what to do when you have a TOTAL BLOW OUT and OVER EAT



  • msChicagolowe
    :smooched: Okay pick yourself up, Shake off the blues.open a window and shout loudly to yourself "GOD WOKE YOU UP THIS DAY,YOU GET A DUE OVER" !!!we all slip up and over eat or just pig out. if you wake from it stronger and knowledgeable about the errors,your fine,with emotions, tragic.deaths or life itself brings many challenges. we must pick our wonder selves up from the gloom and let the new shine in. gear up, plan your menu and work outs and GO!! FOR IT AGAIN!!! YOUR HUMAN!
  • dfquigley
    Well, when I have a blow-out day, I try to limit the damage as much as I can, that way it IS repaired over the next couple of days :p

    While i don't try to look at it over the course of a week often, I will sometimes see how many days it will take to get back to "even".

    I have gotten better at limiting my bad days enough that I can get back to "zero" within a day or two, even if it means doing a little more cardio or something.

    I wouldn't bee too surprised if the intermittent fasting helps to contribute to some of the big blow-outs, but if you're having success with it, then keep it up until you plateau and need to tweak things a bit!

    Good luck.
  • dfquigley
    And it's a heck of a lot better to look at the bigger picture, pick yourself back up and keep on going rather than basking in failure that so many people seem to do.

    Fail, re-commit, fail, recommit. If looking at it over a week helps you do that, AWESOME!!

    Just keep getting back up!!

    Only those who stop trying are failures ;)
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    I was at Costco today. I bought a turkey sandwich (800+ calories). I didn't want to do this again, so I bought a Pizza slice too (700 calories). I overate by 775 today, and did that to make myself sick so I wont have these cravings again. I tend to do it every now and then. However I used to do it weekly, now I only binge monthly, and maybe I'll push that to bi-monthly soon.
  • dfquigley
    Last 2 times I "binged" i felt like TOTAL crap, so now I've been able to limit myself to say a blizzard and a little candy, rather than going COMPLETELY overboard.

    Still ends up being a lot of calories, but I can make it up in just a couple of good days :)