Looking for friends who log on EVERY day!



  • I joined back in 2011, but fell off the wagon. I'm back now and have an open diary, so feel free to add me :) I too am looking for active friends, as most of mine haven't logged on in months or over a year.
  • jeffsweightloss
    jeffsweightloss Posts: 314 Member
    always looking for supporrting friends...some days we need them more than others. add me if anyone would like. log on daily!
  • Copequeen
    Copequeen Posts: 34 Member
    Just started today but plan on daily log on. Feel free to add me.
  • Terasome
    Terasome Posts: 3,808 Member
    I live here apparently :laugh: feel free to add me . But be warned I can be very cheeky at times.
  • I am on everyday! I have been on 161 days in a row so far! I haven't missed a day since I started! You are more than welcome to add me if you would like!
  • tjohn034
    tjohn034 Posts: 163 Member
    I live here apparently :laugh: feel free to add me . But be warned I can be very cheeky at times.

    This is true :wink:
  • I'm pretty new here, but I've logged in every day thus far! Anyone can feel free to add me :)
  • AiimeeDee
    AiimeeDee Posts: 116 Member
    <--addict. feel free to add. :)
  • im on day 418. feel free to friend me (anyone) =) & seriously counting calories WORKS. so DONT LEAVE! put in the work and you will reap the benefits. i've lost about 116lbs.
  • KatiD83
    KatiD83 Posts: 152 Member
    I'm on day 490 and my diary is open. Feel free to add me!
  • mylifemynow
    mylifemynow Posts: 55 Member
    I'm on everyday as well! :) and everything is open :D
  • TamAD48
    TamAD48 Posts: 387
    anyone can feel free to add me, I have 240 days in a row
  • healthy_fit_me
    healthy_fit_me Posts: 14 Member
    Im on every day...feel free to add me!
  • dandandee
    dandandee Posts: 301 Member
    feel free to add me, I'm on here entirely too much

    me too! I feel like I'm on here all the time... but hey. it seems to be working so why not! ahaha.
    my diary is open and I log everyday !
  • watergallagher
    watergallagher Posts: 232 Member
    I been on 4 a month str8
  • dancindoc508
    dancindoc508 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm new here! I have been doing this so far with my boyfriend and a couple of really good friends.

    I'm on day 13 and I log everyday so feel free to add me.
  • Pilatesgirl72
    Pilatesgirl72 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm on every day. Add me:)
  • PonyTailedLoser
    PonyTailedLoser Posts: 315 Member
    Well I am on day 750...
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    Good job looking for pals that log everyday. Because my pals are great.
  • gianamicole
    gianamicole Posts: 39 Member
    I log on everyday throughout the day, anyone can feel free to add me :)