New Here--Hi :)

Hi All. I am new to posting on the Message Boards. I started tracking everything that I eat 2 weeks ago and am very happy with the results so far. I am not following any particular diet, just trying to make better choices and exercising. I am 5'8" and have approx. 100 lbs to lose. I have lost weight in the past, but always manage to find it back and some friends. Instead of being on another diet, I am hoping to make this a new healthier lifestyle :) I have IBS and Fybromyalgia and am hoping that eating healthier will make me feel better.

Just thought I would pop in and say hi. Everyone seems so friendly.


  • it has been 2 weeks now and i am trying desperately to get a grip on my eating. i start off the day right, but then when it comes to 6pm it goes downhill from there. i can just go on and on filling myself up as if i am filling a big pit. i am trying desperately to fight this emotional eating battle in the eveining.
  • JackiePenner
    JackiePenner Posts: 74 Member
    Just don't give up. Maybe knowing the time when you are having trouble in the evening is when you need to be prepared. Maybe hop on MFP or call a friend for support. Have your dinner and or after dinner snack armed and ready so that you don't cheat. Pamper yourself then too. Maybe a nice bath, etc. Chat anytime with me :)
  • xXWhisperaXx
    xXWhisperaXx Posts: 10 Member
    it has been 2 weeks now and i am trying desperately to get a grip on my eating. i start off the day right, but then when it comes to 6pm it goes downhill from there. i can just go on and on filling myself up as if i am filling a big pit. i am trying desperately to fight this emotional eating battle in the eveining.

    I find that I have the same problem very often. One thing that everyone suggests and may help is to drink more water. Filling your stomach with water will trick you into feeling more full. Other than that maybe try chewing some low calorie gum or something. Another suggestion is to eat something but chew each bite 15-20 times. It gives your brain a chance to register that you're feeding yourself and will give it time to decide when you're full. I find that some of these tips help me so maybe they'll help you.

    If anyone wants some extra support and encouragement feel free to add me. I could always use some help as well! :flowerforyou:

  • thank you. will try the water trick and chewing food slowly to trick my brain.
  • jmom376
    jmom376 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi. Are you eating enough during the day? I try to eat something with protein within an hour of waking up in the morning. Then I eat about every 2 to 3 hours and make sure I have some type of protein at every meal. That seems to help me from over eating at night. Also, I usually don't get home until after 7 at night, so we eat dinner late and then I just have one sweet snack before bed (usually a whole fruit strawberry bar or fat free pudding). If you are hungry at night, could you eat something with very little calorie, like FF popcorn or veggies and a FF free dip?