How do y'all get motivated to workout? Hypnosis?

How do y'all get motivated to workout? I NEED some serious motivation to workout. I had been doing Zumba, but then after getting dizzy a few times and almost passing out during some classes, I quit going. After a month of not doing anything, it's horrible to get motivated to do anything again.

At this point, I'm seriously thinking about being hypnotized or something. How do y'all get motivated to workout?

In the past, working out is the ONLY thing that helps me loose the weight.:blushing:


  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    Try some fun Youtube videos at home to start! tiffanyrothe has some fun 10min workouts you can mix and match
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I lift heavy, so my motivation is my next PR. Watching videos of record holding powerlifters help too.
  • soniabogonia
    soniabogonia Posts: 778 Member
    I don't think about it too much. Just walk to my room, get dressed and put on a workout DVD or jump on the elliptical. If I sit and think about it, I'll talk myself out of it.
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    I found something I like (the rowing machine) so I enjoy my workout. And now it's my stress relief.

    Trust me, when you enjoy your workout, it's a million times easier to be motivated.
  • Songbird1104
    Songbird1104 Posts: 210 Member
    DRINK WATER!!!!!!!! That'll help with the lightheadedness.

    As for working out, find an activity that you enjoy that happens to be exercise. Get out of the house and go for a walk, or ride a bike, or swim, or meet a friend a walk around the mall a dozen times. That's what I do. I'm sick of working out in my living room.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I realized how much energy I get from working out. I kind of made it into a game for myself, as well, to see how much I can do at once without over-doing it
  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    Progress.... I love to see what it does for my body and how it makes me feel. Takes a bit to get there, but once you do there is no stopping. You just got get that initial motivation. Make sure you eat something before you workout, it will help with the dizziness. Sounds like you just had some low blood sugar. Best of luck. :smile:
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    First of all... if you eat at a calorie deficit, you will lose weight whether you work out or not. If you work out and don't eat back your exercise calories, you will lose weight FASTER.

    Second... you probably felt dizzy because your blood sugar dropped during your workout. Try eating something light before your workout. Preferably some carbs. Maybe a little peanut butter on a slice of whole wheat toast. Just a little something - not too much or you'll be unhappy with everything sloshing around in your stomach while you work out. The other option is to work out first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This works for me, but you may prefer eating a little something even then. I know that if I sleep late and try to work out on an empty stomach, it doesn't work.

    Lastly... I don't even have the words to express to you how I get motivated to work out, but I'll try. 3 months ago I was 40 pounds overweight and I felt like CRAP. Today I am close to my ideal weight and feel AWESOME. I am an ATHLETE. I feel strong, energetic, powerful. I have good stamina. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I feel 10 years younger than I did 3 months ago. I want to work out almost every day... to keep this feeling going for as long as I can.

    The problem you had is easily solved. Don't give up! Keep working out until you feel GREAT, and you'll never want to quit. And keep logging your calories and stay under your goal every day, workout or not.
  • Yes I agree with the above, the more you think about working out the less you want to do it, in my case anyway. I try not to thonk about it. I also seen this quote the other day that helps motivate me "you can either be sore tomorrow, or you can be sorry tomorrow"
  • starrchiild
    starrchiild Posts: 38 Member
    Watch Thehodgetwins video's on youtube :)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    First of all, find something that is fun for you. Some people love to run (me!), some hate it, some love Zumba, and some have 2 left feet. You have to find the thing that is right for you. And it doesn't have to be cardio - try yoga, and lifting weights. Then, set yourself some goals. Break them down so you know how much you have to do each week. And work on those goals. For example, I love to run so I am getting ready for a 5k in April (long time away, but it's too cold to run outside until like March here, at least for me). My goal is to run it in under 25 minutes, which is a bit ambitious. I know that I need to shave time off my miles, and increase my length of time running. My next goal after the 5k is a 10k this summer … and then I want to run a 1/2 and then a full marathon (no dates for those yet). Anyway, having those goals gets me up and running even when I would rather sit on the couch. If you can make some goals like that, and maybe offer yourself a reward for reaching them, it might be enough to motivate you.

    Oh, also don't start out too fast. I see a lot of people decide they're going to exercise and go from couch to high intensity (like you did with Zumba, I'm guessing). And they fail because it's too much, then give up. Start with what is just outside comfortable for you and build it up.
  • nancycola
    nancycola Posts: 98 Member
    My motivation at this point is just how it makes me feel. Which is fantastic. At first it was a struggle to get myself up and out the door. But the workout itself has hooked me in. The feeling of energy and lightness and calm afterwards that carries over a couple days or until the next time I go is invaluable. I go bonkers if I've not been in the yoga room too long. My husband knows it too. He has no problem saying goodbye when I want to take class.

    There will be times when the workout is tough and you get dizzy or a little light-headed, but that's when you know you're changing your body. Don't be scared of it. And don't be embarrassed. Learn from it. Did you drink enough water before and during class? Did you wait too long between meals? Did you get enough sleep? Have a bit too much to drink the night before? So many things can factor in how you feel during exercise. Keep at it.
  • try jack3d works for me.
  • My SO tells me to go into the living room and exercise.
    Sounds bad, but I told him to do it if I'm avoiding it [which is nearly every morning]. I have trouble listening to myself to do something, but I'll do it easily if someone else asks / tells me to do something.
    I never knew my people pleasing ways could actually work to my advantage.
  • mlcrec
    mlcrec Posts: 66
    I couldn't agree MORE!!! When I started working out 2 years ago, when I was going strong on this journey (fell off/now back on) it took about 2 weeks for it to be easier, then I noticed that if for some reason I couldn't make it to the gym one day I would crave going! You WILL feel better all around & the sense of pride you get from following through is truly priceless! Best of luck & DON'T give up!!!!

    First of all... if you eat at a calorie deficit, you will lose weight whether you work out or not. If you work out and don't eat back your exercise calories, you will lose weight FASTER.

    Second... you probably felt dizzy because your blood sugar dropped during your workout. Try eating something light before your workout. Preferably some carbs. Maybe a little peanut butter on a slice of whole wheat toast. Just a little something - not too much or you'll be unhappy with everything sloshing around in your stomach while you work out. The other option is to work out first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This works for me, but you may prefer eating a little something even then. I know that if I sleep late and try to work out on an empty stomach, it doesn't work.

    Lastly... I don't even have the words to express to you how I get motivated to work out, but I'll try. 3 months ago I was 40 pounds overweight and I felt like CRAP. Today I am close to my ideal weight and feel AWESOME. I am an ATHLETE. I feel strong, energetic, powerful. I have good stamina. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I feel 10 years younger than I did 3 months ago. I want to work out almost every day... to keep this feeling going for as long as I can.

    The problem you had is easily solved. Don't give up! Keep working out until you feel GREAT, and you'll never want to quit. And keep logging your calories and stay under your goal every day, workout or not.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    A few options

    1. Find something you love/like doing. Try new things until you do. Keep variety in your routine so you don't get bored.
    2. Set yourself goals - look at SMART model of goal setting because these need to be realistic, obtainable, you need to develop a plan about how you're going to get there and set specific time limits. Write these down and tell other people about them to create a committment. Make a bet with a friend or family member that you can make it or set up a reward system. Post pictures/notes around your house to remind you of your goals.
    3. Schedule in exercise like you would a date or meeting. Even better if you can make it really difficult to skip. For example you could go on the way to work or a meeting leaving the house with a spare hour to fill in. You could commit and pay for a boot camp or PT sessions. You could arrange to meet a friend to exercise with. You could play a team sport.

    Everybody's brains are different and it's really all about finding something that works to motivate YOU. This is different for each individual and there are a lot of theories based around motivation. Good luck
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Tough love:

    Nothing can give you motivation. Has to come from you. If you don't want to work out and you don't want the results from it... then you aren't going to do it. That simple. Find something you like, try a lot of different things like kick boxing classes, yoga, lifting weights... find something you like and you will be motivated.

    Once your butt is even part of the way to there you'll be addicted to squating :)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    You need a goal - not a weight goal, but a fitness goal. For example, one of the previous posters talked about lifting weights and going for personal bests. You could sign up for a race and train for that - it's kind of addicting. Sign up for a class - that way you have dates and times already scheduled. Make it a priority and you won't cancel. You also need to make sure you are doing activities that are fun for you. If working out is boring maybe you aren't doing the right workout...:flowerforyou:
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    If you're getting dizzy you need to eat more pre-work out and drink more water. I can't eat right before a workout, but about an hour before hand works out well for me.

    I have the same issue.. if i don't eat enough before I work out I get shaky and dizzy. i would also go to the doctor to make sure it's only that you didn't eat, and your blood sugar dropped and not some other underlying issue.

    Usually the pants getting to big is motivation enough for me, but I also feel like crap when i don't work out. Plus I really like all the muscles that are popping out all over and how tight and tones I am getting.. :~p

    I do a variety of stuff.. mix it up, have fun with it. Cardio, bike riding, weights, step calls, zumba, calisthenics, wii fit, tae-bo, punch out, kick boxing, crunch workouts, dancing, hiking, I'll be kayaking in the summer again too, Anything that gets you moving!. I do the weights and cardio the most because I like it the most and I have a partner in crime who does it with me. I also do different cardio machines.. don't like the same one everyday. I hate running, but I might try it again at some point. Can't hurt.

    that's a good way to keep you going to. get a gym partner. it's harder to bail on someone else then it is to bail on yourself.

    You can do it :) Just start today!
  • You know that expression "you can't choose your family but you can choose your friends", I apply that to exercise. It's part of my life whether I like it or not, so take the good with the bad and just get on with it. So don't think about exercise too much as you'll come up with all sorts of excuses not to do it. Just get on with and do something. It will soon become habit and before you know it you'll even look forward to it.
    On days when I don't feel like doing anything I arrange to catch up with a friend for a walk (where our mouths are getting more of a workout than our legs!) or I'll tell myself I'll just go on the exercise bike for 15 minutes - that's it. I'll put on a cd of "One Hit Wonders" or something else fun and then I'm so involved in belting out the songs that I don't even realize when the 15 minutes pass and I've already done more than that.