Hip pain

I have had a really bad hip for nearly 3 years, it just started one day and it comes and goes I can have no pain for months and then weeks of really bad pain.

I went to see the doc over a year ago and he said there is nothing he can do and it'll probably sort itself out but its got worse, I don't want to go to the doctor (partly because I haven't signed up to once since I moved) and as well I know they are just going to tell me its because i's over weight.

I was just wondering if anyone had anything similar and if so is there anything you do to help ease the pain


  • borichfan
    borichfan Posts: 208 Member
    Do you use Splenda or any other types of artificial sweeteners? Do you drink diet sodas or use anything else with artificial sweeteners in it? The side effects of that stuff has been the problem for me. Makes my legs, hips, & joints in my legs hurt so bad that i just feel tired aand achy every day & unable to exercise. But after reading some articles about splenda & other artificial sweeteners aassociated with joint pain & leg pain. I quit using the splenda, been off the splenda 2 days now & i can really tell a difference in how my legs feel. I still have to get off the diet sodas, i am kinda weaning myself from them, but i quit the caffeine & splenda completely.
  • 2manyhats
    2manyhats Posts: 1,189 Member
    I had bad hip pain a few years ago and was not able to sit, lay down or anything without discomfort. Started doing "yoga for pain" and then added in extra stretching. It took 3 months, but finally no more pain! Doctors wanted me to do therapy,LOL!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Are you active?
    It happens to me sometimes and I just need to take Advil. Its irritated connective tissue from "over use".

    In your profile you don't look overweight enough to stress your hips. I don't see a Dr saying that about you. You should see a Dr.

    Good Luck.
  • susannahsutton1
    I used to have REALLY bad hip pain, so I took myself off to a physio, didn't go via the doctor. Turned out to be due to a problem in my lower back, they did some stuff, all fixed.
  • Stefanny91
    Stefanny91 Posts: 223 Member
    Do you use Splenda or any other types of artificial sweeteners? Do you drink diet sodas or use anything else with artificial sweeteners in it? The side effects of that stuff has been the problem for me. Makes my legs, hips, & joints in my legs hurt so bad that i just feel tired aand achy every day & unable to exercise. But after reading some articles about splenda & other artificial sweeteners aassociated with joint pain & leg pain. I quit using the splenda, been off the splenda 2 days now & i can really tell a difference in how my legs feel. I still have to get off the diet sodas, i am kinda weaning myself from them, but i quit the caffeine & splenda completely.

    Not really I used to rink a lot of diet coke ... but I haven't drunk that in ages, plus I read an article on it the other day that has put me off it for life!!

    I'd had thought for a long time that it was a trapped nerve but im not so sure anymore.

    I am active I exercise regularly and walk alot too, but when It does get bad no pills help I have to sit down and then I struggle to move it just feels like it needs to click, so I've tried doing that and it only hurt more :/

    I should probs go see the doc I just really dont want to lol
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    SCIATICA!! it actually is a pain in the butt but I have pain in my hip from it occasionally.... Yoga or you could google sciatica exercises to get relief
  • Stefanny91
    Stefanny91 Posts: 223 Member
    SCIATICA!! it actually is a pain in the butt but I have pain in my hip from it occasionally.... Yoga or you could google sciatica exercises to get relief

    I thought it could have been sciatica too but the doctor told me it defiantly wasnt that so I dont know :/

    I think yoga is a good idea, Does anyone know of any online yoga videos?
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    Is it a constant pain or only when you do certain activities? If its constant it could be Hip Dysplasia. I have had it since birth but a lot of people can live with it for a long time and only realize it when they're older and it starts to become an issue. I get pains inside my groin to the outside of my leg with mine. Could be something to consider.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Hip flexor stretches have worked well for my intermittent hip pain. Good luck!
  • Stefanny91
    Stefanny91 Posts: 223 Member
    Is it a constant pain or only when you do certain activities? If its constant it could be Hip Dysplasia. I have had it since birth but a lot of people can live with it for a long time and only realize it when they're older and it starts to become an issue. I get pains inside my groin to the outside of my leg with mine. Could be something to consider.

    Its not really a constant pain, it comes and goes It tends to be okay if im still but if I have to move, for example when im laying in bed and i have to shift my weight on to that side of my body it really friggin hurts :/
  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    I had a similar issue for years, off and on pain that when it came on was absolutely unbearable. My pain eventually turned constant and ended in me needing surgery for FAI. I would get into physical therapy. Not every doctor knows about every part of the body in absolute detail. I would seek an orthopaedic specialist and ask for PT. Being guided by a professional is the best thing you can do for yourself in the long run. Hip pain is no joke and you should be sure to get an MRI to make sure there's nothing going on in your joint. Good luck!
  • bonster1983
    bonster1983 Posts: 17 Member
    My sister has had bad hip pain for a few years. She ended going to the ER due to the pain being soo bad all of the sudden. They did an xray and she has a spot on her hip bone. It could be serious, they are still waiting for further test results. Go to the doctor and get it checked out. Chances are yours it isn't anything serious, but better to know for sure. She isn't very active and has a very bad back, so we just thought it was something to do with her back problems all these years.