Hey There

So I'm Natasha and I'm not new to dieting, I've literally tried everything the weight comes off then comes right back. Looking for support:smile:


  • dandandee
    dandandee Posts: 301 Member
    hey Natasha! feel free to add me if you like.
    Sorry to hear that the weight always comes back... :/ But remember, we're not really dieting, we're changing our lifestyle (and part of that just happens to be eating healthier! :laugh: )
  • patriciafarmer56
    Hey Netasha, like your too have struggled over the years. Maybe we can support each other. Happy to meet you....
  • Swany2
    Swany2 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey Natasha,

    I agree with the last post. We're not on a diet, it's about making healthy choices which are good for us in the long term. Exercise is also the key. I've only been on here for 3 weeks and have lost every week so far, hoping for another loss on monday.

    MFP is fab, log in every day, track what you eat, its amazing when you look at it, and actually see that you've been over eating for ages. We basically cook most things from scratch, so i know nutrionally they're good but it was the amount of it I was eating that pushed me over the edge. I also love to bake, so I've had to cut back on that too. Also wine.....OMG!!!

    ALso, reading all the posts are inspiring and there are so many people who are willing to help with questions and motivation....

    You can do it...Feel free to add me if you like

  • kelcro40
    kelcro40 Posts: 115 Member
    Hi, this is my second go 'round with MFP and this time I seem to have stuck with it. And, it is really helping me this time! I cme back Jan 6th and have lost almost 12 lbs. Add me if you like!