Planet Fitness--Good gym or Bad gym



  • keg619
    keg619 Posts: 356 Member
    I have been going to Planet Fitness for a few years. One of the only things that I don't like about it is that there are no classes that they offer. I would much prefer to have a gym that has classes. I have become comfortable at the gym and don't want to start at another just yet. But I would suggest doing your research for surrounding ones and see what they have to offer.
  • Any gym that provides candy at the front desk, has pizza parties, and supplies bagels, does not have fitness and your best interest at heart.

    the gym I go to, has egg whites, protein bars and shaker bottle at the front desk (australia).
    edit: forgot the quote

    I started my weight loss at home, doing calisthetics (grade school GYM style) lol and just by doing that I lost a nice amount of weight, but after a while I got bored and stopped pushing myself so I knew it was time to go to a gym.

    Planet Fitness is cool, I think if you know what you're doing BUT for novices like myself I wouldn't know the first thing to really do, I mean being on my own and stuff so I knew that a gym like that, despite how affordable it is wouldn't be a good fit for me. So I looked at gyms that were local, and offered classes and I ended up finding one close to my job and granted it's pricey BUT it's worth it. The classes are 20 ppl and it's cross-training A.K.A. kick yo *kitten* and the only thing they offer as a snack are protein bars, water, coconut water and muscle milk.

    My first week in I was walking at about a 4 as my maximum effort incline of 5, to my second week I'm jogging at 5.5 incline 4.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    It's not a gym by any means.

    it's a fitness club and would work fine for cardio bunnies or people with pretty basic fitness goals.
  • Going to Planet Fitness is like going to a gay bar where they're holding group therapy.
  • rishonb
    rishonb Posts: 232
    just because the gym supply pizza,bagels, and candy doesn't mean u have to take it..u can get those foods anywhere..its all about your goals and the decisions u make to have it or walk pass it.. planet fitness is a good gym for the price you pay..nowadays nobody should be paying over 50 bucks a month for a gym membership.. for 10 bucks a months it has me looking pretty good...
  • Geeky_Girl
    Geeky_Girl Posts: 239 Member
    Good gym (I'm a member). If you like machines (treadmill, elliptical, weight machines, etc.) then PF is excellent, because that's mostly all it is. If works if you're just going in there to do your workout and leave. It's cheap and there's no contract (at least at mine), so, you could try PF, see if you like the experience, and then maybe move up to a 'better' gym with classes, pool, sauna, whatever you're looking for.

    Edit: I think my gym has trainers available. So, you may want to look into that.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    For $10 a month, it's a great place to start.

    As for a previous poster's comment about lack of 'serious' weights; for those of us just starting out, what they have is plenty efficient enough. If I ever get to the point that I need heavier than they offer, then I should probably invest in a set for home or perhaps consider switching gyms. No point in spending more money until you know where you stand and if you'll even stick with it.

    My only problem is the lack of a 'step' in the weight room and the lack of balance balls anywhere in the building. I need these two items for my NROLFW routine. But I make due.
  • baotzu
    baotzu Posts: 28
    If you enjoy cheap membership, machines, pizza, bagels, candy, low weights, and insecure people, Planet Fitness is amazing.
  • Nekhet
    Nekhet Posts: 380
    You won't find him there though...
  • For the price.. you can't beat it. They will show you how to use all the machines and are always available for questions. People at every fitness level go so I never feel self conscious working out.

    I would recommend!
  • rebelate
    rebelate Posts: 218 Member
    I've had a membership twice there. It's a good price, and I think it's good enough. It's filled with basic equipment. They have some classes - arms, legs, back, etc. Nothing else. It gave me a good idea of what I should be doing, and the people who work there have always been helpful. I'm sure every location is different. It really just depends on what you want from a gym. I'm a fat girl, and I've had memberships at bigger gyms with more equipment, but I always felt really uncomfortable. It was always awkward when everyone else seemed to be in great shape, and knew what they were doing and I was just chugging along on the treadmill.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I joined my PF about 2 1/2 years ago. I go about 4 times a week. All the equipment is relatively new and works well. The circuit training area is nice for a quick 30 minute workout. I have just started lifting and so far, they have everything I need to do the workout that I planned. I've never had a problem waiting for equipment as there is really enough. The staff is very nice and helpful. I also use the free personal trainer once a week and he has been great, too.

    I have only ever been there once when they were having pizza night. I am not sure why people always bring that up on these forums. Who cares if they are giving away free food? If you don't want it, don't eat it! I sure wasn't interested in it and actually, I noticed that the gym filled up with senior citizens that night who weren't working out, but were waiting for the free food (sorry if that offends someone, but that was exactly what happened!).

    And best of all is that it is only $10 a month. No, there aren't classes, but I can take a Zumba class with the adult education classes at the high school nearby for a semester or the parks and rec department and still pay less than joining a big gym .
  • rebelate
    rebelate Posts: 218 Member
    Yeah but it is only 10 dollars a month.

    Grumpy cat tickers!
  • I joined about 5 months ago and LOVE IT. Like everybody else said, go and see for yourself and it's what YOU WANT. I am a beginner, so I don't need all the frills. I upgraded to the black card which is $20 but it was worth it to me. I was going to join with my husband, so with both of us it would have been $20 anyhow. This way for the same price we can both go, I can tan and use infrared light, and when my daughter is home from college she can go with me, or I can grab anybody off the street to go too. You can't beat it for the price.
    Many people join gyms,go for a few months, then nothing. They are left with a huge bill and contract. If you are a fitness nut, maybe a more expensive gym suites your needs, but I can't see paying $50 a month or more for one person. The $10 is month to month no cancellation fees, and even the $20 a month has a year contract. I belonged to a "womans only circuit training place" years ago when they were popular and was paying $30 a month to walk in place and use 10 machines for 30 minutes, and they closed down.
    Mine is very clean and the so called personal trainers probably have NO degree or formal training, but hey, if they safely know how to use the machines and show beginners, it's good enough for me. All staff have been polite and helpful all the time.
    As for pizza and bagels, it's once a month. It's there around dinner time which is nice, but hey, if you're dieting don't eat it or work out more. They don't make you eat it!!
    If you have any questions message me.
  • If you enjoy cheap membership, machines, pizza, bagels, candy, low weights, and insecure people, Planet Fitness is amazing.
    I can't believe how rude people can be. Insecure people? Another posted about a bay bar in rehab? This post is supposed to be for support and encouragement. If you are TOOO good for that, maybe you should find a different group to belong to
  • I forgot to post that too. You can join your community center and still be cheaper than a "real" gym membership as some say. My center offers zumba, yoga, has a pool, etc. so if I want something more challenging, I can do that. Or.... I can watch on demand videos for free or utube videos and do it in my living room! :-)
  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
    Any gym that provides candy at the front desk, has pizza parties, and supplies bagels, does not have fitness and your best interest at heart.

    Amen. Although, it's a good deal for the money. My PF is brand new, so it's still on really good shape.
  • dogetta
    dogetta Posts: 61 Member
    I go tthere but I wish they had a no text on your phone rule as at least 75% of the people hold up machines doing that and not doing any exercising. I would rather have the grunting!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I LOVE PF. I went to one in Syracuse, NY, when I lived there and didn't join one here in Lansing until they put one here. Signed up the day I knew they were coming (2 months before they actually opened). For what *I* am using it for it is perfect. If you're super hardcore? Probably not for you. I love the fact that I am not judged openly when I walk in the door. For a morbidly obese person who is busting her *kitten*? That's what I need.

    ETA: There are so many hateful judgmental people in this thread. Makes me sad.
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    I use it all the time. It's my primary gym. You have to be driven and self directed if you want to see results because no one is going to force you to work out while you're there, and you have to be willing to push yourself. But if you can do that I don't see why it wouldn't work for you, as it's inexpensive, open all the time, and has a variety of cardio and weight equipment. If free weights are your thing, you may feel limited by the offerings, but if not, go forth exercise well.