Busting my butt but the scales not moving



  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I apologize that this is not what you want to hear, but you CAN NOT go on very long netting -800 calories. You say you feel fine and that your hair and nails are fine, but you haven't been at this long enough to ruin your health yet. I am not going to push you to eat a ton of food, but at the very least try to NET 1200 calories.
  • sniperzzzz
    sniperzzzz Posts: 282 Member
    Low calories + lots of cardio = Metabolic crash.
    Your body has adjusted to the amount of cardio you do and the amount of calories you net.
    The only way to lose now is to lower calories further or do more cardio not a good idea imho.
    Take a few months off eating at maintenance sucks i know but you don't have much option.
    Take a look at this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHHzie6XRGk

    EDIT: Sorry didn't see you have only been at it for a few weeks, anyhow its not a good idea to go flat out right off the bat.
    I would reassess your calories and slow down on the cardio or you will quickly hit a wall and the above will apply.
  • hmadrone
    hmadrone Posts: 129 Member
    I am 29. 5'2" and 157 lbs. I eat >1200 calories a day and exercise three times a day burning approx 2000 calories but the scale has only moved three pounds since 1/17. I have lost approx 11 inches over all ( thrilled!!) but why isnt the number on the scale dropping?

    Three pounds in 2 weeks is an amazing weight loss for a woman your weight! And congrats on the inches lost as well. You're well on your way to your goal.

    Now, as to your numbers. You should maintain a calorie deficit of ~400 calories a day. That's not quite a pound a week of weight loss, but trying to lose weight more aggressively than that will likely damage your metabolism.

    Secondly, you should eat your exercise, but I don't believe you can be burning 2000 calories a day. I'm close to your weight, and it would take me about 5 hours of all-out cardio to burn 2000 calories. Where are you getting your numbers for how much you're burning?
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    OP, I don't think I've seen anyone post on these forums who would agree that eating 1200 calories a day and then burning 2000, in addition to the calories you burn to stay alive, is good for your weight loss, your health, or your life. If you don't believe us, just run it by your doctor, a nutritionist... heck, run it by Dr. Oz, even he'd agree that it's life-threatening. I'm not sure the numbers could possibly be right, and I agree you are probably overestimating your output to some degree, but it really doesn't matter. Even if you are burning 600 calories a day, you aren't netting enough.

    We'd love to give you some advice and guidance based on the historical success of many, many MFPers, but if you don't share with us your diary and your exercise habits, there's really not much we can do. It doesn't seem like you are really that interested in what we have to say.

    *Edited because intake is not the same as output. Oops. :tongue:
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Oh, and as to your hair/ nails....it takes about 6 months to notice the effects of a protein deficiency. You won't know it after 4 weeks.

    I know. Even though I was eating well above my BMR, I wasn't getting enough protein bc I train HARD. it's been about 4 months since I started making sure I get enough protein and my nails are still not quite right.
  • fallonrhea
    fallonrhea Posts: 388 Member
    OP, I don't think I've seen anyone post on these forums who would agree that eating 1200 calories a day and then burning 2000, in addition to the calories you burn to stay alive, is good for your weight loss, your health, or your life. If you don't believe us, just run it by your doctor, a nutritionist... heck, run it by Dr. Oz, even he'd agree that it's life-threatening. I'm not sure the numbers could possibly be right, and I agree you are probably overestimating your intake to some degree, but it really doesn't matter. Even if you are burning 600 calories a day, you aren't netting enough.

    We'd love to give you some advice and guidance based on the historical success of many, many MFPers, but if you don't share with us your diary and your exercise habits, there's really not much we can do. It doesn't seem like you are really that interested in what we have to say.

    ^^^ This. I'm worried about you OP...please see a nutritionist if you don't want to hear out what we have to say.
  • trickycoolj
    trickycoolj Posts: 37 Member
    Not going to comment on the intake-output of calories because I think there's something drastically off with the calculation (I hope!) because to burn 2000 calories in a day I have to go out snowboarding for a full 8 hour day. I would HIGHLY recommend getting an inexpensive Heart Rate Monitor to get an accurate picture of your calories burned. I got a good deal on a Timex Ironman set on Amazon, I can set the chronograph mode while I'm doing my exercise and after I stop the chronograph it gives me min/max/avg heart rate as well as calories burned. I think this would be a more appropriate approach to calculating your calories burned.

    Definitely take a look at the already posted information about BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), or the fuel your body needs to just exist in a day doing nothing. It's kind of like the minimum amount of gas you need to put in the car to get the engine to start and drive you to work. You can't drive a car on negative gas!
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I am eating approx 1200 calories a day. I am exercising and burning approx 2000 a day so yes that would put me around -800 a day. Thats why I am frustrated but I know all good things take time

    I'm sorry if you are genuine, but I have to ask - are you yanking our planks? Because honestly, that's the most ridiculous thing I've seen on MFP yet. And I've seen a lot of ridiculous things. If those figures are genuine, you'd be close to passing out.

    So I must either call shenanigans, or conclude that your measurement of either food, exercise or both is very inaccurate.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member

    So I must either call shenanigans, or conclude that your measurement of either food, exercise or both is very inaccurate.

    I considered shenanigans on the entire thread as I was the first person to say "What? You're netting a negative number?!?!?!? NOOOO. Don't do this."

    PS> And while I do think that most exercise estimates without a HRM are over estimates, we'll say she's burning at least 50% of what the estimates say. She's still netting too low.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Maybe you've added a lot of muscle mass.
    It is impossible to gain muscle mass while on a deficit.

    If this is real, OP, your body is going crazy because you are literally starving yourself. At your weight and height, you should be eating about 1450 calories NET to lose.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    Tae Bo. That will make you shed the weight. Do that instead of whatever exercise you are currently doing. And it really works out the nice lean muscles so you won't get bulky.
  • NavyMommy
    NavyMommy Posts: 102 Member
    I read through the whole thread and I have to say I'm not sure your exercise measurement is on target. I would invest in a HRM to see what you're actually burning and go from there. I'm your height and just a little heavier than you. For me, a 60 minute hard core step class (with 2 risers under my step) burns about 600-650 calories according to my HRM. Burning more than 2000 calories is more than just exercising in lieu of watching TV, it would be a focused effort.
  • Alicia744384
    Alicia744384 Posts: 8 Member
    Maybe you've added a lot of muscle mass.

    NO. You will only gain significant amounts of muscle eating at surplus. Which clearly you are NOT. Am I correct in understand that you are netting in the negative everyday? You are not eating enough. That's why you haven't lost much weight. Your body isn't going to shed pounds if it's afraid it may not get to eat tomorrow, or all week, or goodness knows when.

    I suggest you ALWAYS net at 1200 or above. Prepare for possible health issues and an almost certain protein deficiency if you don't (splitting/cracking/peeling fingernails, bad hair and skin)

    PS. Eating at such a large deficit plus your steep exercise deficit is actually going to cause you to LOSE lean body mass.

    I agree here, not to mention wearing out your joints! Believe me, you'll feel it when you reach the 40's abd 50's!!!
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I am eating approx 1200 calories a day. I am exercising and burning approx 2000 a day so yes that would put me around -800 a day. Thats why I am frustrated but I know all good things take time
    My god. I bet your period is seriously messed up as a result of this. With that type of retarded deficit, you're going to gain all that weight back if you try to eat a normal amount of calories, but end up with far more fat mass. I am sure that sounds promising.

    Also, you are probably holding enough extra water due to elevated cortisol levels to fill up the lake behind my apartment.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    So let me see, you're netting nothing (actually negative) a lot and you're wondering why your body is rebelling and not shedding pounds? Hm..
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member
    I know its easy to say but try not to get too hung up on the scales. Your inches lost are amazing and proof that your putting in great work. At the end of the day what you see in the mirror makes a bigger difference than what you see on the scales in my book.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Is that 1200 net or just eat 1200 and burn 2000 meaning you have a negative bazillion deficit.... how the hell do you think you are going to lose weight if you don't eat properly?

    Either - Eat more food... or cut back on exercise.

    Seriously not rocket science.

    Edited to fix some wording because... its been a long day and I don't proof read.
  • kutterba
    kutterba Posts: 107 Member
    I did not read all the responses, but you are too young to be 1-obsessing about this and 2-to be eating such a small amount! If you are exercising, you need to eat more.
    EAT MORE! and you will lose weight.
    Eat more,
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Tae Bo. That will make you shed the weight. Do that instead of whatever exercise you are currently doing. And it really works out the nice lean muscles so you won't get bulky.

  • Linda916
    Linda916 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm 5'2" and 154 and 44. it's not going to be a quick process. for women our size its much slower....a pound a week (or even .5) is the recommendation and should be your goal. I suggest you dont weigh yourself every day - just once a week (same time and same day). did i mention it is a ssss llll oooo wwww process? Believe me, I get it.

    And remember, all things in moderation.