How to resist temptation! Help!

I work with mostly women & you know how us ladies love to snack & there are always cookies, chocolate, chips & random candies around (sweets are my biggest weakness) It seems as soon as someone offers me some I will accept it with no hesitation :-/ I know this constant snacking on junk is hindering my progress & I really would love some tips on how to resist & turn down bad food when it's offered to me.


  • unnur16
    unnur16 Posts: 140 Member
    It could be helpful taking our own healthy snack with you. Then you allways have something to grap to when they offer you junk.
  • Assistlo
    Assistlo Posts: 7 Member
    Take them some healthy snack too, When they offer you some of theirs, say no but you can have some of mine.
  • Jrabbit321
    Very good tips, thank you!