How often do you weigh yourself?

Thanks for the answers.


  • ncsubeachgirl
    ncsubeachgirl Posts: 97 Member
    Every morning before work :)
  • ncsubeachgirl
    ncsubeachgirl Posts: 97 Member
    Every morning before work :) seeing the number motivates me. I want to see a smaller one!
  • mrscruz625
    mrscruz625 Posts: 59 Member
    Every morning. I count Friday mornings as my "official" count though.
  • mrswaite08
    mrswaite08 Posts: 93 Member
    Every morning. Use the bathroom, undress, weigh myself & then hop in the shower.
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    I weigh myself very sporadically at home. I'm not sure my scale is accurate. I usually weigh myself 3-4 times a week when I'm at the gym - again, there are fluctuations because I'm not doing it an on empty stomach always, different times of the day, etc. It's hard not seeing it move down, though. I should, perhaps, ignore the scale and go by measurements instead.
  • mssgeni
    mssgeni Posts: 83 Member
    There's a scale at my work where I weigh myself to see where I'm at before I eat... but my official "weigh-in" days are Sundays with the Wii Fit. I try not to weigh myself every day though because since it fluctuates so much, I'd rather not obsess over it.
  • fit4life1985
    fit4life1985 Posts: 23 Member
    Once a week. Water weight can fluctuate depending on how much you have been drinking.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Maybe twice a week. Friday morning is my proper day but I might see how things are progressing on Wednesdays. I used to weigh every morning but found that if the news was all bad I would sabotage myself
  • badmojo108
    My official weigh in is Monday mornings, but I weigh myself every morning and every evening and sometimes during the day. I find that by seeing how much my weight fluctuates on a daily basis an official weigh in where I am up or haven't lost a lot doesn't phase me as long as I know my general trend is downward.