Water filled Hula Hoop

Hey all, I ordered one of those water filled 3 pound hula hoops today because a couple friends swear by it that it takes inches off your waist. I guess it crushes the stubborn fat around your stomach so you can metabolize it easier or something.

Anyways I plan on doing 10 minute sessions with it like they recommend. IS there anyone out there who has an educated guess as to how many calories that would burn? I am guessing maybe 100 per 10 minutes.

I will let you all know if the thing works and actually helps get rid of the stubborn fat at the bottom of my belly a few weeks after I get it.


  • abutterflyemerges
    abutterflyemerges Posts: 101 Member
    cool! Where do you get it?
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Our water filled - super sealed exercise hoops are a bit heavier for those seeking a fun way to work out without the fancy dance side of things. Many feel a light hoop forces you to move faster, thereby tightening the muscles as you hoop. Others like weighted hoops found below. You have to use more force to push the hoop around...but you can't hoop as fast.

    Exercise ~ We do not recommend these (but some folks still prefer them). We personally like the light tubing found in our Fitness Hoops Section which weigh about 1 lb. OR the heavy empty tubing found in the Everyday Use Section which comes in around 1.5 lbs. and doesn't have the "pull" you experience with a water filled hoop. Our water filled hoops below come in 2 and 3 lb weights and can cause more initial bruising.

    To find your size, beginners should measure from the ground to about 2" above the belly button. Most that can hoop usually go an inch or two smaller.
  • colbycurtis
    I got mine from customhoops.com

    A friend of mine bought a 3 pound one from some other website for twice the price I used it 3 minutes and my stomach felt hot. I am sure it will make you sore at first but I am hoping wheres there's pain there's gain I will let you know.

    P.S. Since it is water filled and 3 pounds it is easy to keep it going and going unlike the hollow ones so it was actually fun.
  • colbycurtis
    Found this on Hooping.org

    How many calories an individual burns hula hooping will always be relative, but the scientific claim we stand behind is 100 calories in 10 minutes. Some using simple math have thus concluded 60 minutes equals 600 calories. This may be true in theory, and you can burn 600 calories doing many high impact aerobic exercises, but in reality it's unlikely. The initial energy burning spike begins to decrease after ten minutes. Whether you're sweating in an intensive hoop aerobics class or dreamily hoop dancing to Imogen Heap on a sunny day also plays a factor, as does your body weight and the weight of your hoop. That's why giving a range - 300 to 600 calories - is accurate and useful.

    So it is better to do two ten minute sessions morning and night than a long one. That will be my goal
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    bumpity bump! Would like to hear how this ends up working. Bet you'll get a few laughs in. ;)
  • colbycurtis
    OK So I got the Hula Hoop today and I guess you get what you pay for because my friend bought theirs from Ultimatehoops I think is where they said they got it. If anyone wants one I will ask them again where they bought theirs. and I got mine from customhoops. My friends has soft foam padding around the hoop and it makes it wider so more surface area on your stomach and softer. Mine was hard as a rock PVC pipe wrapped in tape. It is very narrow.

    So I tried it out today and OUCHHH it hurts like heck like a knife going around my waist. It pinched the skin on my hip bones and is like taking a rolling pin around you over and over. I lasted 3 minutes and I am bruised. So I went to Lowes and bought that foam padding for pipes and put that on which made it about as soft as my friends and as wide. It feels much better now but still not the same quality of the other one.

    My recomendation is spend the $70 on the good one and stay away from the $30 one at customhoops. I will let you know if the thing works as in melting away inches as I use it more. I really dont have much more to lose I am 179 now.

    P.S. do not get anything over 3 pounds believe me as it swings around you the centrifigul force of it makes it feel like 20 pounds pressing on you.