Need some friends



  • finallyhome2019
    finallyhome2019 Posts: 12 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I could use all the motivation and support I can get!

    You're not alone!
  • Christmas was a setback for me but I only gained back 4 pounds. I am determined to continue to reach my goal. So far 90 pounds and 15 more to go. It really does help to have someone to motivate you and listen. Good luck on your new start.
  • KBoston04
    KBoston04 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been working out for a little about two months since Dec 11th. I must admit that when I first started it was somewhat halfazz, but since Jan 11th I've been really trying. I've only lost 5lbs and one inch on my waist. I know it will take time, because I'm trying to get healthy as well. I don't want to loose hope, but when the scale reads the same thing for weeks at a time, it is frustrating. I feel the work outs working, because my blood pressure has gone down (even while trimming back the medicine to twice a week instead of daily), I sleep better, and I have more energy; however, it still is annoying to see the scale not move.

    Why can't I loose weight more quickly it is distressing! The positives are wonderful, but.... I'm just annoyed!
  • melmel5555
    melmel5555 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi All...I joined last year but really just started this year (2013)!! I would love to have some friends as well. Looking for support and motivation and would love to give it back...Happy Weight loss and good health to all :)
  • New on here.... been working out for a few months now lost some weight no where near where i wanna be at kind of just halfazzing it now .... motivation inspiration tips tricks etc ... anything to get my sorry azz in gear would be much appreciated ...... thanks
  • YOU SOUND LIKE ME!!!!! I will not quit even though I think this weight thing is one of the hardest things Ive ever had to deal with. I NEED FRIENDS AND MOTIVATION!!!!!!!!!
  • Losing weight can be so rewarding and frustrating at the same time. When I first started my sister who is a fitness instructor started a class to teach people how to lose weight the right way and keep if off for a lifetime. I was overwhelmed at first but quickly learned new ways to eat healthy and not feel deprived. I have had one setback at Christmas ( I love sugar my worst enemy) but I am determined to reach my final goal. Having my sisters support has helped me be accountable for my actions. Support is so important. I try not to look too far ahead so I set my goals for a reachable loss. I wish all fellow dieters out there continued success.
  • need support to loose 1 stone
  • New to this group and looking for freinds without judgements....Nice to meet you!
  • They say keeping a log is so important and also tracking your food daily. I feel that losing weight is like handling an addiction except we can't stop cold turkey like other addictions. We have to eat so we must change our mindset and rethink our eating habits. I cannot control sugar so the only thing I can do is to eliminate it from my diet. I am an emotional eater so I fight that daily. I have lost 90 pounds and have 25 more to go. The rewards so far have been awesome and I think that is what keeps me going. One day at a time.:smile:
  • Feel free to add me! (anyone that is :))
  • Sent you a request :-) Good luck! Anyone else feel free to add me - it's always great to have extra support!