Re-joined and need support!

Hey friends,

Just trying to get back in it. I'm an emotional mess and want to change my life from the inside out this time. Diet and Exercise help you lose weight and get thin, BUT I want to work through more than that. I want to figure out the hurt person inside me that gives up before she succeeds, the person who feels like she can't do it, then turns to food to help me feel better for a second, when it really it makes me feel worse. Do I journal? Do I pray? How do you out there deal with emotional eating? How do you overcome? Any help wanted, and I'd love to make some new friends who are encouraging and who are positive. Add me and I'll add you!


  • ukstarlight05
    Hi there!

    It's tough to stay motivated and focused... I know, I have my struggles and some weeks are tougher than others. I think it's becoming easier for me as healthy eating + exercise is becoming more a habit or life style and feels like less of a "diet." I've incorporated working out - in some way for form - into my daily routine no matter how busy I am; and if I don't workout it's the same as if I didn't shower.

    I get extra exercise and have the additional motivation through my cheer team... I don't want to look "jiggly" on the floor during our halftime routines hahaha. ;)

    However, I still emotional eat and over eat. No one is perfect, we all have bad days. But if I have a bad day, I am more motiviated in the gym to work off those extra calories. I try anyway.

    Adding you as a friend :)
  • NicoleRene1029
    awesome! Thanks Angie, and all you ladies who added me! We can DO this!
  • mazjarvis
    mazjarvis Posts: 19 Member
    hiya.... i too am trying this out for a second time but have found it much easier this time around. For me yes i know i eat emotionally but i also lack portion control which is my main problem. I failed last time as i found logging everything a bit of a chore, but not anymore. I got an ipod for christmas and it goes everywhere with me. I have the mfp app on it so log EVERYTHING and honestly it has been a godsend. I lurveee the barcode scanner and even have my husband scanning my food for me when he cooks for us.

    I'm only two weeks in but have made to commitment to try and use all parts of mfp including posting and i even tried blogging for the first time ever!!!! good luck to you and feel free to add me if you want some moral support in good times and bad xx
  • NewKeriSept2014
    NewKeriSept2014 Posts: 170 Member
    hey! i just added you so we can help support eachother! we can do this and we have it in us! This time around I am trying to change the way i feel about my self as a whole, rather than doing this just to look good on the outside