for the most part progressive load is the way to go.
    IMHO they (deadlifts) are second only to squats for lifts that will change your fitness.

    Both are great but deads are the better all around exercise working more muscles than squats.

    deadlifts are knows to be the BEST compound exercise. I've read that in more than one place. It should not be done lightly, or skipped at all. I love deadlifting, makes me feel strong lol
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    If you aren't feeling your strength workouts you aren't doing it right!!! Add higher weights, work to failure, and do more sets until you notice soreness then next day.

    The soreness is called DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) You will feel it the first couple weeks when starting out but it will go away and it should by no means be used a guide for how effective your workouts are. I don't get DOMS and my workouts are just fine. You also do not necessarily want to work till failure. There are times to do it but for the most part progressive load is the way to go.
    IMHO they (deadlifts) are second only to squats for lifts that will change your fitness.

    Both are great but deads are the better all around exercise working more muscles than squats.

    deadlifts are knows to be the BEST compound exercise. I've read that in more than one place. It should not be done lightly, or skipped at all. I love deadlifting, makes me feel strong lol

    Just starting to deadlift my bodyweight and man do I feel it everywhere
  • LoganAnthony6
    Well thanks for all the input, everyone. Think i'll start at a weight I can do all of these at comfortably: Deadlift, Barbell Row, Bench and Squats. I'll likely start doing at least 15 minutes a day of even rotations and add more weight as I go, unless you all have a better, more precise suggestion.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Get the smart phone stronglifts app and follow that itll tell you how much weight to use

    it starts out really light but be patient it gets heavy fast work on your form at first
  • LoganAnthony6
    Get the smart phone stronglifts app and follow that itll tell you how much weight to use

    it starts out really light but be patient it gets heavy fast work on your form at first

    I likely would if I had access to a phone that could download the app. I tried downloading the 5x5 report on my computer, but it froze everything up so I ended the process.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member

    Just starting to deadlift my bodyweight and man do I feel it everywhere

    that's awesome, what a great feeling eh? I'm not nearly as heavy as I want to be, but by the time I'm done, I hope to deadlift at least 250lbs.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    also do SOMETHING in between lift days. Lots of recommendations for yoga (for the stretching and core work out), swimming because it's easy on the joints, and cardio to get your heart rate up.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Dont know the weights in kg so its in pounds

    Day A
    Squats start at 45
    Bench 45
    Barbell row 65

    Day B
    Squat 50
    Overhead press 45
    deadlift 95

    Add 5 pounds each time you complete 5 sets of 5 1 rest day in between alternating days
  • LoganAnthony6
    Dont know the weights in kg so its in pounds

    Day A
    Squats start at 45
    Bench 45
    Barbell row 65

    Day B
    Squat 50
    Overhead press 45
    deadlift 95

    Add 5 pounds each time you complete 5 sets of 5 1 rest day in between alternating days

    How long does it say to go each day doing this? If it's very long and i'm adding 5 pounds every set, i'd be at my weight max of 130ish by the end of the first day. LOL
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    5 pounds per day. So 15 pounds per week. Not each set.

    Also deadlifts are supposed to go up 10 pounds each time and you only do 1 set of 5 deadlifts not 5

    you ll be at 135 on the deadlift in about 2 weeks so should try to find more on craigslist probably can get them pretty cheap
  • LoganAnthony6
    5 pounds per day. So 15 pounds per week. Not each set.

    Also deadlifts are supposed to go up 10 pounds each time and you only do 1 set of 5 deadlifts not 5

    you ll be at 135 on the deadlift in about 2 weeks so should try to find more on craigslist probably can get them pretty cheap

    Thanks for all this. I finally got the one downloaded off the website so I have a better idea of what I need to do. A few things confused me, but I will wing it as best I can for a little while. If things go well, i'll invest more time and money into the program. Thanks for the help!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    5 pounds per day. So 15 pounds per week. Not each set.

    Also deadlifts are supposed to go up 10 pounds each time and you only do 1 set of 5 deadlifts not 5

    you ll be at 135 on the deadlift in about 2 weeks so should try to find more on craigslist probably can get them pretty cheap

    I can't increase that much anymore. I got up to 155 lbs (my body weight is 135), but found I'm losing grip. Deloaded back to 135 and worked back up at 5 lbs each time, but can't go beyond. Split grip seems so awkward -- seems no easier to me.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    5 pounds per day. So 15 pounds per week. Not each set.

    Also deadlifts are supposed to go up 10 pounds each time and you only do 1 set of 5 deadlifts not 5

    you ll be at 135 on the deadlift in about 2 weeks so should try to find more on craigslist probably can get them pretty cheap

    I can't increase that much anymore. I got up to 155 lbs (my body weight is 135), but found I'm losing grip. Deloaded back to 135 and worked back up at 5 lbs each time, but can't go beyond. Split grip seems so awkward -- seems no easier to me.

    Every one has their stalling points. You're doing it right. And yea I hate spit grip too.

    Maybe try gloves or straps?
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    5 pounds per day. So 15 pounds per week. Not each set.

    Also deadlifts are supposed to go up 10 pounds each time and you only do 1 set of 5 deadlifts not 5

    you ll be at 135 on the deadlift in about 2 weeks so should try to find more on craigslist probably can get them pretty cheap

    I can't increase that much anymore. I got up to 155 lbs (my body weight is 135), but found I'm losing grip. Deloaded back to 135 and worked back up at 5 lbs each time, but can't go beyond. Split grip seems so awkward -- seems no easier to me.

    Every one has their stalling points. You're doing it right. And yea I hate spit grip too.

    Maybe try gloves or straps?

    I'm not sure how gloves would help -- it's not a callous issue -- another layer in between; even harder to hold? maybe straps, but I feel like I should be able to go higher before I use them. I went back down to 135 today and practiced the split grip. Going to try going up again using it 5 lbs. each time.

    Would love to make it to 200 lbs.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Depends on the gloves. I 've heard quite a few people that it actually helps with grip. I don't know I'm just getting to bodyweight myself. At 225 my goal is 300.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    5 pounds per day. So 15 pounds per week. Not each set.

    Also deadlifts are supposed to go up 10 pounds each time and you only do 1 set of 5 deadlifts not 5

    you ll be at 135 on the deadlift in about 2 weeks so should try to find more on craigslist probably can get them pretty cheap

    I can't increase that much anymore. I got up to 155 lbs (my body weight is 135), but found I'm losing grip. Deloaded back to 135 and worked back up at 5 lbs each time, but can't go beyond. Split grip seems so awkward -- seems no easier to me.

    Every one has their stalling points. You're doing it right. And yea I hate spit grip too.

    Maybe try gloves or straps?

    I'm not sure how gloves would help -- it's not a callous issue -- another layer in between; even harder to hold? maybe straps, but I feel like I should be able to go higher before I use them. I went back down to 135 today and practiced the split grip. Going to try going up again using it 5 lbs. each time.

    Would love to make it to 200 lbs.

    Try rack pulls and farmers walks to increase your grip strength.
  • Bunnycub
    You should wait a minimum of 48 hours before hitting THE SAME muscle groups again.

    I've heard this^ number as well, about 2 full days between the same group. I do lift 7 days a week but I break it up so I'm hitting a different muscle group each day:

    Monday - Chest
    Tuesday - Back
    Wednesday - Legs
    Thursday - Shoulders
    Friday - Arms* (Triceps and Bicepts)
    ABS - Every 2-3 days

    *You can't help but use your biceps when doing back and your triceps when doing chest which is why I lay out my schedule this way so even though triceps and biceps are the secondary muscle groups being used Mon & Tues. They still have time to repair before focusing on them on Friday and then after Friday they have the weekend to repair and get ready for the follwoing week

    ...I'm no expert, but this breakdown works for me!