When to stop losing weight?

Hello Everyone,

The question that is on my mind is when do you stop losing weight? I am currently at 145, with my goal being 140. At 140 I will be consider in the healthy BMI Range. I am currently at the point that I am happy with my weight, but yet I want to lose more weight. When I started this diet I could never image that I could make it this far. Will my body just stop losing weight when I get to that point? I just don't know whether I should stop losing or just keep going?


  • Ashiieepuff
    You will probably still lose weight if you keep up with your weight loss habits. If you want to stay at 140, a helpful thing would be to switch your goals to maintaining your current weight. It'll raise your calorie goals while assuming you're exercising the same amount. As for continuing your weight loss, it really is all up to you! You're healthy now and that's what's most important, anything after that is all ego/self image based, so do what makes you happy as long as you remain healthy! Good luck and congrats on reaching your goal! :)
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    Everyone is different. You will need to find a weight range that you are comfortable with.

    Here is a BMI calculator that I'm using. http://nhlbisupport.com/bmi/

    According to that calculator, my 5'4" "normal" / "healthy" range is 108 to 145.

    I have set my goal at 145, though I don't know if I want to go much lower than 160, the mid-"overweight" range.

    When I was 20, my weight dropped to 118 pounds. Some thought it was great, though my parents were terribly concerned. Looking back at old photos, I can see why they were worried. I looked anorexic!

    A couple years later, I got my weight back up to 127-130. I was healthier and felt good. I worked hard and I ate what I wanted. That was then. Now, 30 years later I am a very unhealthy 237 pounds. I need to lose weight, but more importantly, I need to get healthy.

    So, my goal weight is MY HEALTHY weight, not some weight on a chart. I don't know what that will be yet. I hope to figure it out when I get there.

    If you feel fine where you are now, you might take a break. Practice your maintenance skills and see how you feel. You may decide you like it where you are. If, after a few months, you decide that you are not quite where you need to be, at least you'll have a few months of maintenance under your belt for when you do get there.
  • ebarker20
    Thanks everyone for the comments. Your advice helps. I think I will just try to maintain my weight and do a little bit of toning.