Atkins- anyone?



  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    Hey all!!! I've done Atkins in the past with great success for induction and am now doing something similiar, but I plan on going through all 4 phases this time. A lot of people only do induction and then get off and say Atkins doesn't work. Well really, that's not Atkins, you just depleted your body of excess carbs, burned some fat and released some water, and never learned how many carbs you can eat without having ot gain weight again. Its a process just like learning to eat any other type of way is.

    The only type of animal protein I eat are eggs and seafood but I am such a sucker for nuts (Habanero BBQ Almonds are my new FAVE), cheese, and veggies....did I say I love CHEESE!!! I'm not really a fruit fan as far as chewing them, but I do like a real fruit smoothie with some green veggies and greek yogurt. Totally not acceptable on the Atkins induction but I was just trying to point out how this way of eating is perfect for ME. That's the best part of having so many options...figure out what you like that can also help you to lose/maintain your weight and you'll never feel like you're on a 'diet'.

    I just started yesterday and I felt so full and energetic the whole day. Didn't crave anything I couldn't have either. My physical goal is to lift weights (to make sure that I keep the little muscle I have and hopefully gain some as that is the REAL WAY to increase your metabolism). I think I have added you all but if not, feel free to add me!!!

    Oh, I love to run, do Insanity, and am hoping I can learn to love to lift weights too!
  • Im on low carb. Feel free to add me :D
  • Hey crew. Please add me as an atkins buddy. I actually started on the 24th and the weight is not coming off. After reading up, I've discovered it's because I'm relying too much on the bars, shakes and meals. So I'm gonna start going at it the old fashioned way and do more cooking:) Well, once I'm done w/the bars I have left (I bought tons)! For now, I'll limit myself to a shake for breakfast and one bar a day for a snack.

    Off we go!
  • Hey crew. Please add me as an atkins buddy. I actually started on the 24th and the weight is not coming off. After reading up, I've discovered it's because I'm relying too much on the bars, shakes and meals. So I'm gonna start going at it the old fashioned way and do more cooking:) Well, once I'm done w/the bars I have left (I bought tons)! For now, I'll limit myself to a shake for breakfast and one bar a day for a snack.

    Off we go!
    Do it old fashioned, "LInda's Low Carb recipes" for some recipes. At the very most maybe have ONE supplemental shake or bar (even then I go for something like EAS Advantage low carb protein shake) per day or every couple days. You really just have to prepare all your meals as much as possible, and read ALL the food labels, and stay around 20 carbs (on induction).
  • liliawodna
    liliawodna Posts: 31 Member
    Hey there! I just started today and I am so excited! I'm getting married on April 20th and I hope I see a little bit of results before then!
  • Hey there! I just started today and I am so excited! I'm getting married on April 20th and I hope I see a little bit of results before then!
    Aww...congrats!! You'll get it done!!
  • hyacinth75
    hyacinth75 Posts: 1 Member
    I just friend requested some of you. I'm new to Atkins too! Started Monday 1/28/13. I wasted 21 days working out 5xs a week and watching calories and lost a whopping fraction of a pound! .8lbs. Believe me I was furious, so decided to change to low carb and then went for Atkins. I've done it before, about 12 years ago and I just could not do it! This time around it seems so easy to me. No cravings, well except for chocolate on Day 2. Grant it this is day 5 but I think I can do 2 weeks without a problem. I'm super hopeful to go through all the phases as it's very clear to me that i am super sensitive to carbs. Not sure why...maybe has to do with hypothyrodism? Who knows? All I know is that reducing calories and going from zero exercise to exercising 5 to 6xs a week (zumba, elliptical, couch to 5k training, etc) should be melting some major fat. I'm continuing to exercise as I do atkins.
  • Tigs63
    Tigs63 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi. I'm also doing low carb (but not Atkins) and would love to provide and receive support, share info, recipes, etc. I've never posted anything before though, so how do I connect with you and others who have replied? I just made my diary viewable (by friends?)
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    I'm also doing Atkins - day 19. I have lost 10 lbs. Probably would have lost a few more but last weekend I completely fell off the wagon and the wagon drove away! So I had 2 days of binging. I literally felt horrible - physically, not to mentional mentally as I had been doing so good. Hopped back on the wagon and going good now. My big goal this weekend is STAYING ON THE WAGON!

    I'm trying to mix up my meals and that seems to be helping. My husband keeps bringing junk in the house (we also have a 6 yr old) so that is hard but I find I can resist the temptation now that I am back on track.

    Would love to follow along with you all doing Atkins or low carb too.

    It's a really hard mentality to go from "low fat" diets to eating so much fat on Atkins!
  • bamapeggy
    bamapeggy Posts: 10 Member
    I'm also doing low carb.
  • honey_mocha
    honey_mocha Posts: 10 Member
    I just started on Jan. 21st and have lost 14 lbs and 11 inches.. I have noticed an increased amount of energy and I love it... I also had 1 cheat day.. Pizza hut but I only had 2 pcs of pizza.. not recommending that to any one just saying that if I had stuck to it true blue I may have lost more.

    Keep up the good work ladies!
  • viptico
    viptico Posts: 8 Member
    Hey ladies,

    Looks like we have a good team and it seems like we all recently startes. I did the Atkins diet back in 2010 and lost about 60 pounds. I got married and just ate away and gained it all back and some. I started and did some type of induction but did not follow it to the t. I lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks and just binged on chips and pop two days in a row :( looking tomstart freshnagain and would like to maintain myself on extended induction until i loose the first 60 pounds. I have about 130 to loose
  • Hey all, I'm seriously soooo excited to find Atkins supporters on MFP. Most people I talk to are atkin haters. I would love to have you all as support and support you as well. Getting married in August. Hoping to lose 60lbs by then. Think
    Atkins you could do it? I started jan 31st & have lost 3lbs! Not much so I am not sure if I am doing it right perfectly, but my withdrawals aren't terrible and I'm not miserable this round . Last time I was more miserable but lost drastically. Like 3lbs a day! Good luck to everyone feel free to add me!
  • viptico
    viptico Posts: 8 Member
    well ladies i have been a bad girl for the past three days and tomorrow i have all my hubbies family here for breakfast. I hope i can stick to what i need instead of having all the goodies that everyone else will have. I will try by best, i promise. I will start again though on Monday with out any cheact and obeying all the rules.
  • Anyone who'd like, please feel free to send me a friend request :) Low carb is the ONLY thing that has ever worked for me. I have yet to make it through induction. I always think I can add an english muffin for breakfast or brown rice for dinner. I really need some motivation from people with similar nutrition goals to stick with it.

    I'm pretty out of shape so I want to start with walking and maybe the couch to 5k program if anyone is interested in doing that also. Once my body is used to exercise I think incorporating strength training will be next.
  • Cjoseph03
    Cjoseph03 Posts: 107 Member
    I am curious about low carb/Atkins. I've sorta tried it before for 4 weeks and was tired, lethargic and constipated. I quickly gave up. But wondering if maybe I start a little slower... what would happen. Looking for people who do Atkins so I can use their open diaries as inspirations and for ideas. Please add me as a friend and put ATKINS in the message so I know why you added me. Lol! That way I can remember who's diary I need to look at.
  • I too would love more friends whom support low-carb!!! Please feel free to add me, Thanks!!
  • Hello all :) I have been a memeber of MFP for almost a year but have had constant ups and downs. Mostly ups as in gaining lost weight back. For some reason I struggle with counting calories but am on Day 8 of induction and have yet to cheat. Would love some low carb friends. Please add me :)