Guys - need meal ideas for my hubby



  • dkoroschetz
    dkoroschetz Posts: 67 Member
    This is what I eat everyday. It's boring but I have lost a lot of fat eating this way while maintaining a lean mass of over 250lbs and most of my strength.

    Breakfast: 5 eggs
    1tbsp coconut oil (for frying eggs)
    1 pot of coffee
    1/2 cup of coconut milk (used as creamer in the coffee)
    Lunch: 3 cans of tuna
    4tbsp of mayo
    1 stick of celery
    some spices 'n such since tuna tastes like ****
    Dinner: 4 large pork chops
    1 tbsp coconut oil
    Post Training: 12 oz cooked weight hamburger meat (not lean, I eat the cheap stuff in a tube)
    spices, maybe a little worcestershire sauce or something similar

    It's an easy, cheap ketogenic diet to follow. I lift 4 days a week using Westside Barbell principles and do 20min of cardio before I lift (when I have time). One day a week I will pig out on carbs with dinner to keep my metabolism up.

    Good stuff, he actually likes tuna!! Working out is the next thing he will need to work on. He had back surgery in August, so it's slow and steady. Thought food may be the best starting point. Thank you!
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    Most of my lunches are just left overs from dinner. If you're cooking healthy dinners for yourself, make extra and pack it for him the next day. I also pac a lot of chicken breasts or salmon with Green Giant frozen vegetables (the kind with sauces) and mix them together. Turkey meatloaf, turkey sausage are good too. I'm also a big fan of hearty broth based soups. There's a chicken tomato chowder recipe from Weight watchers that is really good, especially if you bump up the seasonings.
  • LisaMia66
    I keep telling everyone that it's about making changes one at a time. Don't overwhelm him with all kind of new foods and changes. Very slowly introduce him to new veggies. He might only like something a little the first time he tries it but each time he eats it again he'll start to like it more and more. It takes, what, 5-6 times of eating something before we really like it, I think? I couldn't stand the taste of Greek yogurt at first and now I love it. I'm super picky when it comes to veggies and my husband is even worse. I'm slowly introducing new veggies into my life and my tastes are FINALLY expanding after being picky for 46 years. We can change no matter how old we are. :wink:
  • dkoroschetz
    dkoroschetz Posts: 67 Member
    I keep telling everyone that it's about making changes one at a time. Don't overwhelm him with all kind of new foods and changes. Very slowly introduce him to new veggies. He might only like something a little the first time he tries it but each time he eats it again he'll start to like it more and more. It takes, what, 5-6 times of eating something before we really like it, I think? I couldn't stand the taste of Greek yogurt at first and now I love it. I'm super picky when it comes to veggies and my husband is even worse. I'm slowly introducing new veggies into my life and my tastes are FINALLY expanding after being picky for 46 years. We can change no matter how old we are. :wink:

    I completely understand!! I just tried steamed broccoli and cucumbers last summer and I'm 31 :)
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Our salads for work (adjust according to calorie needs)
    Two cups mixed greens
    Two large flowerets cauliflower
    One oz. feta
    Five olives
    Three oz. deli sliced peppercorn turkey or one single serving can tuna fish

    The peppercorn and the olive brine are our flavoring, but this is a good place to add healthy fats, like olive oil. We do it our way because the salad keeps longer than putting the dressing on the greens. And I figure if olive oil is good, olives are better :)

    My man also packs two pieces of fruit and a Kashi go lean bar every day. I usually have one piece of fruit and pistachios or if my fruit is apple, maybe some peanut butter. Veggies and cheese make another good snack.

    Off day sandwiches:
    Sandwich thins
    Hummus spread on the thins
    Mixed greens
    Sliced turkey, ham or even leftover turkey burgers

    I also have a stash of Lean Cuisines that I sometimes take to work with an additional veggie, but a man might need two veggies or an additional source of protein.
  • Iron_Duchess
    Iron_Duchess Posts: 429 Member
    Why not just have him start by tracking his intake - regardless of what he eats?

    Then, when he realizes that he will have trouble meeting his calorie goal without somewhat changing his food choices, he can decide what he would like to substitute.

    ^^^^^ THIS!!! My husband was the same thing. He started to track and after seeing the number asked for help. More salads, lean meats, wraps, and measuring everything. I try not to be the food police and give him what he likes in smaller portions. I measure everything for him, find better alternatives, introduce new foods (yes just like a toddler), and pack his snacks for the day. As of today he has lost twice of my number and he started after me. Guys, most of the time, have to see to believe (specially if the information comes out of the wife's mouth....)
  • Lisapayne76
    Lisapayne76 Posts: 157 Member
  • johnny059qn
    johnny059qn Posts: 163 Member
    I make a huge taco salad.

    4-6 C favorite bag salad
    1/2 C Wolf canned turkey chili
    1 oz baked Tostitos Scooped
    fresh salsa
    pico de gallo
    sometimes a dollop of guac
    chopped jalepenos
    plain non-fat greek yogurt as sour cream

    314 Clories 44 Carbs 4 Fat 23 protein 889 sodium 7 fiber
  • dkoroschetz
    dkoroschetz Posts: 67 Member
    Why not just have him start by tracking his intake - regardless of what he eats?

    Then, when he realizes that he will have trouble meeting his calorie goal without somewhat changing his food choices, he can decide what he would like to substitute.

    ^^^^^ THIS!!! My husband was the same thing. He started to track and after seeing the number asked for help. More salads, lean meats, wraps, and measuring everything. I try not to be the food police and give him what he likes in smaller portions. I measure everything for him, find better alternatives, introduce new foods (yes just like a toddler), and pack his snacks for the day. As of today he has lost twice of my number and he started after me. Guys, most of the time, have to see to believe (specially if the information comes out of the wife's mouth....)

    I keep telling him that he will lose a lot quickly since he's a guy!! I will have to mention this to him about your husband. Thank you!
  • danlarson
    I am pretty much this guy. If he likes salads I will share one of my favorites. About 350-450 calories or so.

    grilled chicken breast,
    salad greens,
    Mandarin oranges,
    dried cranberries,
    blue cheese crumbles,
    sliced almonds
    & balsamic vinaigrette
  • dkoroschetz
    dkoroschetz Posts: 67 Member
    I am pretty much this guy. If he likes salads I will share one of my favorites. About 350-450 calories or so.

    grilled chicken breast,
    salad greens,
    Mandarin oranges,
    dried cranberries,
    blue cheese crumbles,
    sliced almonds
    & balsamic vinaigrette

    I think he may like this :) Thanks!
  • andersonjo0306
    andersonjo0306 Posts: 304 Member
    Why not just have him start by tracking his intake - regardless of what he eats?

    Then, when he realizes that he will have trouble meeting his calorie goal without somewhat changing his food choices, he can decide what he would like to substitute.

    What? Take accountability for himself? Seriously?

    I keed, I keed.

    Yes - that's the best place to start. It won't matter too much what he eats, if he's eating too much of it.

    I would LOVE for him to take accountability for himself and log his food.

    But at this point, I want to help him and make it as painless as possible. I don't want to him to give up immediately.

    I'm cooking lunches for myself so I just wanted to find some ideas of things to make for him at the same time. I just know he won't eat like me everyday, I'm boring in his eyes - salad with chicken and veggies.

    This is so my situation. I do all my meals for the week on Saturday or Sunday and freeze them. I ask him if he wants to take them and he doesnt. he would rather pizza, wing or anything greasy. Worse part is that he really does not eat enough. Last night it was 6 wings and an order of fries for the entire day. Then comes home and downs 4 smirnoff ice. No wonder he is gaining weight.
  • andersonjo0306
    andersonjo0306 Posts: 304 Member
    Why not just have him start by tracking his intake - regardless of what he eats?

    Then, when he realizes that he will have trouble meeting his calorie goal without somewhat changing his food choices, he can decide what he would like to substitute.

    ^^^^^ THIS!!! My husband was the same thing. He started to track and after seeing the number asked for help. More salads, lean meats, wraps, and measuring everything. I try not to be the food police and give him what he likes in smaller portions. I measure everything for him, find better alternatives, introduce new foods (yes just like a toddler), and pack his snacks for the day. As of today he has lost twice of my number and he started after me. Guys, most of the time, have to see to believe (specially if the information comes out of the wife's mouth....)

    I keep telling him that he will lose a lot quickly since he's a guy!! I will have to mention this to him about your husband. Thank you!

    I am doing this on the weekend. I will track and let him see. Thanks for the suggestions
  • dkoroschetz
    dkoroschetz Posts: 67 Member
    Why not just have him start by tracking his intake - regardless of what he eats?

    Then, when he realizes that he will have trouble meeting his calorie goal without somewhat changing his food choices, he can decide what he would like to substitute.

    ^^^^^ THIS!!! My husband was the same thing. He started to track and after seeing the number asked for help. More salads, lean meats, wraps, and measuring everything. I try not to be the food police and give him what he likes in smaller portions. I measure everything for him, find better alternatives, introduce new foods (yes just like a toddler), and pack his snacks for the day. As of today he has lost twice of my number and he started after me. Guys, most of the time, have to see to believe (specially if the information comes out of the wife's mouth....)

    I keep telling him that he will lose a lot quickly since he's a guy!! I will have to mention this to him about your husband. Thank you!

    I am doing this on the weekend. I will track and let him see. Thanks for the suggestions

    This is a good idea for us to track just to show them. Then maybe they will see it!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Why not just have him start by tracking his intake - regardless of what he eats?

    Then, when he realizes that he will have trouble meeting his calorie goal without somewhat changing his food choices, he can decide what he would like to substitute.

    What? Take accountability for himself? Seriously?

    I keed, I keed.

    Yes - that's the best place to start. It won't matter too much what he eats, if he's eating too much of it.

    I would LOVE for him to take accountability for himself and log his food.

    But at this point, I want to help him and make it as painless as possible. I don't want to him to give up immediately.

    I'm cooking lunches for myself so I just wanted to find some ideas of things to make for him at the same time. I just know he won't eat like me everyday, I'm boring in his eyes - salad with chicken and veggies.

    Mine would rather eat what I eat so he can copy and paste it to his diary. Which I think is an advantage when it's not irking me that he won't bother. I insist we all (my daughter included) eat at least a vegetable. When they eat what I eat for whatever reason it's usually a win. Now, the day he had general tsos chicken from the chinese place he was completely shocked and cured of eating the bucketfull he usually would have. He never would have heard that from me telling him. In fact, he loves beating me at losing weight and exercising. You could make a contest out of it with actual prizes.

    Him skipping meals for years ruined his gallbladder. Pain is what convinced him. The fear of pain of middle age and older age heart attacks and more on the way if he didn't change. He had his galbladder out and that woke him up real quick. The practice part takes a lot longer than the convincing.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Definitely will be tracking this thread. Mine will not eat veggies, is a salt aholic and is about 30 lbs overweight. I have told him I am willing to help but only if he gives it his far nothing. mine works 12 hour shifts and that does not help either

    One thing he does like and helps: I cook up between 1 and 2 dozen hard boiled eggs and put them in a container so he has a quick snack instead of junk food...

    Good luck

    Mine is an food, chips, pop, pizza and is at least 75 lbs over weight. I've lost nearly 20 lbs in the last year and I'm very close to goal but I know it would be more if I had a little better support at home. Eggs tear up his stomach :( I eat them on my salads a lot. Good luck to you too!!

    My guy is exactly the same as you- Wont eat it unless it came from a cow, a drive thru window or its in a bag that makes a lot of noise! I unfortunately have succomb to his ways and put some pounds on since we started dating 2 years ago. Living with him has pretty much hinder any weight loss Ive tried. Annoyed but going to try and try again until I lose this teenage girl Ive been carrying around my belly hips and thighs!
    haha.. opposite affect in my world.. except for when he orders us take out, he eats way healthier then he did before we met. lol. he's not as good as me yet.. but i don't cook for him yet. LOL
  • Kempie27
    Soup? I am NOT a BIG veggie eater either but you never know what is in soup! I HATE spinach!!! I make it in lentil soup and it is great wouldn't know it is in there :-)

    If you want a recipe friend request me and I will give you my recipe for Lentil Soup (Scottish style lol)

    For work.... I take Protein sources i.e chicken,turkey but not fish (unless it is sushi cos I would buy from sushi bar) as these are easier to prepare in advance, along with soup which is mainly green veggies :-)
  • Kempie27
    Definitely will be tracking this thread. Mine will not eat veggies, is a salt aholic and is about 30 lbs overweight. I have told him I am willing to help but only if he gives it his far nothing. mine works 12 hour shifts and that does not help either

    One thing he does like and helps: I cook up between 1 and 2 dozen hard boiled eggs and put them in a container so he has a quick snack instead of junk food...

    Good luck

    Again soup? I HATE VEG!! But I LOVE SOUP? just an idea for you/your husband. Eggs are good but have too watch cholesterol levels so not the best snack! Filling him up with water ?(yes good old H2o)
  • DepauvilleKid
    Here are some all natural snack ideas for work that are pretty filling, nutritious, and mostly low calorie:

    String Cheese
    Chobani Greek Non-Fat Yogurt
    Nature Valley Granola Bars
    Pudding Cups
    Mixed Nuts, Pretzels, Chocolate Chips

    My wife and I only eat all natural foods (no preservatives) and you can find the items I listed in an all natural brand, most of the time you can even find them in organic brands. The other good thing is that those snacks are either packaged or easily measured if you want to track the calories. Just thought these might help for those in between meal snacks. Many days when I'm in a hurry, I'll just do a combination of those items for lunch. A yogurt, granola bar, string cheese, and a piece of fruit covers healthy carbs, proteins, fiber, etc and is about 440 calories.
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    Soup or stew or chili is a good choice. I hate vegetables except for salad to. What works for me is to slice them super thin with a garlic slicer or press them through a garlic press so they cook down in the broth. Then I almost dont know they are there, and it is almost impossible to pick them out.