I want to hear success stories from non-gym goers!



  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    Exercise videos, elliptical, stretchie bands, resistance belt, dumbells and now stronglifts :). All done at home!
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I am NOT a gym person. I have a fitbit and I joined several fitbit groups on their website. It is motivating to me to rank high in the step challenges. I have. True treadmill, a dog that needs walking in the neighborhood, and a Cannondale hybrid bike. I also have a fitness ball, which is very useful. I'm done losing weight now, part of maintenance is continuing to increase my fitness.

    Oh, and I occasionally clean my house. I'm always amazed at people who pay someone else to clean their homes so they will have time to go to the gym to pay more money to get the exercise they would get if they stayed home and tended to their business. Ah, I'm sure my age is showing.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I run outside, and lift at home. I have a gym membership, but with work, school, and my son, I don't have time to get there. It's actually made life a lot easier for me.
  • lisakyak
    lisakyak Posts: 5 Member
    I'm already pretty fit, but I wanted to peel off some pounds. We did the Insanity program and got it off of EBay. My weight loss on MFP doesn't reflect the 4 pounds I lost before I started coming here. There are tons of good videos on YouTube. Fitness Blender has some good ones as well as Be Fit in 30. Walking is one of the best exercises out there. Walk the dog every day - even if you don't have a dog.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Lost my first 20 with food only. Added walks in after 20lbs. Two weeks ago, I started doing taekwondo. I haven't moved on the scale in those 2 weeks (this is why I avoided exercise at the beginning), but I'm feeling great and looking great, so I will keep it up! I don't enjoy going to the gym
  • Find something fun! I use the Wii "Just Dance", so I look completely silly but I have a blast doing it. Or heck, find an old "Sweatin' to the oldies" at a garage sale. (I suppose that really depends on what you consider 'fun'!) No gym, no problem!
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    the first 3 weeks of my journey i did at home. i lost around 25 pounds in 3 weeks using my elliptical at home. i went for a walk outside once in that time frame. its cold and snowing here. so difficult to get outside. i got an elliptical from a guy hard up for money for $250 dollars. i stuck it in the back of my house in front of an old big screen tv and had at it an hour or more a day. so weightloss without a membership can be done! i did just get a gym membership at the ymca. i started to like exercise and wanted variety. im not working. so i know how difficult that is. i started to cut bills to make it happen. switched to dish network and cut my cable bill. switched energy providers and cut that bill in half. changed my car insurance to liability for my truck. so you can cut corners too to make a membership happen. just depends how bad you want it.
  • KeithChanning
    KeithChanning Posts: 214 Member
    All of my weight loss has been done outside of the gym. Simply watching my food intake and keeping a moderate amount of walking in has been the secret. Back in July I made sure that I had at least 10,000 steps a day on my fitbit every single day for the full month.
    Describes me exactly - well, except that I rarely break 10,000 steps. I aim for 8,000 and usually meet it.
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    same story, out of work, see ya gym. Weather's been awful, I know it isn't great but wii fit has done a lot for me!
  • fletchleg
    fletchleg Posts: 116 Member
    I'm down 45lbs and still going without ever setting foot into a gym. I've been walking about 10 miles a week (occasionally putting jogging intervals in as I get stronger) and various workout dvds 6 days a week, (30 day shred, body revolution, biggest loser cardio etc).

    As long as you workout and eat right you don't need a gym, just a selection of good dvds and willpower :)
  • miamiink89
    miamiink89 Posts: 103 Member
    I use the website fitness blender - loads of free workouts at different levels :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I cancelled my gym membership last June, and bought a starter weight set (bench, barbell, and 80 pounds of weights) in July (I've since had to buy more plates). I run outside, in pretty much any weather.

    I'd say it's working pretty well for me.


    Stronglifts 3x a week and running 3x a week.
  • ljmccune
    ljmccune Posts: 15 Member
    I hate going to the gym! So I created a "gym" of my own at home. I follow http://www.bodyrock.tv/ faithfully and have seen tremendous results. I don't have much equipment because of budget constraints. But I have found that I don't really need it. I improvise and still get great results.
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    Gym? I havent been to one of those for about 20 years! I have one in my apartment block but have never been in it.

    What's worked for me is walking, the occasional wii game (ie Jillian Michaels or Step to the Beat also called Work it Out in the US) but mostly the walking and my fitbit.

    I am pretty strict with my calorie intake BUT I do occasionally have a day out and eat what I want. Otherwise, that's it!!
  • TerriAnne53
    TerriAnne53 Posts: 197 Member
    I am starting my 27th day. I do not have acess to a gym in northern Saskatchewan Canada, where I live as the closet one is 150 kms away..I have started on the bowflex tread climber. It is hard because I still weight 213 lbs and over the winter have not been too active. but I usuallly shovel snow, in my 2 yards, about twice a week, average 30 mins, atleast twice a week. I also try to get a 20 min. walk in every 2nd day, sometimes 2 walks in a day. I will get up to 3-- 20 min. walk now that it is warming up. the first 3 weeks I was doing 1200 calories a day. I have increased my calories goal to 1480 but try to stay around 1300 a day. I see a change in the way my clothes are fitting. My measurements are slowly going down. I have lost 15 lbs, so far. I have a total goal of 90lbs to lose. I increased my present water intake to 100 oz. a day. I am now measuring all my food and water intake. I am making very healthy food choices. I feel fantastic and love MFP, for the tracking and all the support I find on here. Everyone is just fantastic.
  • There are A LOT of success-stories out there. Give bodyrockers, or perhaps Scoobys site a chance.



    Ps. It's free.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Never been in a gym in my 41 years on this here rock.

    Good luck to those that like going but it's not my thang ... I eat well and do a lot of walking and yardwork (lifting, bending, carrying stuff) that seems to suffice.

    I try to incorporate exercise into my day (skip a train station, walk it instead, etc) which works for me.

    Success? Dunno as far as weight goes as I don't weigh these days but I feel great and my clothes fit better.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    All my loss is just counting calories & walking, even the walking is not galloping along for miles, just to shops & the like, I do it daily weather permitting
  • gespo89
    gespo89 Posts: 3 Member
    Well, I'm at -45lbs and I've never had a gym membership in my life. The big thing for me: I started hiking. You get a great view and a healthy dose of exercise for free or maybe a couple bucks depending on where you go. Past that, walking/running can be done just about anywhere. You can also get a pretty respectable full body workout in your own home with only a set of dumbbells.
  • foxys_mum
    foxys_mum Posts: 67 Member
    The gym won't let me take my dogs with me, but my dogs take me to their gym!
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