Calling all vegetarians and vegans!

Looking to add more Vegetarian and Vegan friends :bigsmile:
just come back to vegetarianism and looking for encouragement support and meal ideas :drinker:
Don't be shy now :flowerforyou:


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    This topic would be more suited to groups as it can be divisive at times and not everyone can contribute.

  • veggiemodel
    veggiemodel Posts: 22 Member
    Great topic! I'm looking for more vegans/vegetarian friends too :)
  • sarah_gwen
    sarah_gwen Posts: 22 Member
    I am as well :) I am a growing vegetarian, and hopefully a vegan before fall!
  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member
    vegetarian here!!!!
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    vegetarian here!!!!

    me too!! add me
  • Psalm17v22
    Psalm17v22 Posts: 168 Member
    I'm a ovo-vegetarian, becoming a vegan (when the egg whites I have are used up). Sent a friend request to you.

    God bless,
  • iamsaw58
    Im a Pescetarian -its nice to know their are others- of various degrees!
  • cole_ashleyy
    cole_ashleyy Posts: 104 Member
    i'm a semi-veg!! really it's just due to pickiness that i need white meats for protein but i really only eat them when i HAVE to
  • iamsaw58
    I like to roast my veggies with a little bit of evvo spray at 450 for 20 min.

    Also quinoa is great for added protein and you can basically substitute any pasta,rice or grain recipe with quinoa which cooks up very quickly.Try (her cookbook is also fantastic!!)
  • daklex
    daklex Posts: 93 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have been leaning towards pescatarian (I think that's right) for years. I have fish, maybe, once a month. I crumble (as I hang my head in shame) maybe 3x per year and have chicken. I know I cannot declare myself a pure vegetarian, but i am really working on it. I would like to find friends who can inspire me and help me get beyond the yearnings for random chicken.

    And for those who may scroll and scrutinize my diaries, IF I order something with a meat, it's only because the supplies will not remove the meat, so I do so after I purchase it. For example, today I was running late for a job interview 1 1/2 hours from my house and hadn't eaten by 1:30PM, so I ordered a ham, egg, cheese and removed the ham. I know that it's still perpetuating the sale of meat, and I feel bad for wasting it, but would feel worse eating it.

    Sorry to sound so defensive, but I've been attacked on other posts and want to be sure I am abundantly clear.

    Anyway, I hope to make more friends, inspirational for me in my goals. Thanks!!
  • LoseYouself
    LoseYouself Posts: 249 Member
    Vegan. :)
  • RxVirus
    RxVirus Posts: 61 Member
    Hey feel free to add me! I'm vegan and have been looking for new vegetarian friends who share the same tastes, XP
  • Dejirei
    Dejirei Posts: 24 Member
    This topic is amazing! Just earlier I was even thinking about how it would be great to have a support system of other vegetarians/vegans:) I've been vegetarian for about four months and have never given meat a second look since! Add me yall!!
  • natm91
    natm91 Posts: 39
    I'm a pescatarian i think thats right lol i eat fish maybe once or twice a month (if that) :) apart from that pure veggie and have been for for 12 years this year :D so thats most of my life lol my diet isnt great so some new veggie/ vegan/ pescatarian friends would be great for some inspiration add away :)
  • skinnymomnivi
    skinnymomnivi Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I am vegetarian too and a newbie to MFP. Feel free to add me.
  • IeshaMonica
    Veggie for 2years and now a vegan :D feel free to add me.
    Would love to meet more vegans and veggies, share recipes, motivation ETC.
  • coolkacha

    I have been a vegetarian all my life. I'm not too fussy to read ingredients in minute details. However, I avoid all obvious meat products, including flavoured e.g. crisps. I eat eggs in food, like pancake, cakes etc but not on their own, e.g. omelettes, fried, boiled or poached etc.

    Since I started to monitoring and recording what I eat/drink, I have been making smarted choices.

    I make pizzas at home rather than buy from shops and supermarket. Lower in calory and great in taste. Little bit of effort though but I use pizza base mix. Oven chips than shop bought. Try and measure whot I eat.

    Great stuff:wink:
  • icyblue13
    icyblue13 Posts: 18 Member
    Vegetarian here!
  • Reebee22
    Reebee22 Posts: 26 Member
    Just checked this again, this is so awesome! Be prepared for friend requests people :bigsmile: