As long as you have the calories eat it?

Okay, so I am a little confused.. I see on here a lot people saying things like "I'm craving potato chips, chocolate, etc..." and then I see responses that are "If you have the calories left eat it!" I thought to lose weight it wasn't just about counting calories. I thought you also had to watch what types of foods you eat and also watch macros like carbs, fat, saturated fat, and sodium. Am I going about this all wrong? I just don't see how you can eat whatever as long as you stay under a certain number of calories and still lose weight. Just saying. It doesn't make sense to me.


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Should you try to eat nutritious foods as much as possible? Yeah.

    Is it going to hurt your ability to lose weight to have a little junk now and then? Nope.

    A lot of people find it much easier to build some treats in, rather than try to restrict everything. The best plan is the one you can do forever, and I don't think I could cut out anything forever.

    As I'm typing this, I'm eating a bowl of Lucky Charms :tongue:
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Should you try to eat nutritious foods as much as possible? Yeah.

    Is it going to hurt your ability to lose weight to have a little junk now and then? Nope.

    A lot of people find it much easier to build some treats in, rather than try to restrict everything. The best plan is the one you can do forever, and I don't think I could cut out anything forever.

    As I'm typing this, I'm eating a bowl of Lucky Charms :tongue:

    All of this.

    Also, can I have the marshmellows?
  • Dollymaker
    Dollymaker Posts: 65 Member
    Should you try to eat nutritious foods as much as possible? Yeah.

    Is it going to hurt your ability to lose weight to have a little junk now and then? Nope.

    A lot of people find it much easier to build some treats in, rather than try to restrict everything. The best plan is the one you can do forever, and I don't think I could cut out anything forever.

    As I'm typing this, I'm eating a bowl of Lucky Charms :tongue:

    I agree! I HAVE to have a treat of some kind every day....past experience has taught me that if I completely deprive myself of all things JUNK I will end up bingeing and never going back to my plan. You have to eat to lose! Makes sense to me. :smile:
  • clynn84
    clynn84 Posts: 18 Member
    Right, I get the once in a while thing.. I actually build treats in myself, but I'm saying there are those people who I see eating crap everyday and have sodium levels out the roof and high sat fats and are losing more weight than me.. I mean I really wish I could eat whatever I want and lose weight.
  • clynn84
    clynn84 Posts: 18 Member
    And you can add me and look at my diary if you want, but I changed my goals this morning so days prior to today are probably going to look like I have gone over. :)
  • babyblooz
    babyblooz Posts: 220 Member
    Right, I get the once in a while thing.. I actually build treats in myself, but I'm saying there are those people who I see eating crap everyday and have sodium levels out the roof and high sat fats and are losing more weight than me.. I mean I really wish I could eat whatever I want and lose weight.

    I see that you are frustrated about this. Honestly? I would just do what *you* need to do and stop paying such close attention to what other people are doing. You're just going to make yourself crazy!
  • mwbulechek
    mwbulechek Posts: 162 Member
    I am eating normal foods. I eat out at restaurants several times a week. I do not eat back my exercise calories, I stay under my calorie goal and so far, without fail have lost 3-4 pounds a week. Only thing I really try to avoid is sugary treats. It is working for me!
  • This is called IIFYM (if it fits your macros). It doesn't mean that you should just eat a bunch of junk food to reach your macro goals. What this means is that you should try to eat healthy/nutritious food like 80-90% of the time, but if you're really craving a donut and you have room for it in your calorie and macro goals the other 10-20% of the time you should eat the donut. It's a way to be healthy but still get to indulge once in a while. For many, using IIFYM makes this more sustainable because they don't feel deprived.
  • YAYJules
    YAYJules Posts: 282 Member
    Right, I get the once in a while thing.. I actually build treats in myself, but I'm saying there are those people who I see eating crap everyday and have sodium levels out the roof and high sat fats and are losing more weight than me.. I mean I really wish I could eat whatever I want and lose weight.

    Don't waste your time and energy worrying about the progress of other people. That will only drive you insane. Celebrate the milestones you make, no matter how small, because it all adds up in the end. You got this.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Right, I get the once in a while thing.. I actually build treats in myself, but I'm saying there are those people who I see eating crap everyday and have sodium levels out the roof and high sat fats and are losing more weight than me.. I mean I really wish I could eat whatever I want and lose weight.

    I don't know what people you are referring, but if you looked at these folks' macros (carbs/protein/fat) you may find they are inline along with calorie deficit. You will see people refer to IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros). This refers to eating nutrient dense foods 80-90% of the time and fitting in snacks 10-20% of the time.

    ^Nevermind, Justsomerandomgirl beat me to it!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Right, I get the once in a while thing.. I actually build treats in myself, but I'm saying there are those people who I see eating crap everyday and have sodium levels out the roof and high sat fats and are losing more weight than me.. I mean I really wish I could eat whatever I want and lose weight.

    weight loss = calories in v calories out

    health = exercise, proper nutrition (i.e. giving your body everything it needs), healthy food, less healthy foods in moderation (no need to eliminate them altogether)

    thin people can get metabolic diseases like diabetes, heart disease etc too
  • Tiffers1759
    Tiffers1759 Posts: 102 Member
    Don't waste your time and energy worrying about the progress of other people. That will only drive you insane. Celebrate the milestones you make, no matter how small, because it all adds up in the end. You got this.

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If I'm craving, for instance, chocolate, and I eat a couple of fun sized Snickers bars, I'm going to be satisfied.

    If I'm craving chocolate and instead eat, for instance, carrot sticks, I'm not going to be satisfied. I'm probably going to eat carrot sticks, dipped in Ranch dressing, then realize I'm still not satisfied and start dipping potato chips in that Ranch dressing, and end up consuming a lot more calories than a couple of fun-sized Snickers.

    I still pay attention to my calories and macros. I still eat healthy more than 80% of the time, but if there's room for something more indulgent and I really want it, I'm going to have it.

    My macro goals are currently at 50% carbs (I run and do better on more carbs than others), 20% protein (which leaves me at 115g, more than the recommended 1g per pound of lean body mass), and 30% fat. I pretty much only pay attention to protein, and a little bit to fat. Some days this week, I fell short on protein, but my weekly average still ended up 51%carb, 22% protein and 27% fat. That's close enough in my book! :smile:
  • I agree with Lora..
  • mityjoe67
    mityjoe67 Posts: 15 Member
    Right, I get the once in a while thing.. I actually build treats in myself, but I'm saying there are those people who I see eating crap everyday and have sodium levels out the roof and high sat fats and are losing more weight than me.. I mean I really wish I could eat whatever I want and lose weight.

    I see that you are frustrated about this. Honestly? I would just do what *you* need to do and stop paying such close attention to what other people are doing. You're just going to make yourself crazy!

    The other thing to remember is that everyone's body is different and responds to different things. I do agree about not paying attention to others and just focusing on yourself. The only person you can impact is yourself and it is just finding the right balance of things to help you.
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    I eat junk...very small amounts. You won't catch me eating a bag of chips, but I will divide a sub throughout the day, and a snack may be two Hot Rods. I count my squares of chocolate, also
    Overall, I eat fairly low-calorie, and am losing weight.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Right, I get the once in a while thing.. I actually build treats in myself, but I'm saying there are those people who I see eating crap everyday and have sodium levels out the roof and high sat fats and are losing more weight than me.. I mean I really wish I could eat whatever I want and lose weight.

    When it comes to weight loss, a calorie is a calorie...150 calories from a piece of cake or a cookie is no different thatn 150 calories from eating a couple of apples. Carbs don't make you fat...fat doesn't make you fat...protein doesn't make you fat. Eating at a caloric surplus makes you fat...eating at a deficit results in weight loss.

    Now...from a nutritional standpoint...well, that's an entirely different story altogether. Just losing weight doesn't necessarily mean good nutrition just as good nutrition doesn't necessarily mean weight loss.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Right, I get the once in a while thing.. I actually build treats in myself, but I'm saying there are those people who I see eating crap everyday and have sodium levels out the roof and high sat fats and are losing more weight than me.. I mean I really wish I could eat whatever I want and lose weight.

    When it comes to weight loss, a calorie is a calorie...150 calories from a piece of cake or a cookie is no different thatn 150 calories from eating a couple of apples. Carbs don't make you fat...fat doesn't make you fat...protein doesn't make you fat. Eating at a caloric surplus makes you fat...eating at a deficit results in weight loss.

    Now...from a nutritional standpoint...well, that's an entirely different story altogether. Just losing weight doesn't necessarily mean good nutrition just as good nutrition doesn't necessarily mean weight loss.

  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Right, I get the once in a while thing.. I actually build treats in myself, but I'm saying there are those people who I see eating crap everyday and have sodium levels out the roof and high sat fats and are losing more weight than me.. I mean I really wish I could eat whatever I want and lose weight.

    don't over think this, and that's very easy to do (over-think) with so much INFORMATION out there. eat what ya like, don't starve, exercise, drink some water, see results.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    If I'm craving, for instance, chocolate, and I eat a couple of fun sized Snickers bars, I'm going to be satisfied.

    If I'm craving chocolate and instead eat, for instance, carrot sticks, I'm not going to be satisfied. I'm probably going to eat carrot sticks, dipped in Ranch dressing, then realize I'm still not satisfied and start dipping potato chips in that Ranch dressing, and end up consuming a lot more calories than a couple of fun-sized Snickers.

    I still pay attention to my calories and macros. I still eat healthy more than 80% of the time, but if there's room for something more indulgent and I really want it, I'm going to have it.

    My macro goals are currently at 50% carbs (I run and do better on more carbs than others), 20% protein (which leaves me at 115g, more than the recommended 1g per pound of lean body mass), and 30% fat. I pretty much only pay attention to protein, and a little bit to fat. Some days this week, I fell short on protein, but my weekly average still ended up 51%carb, 22% protein and 27% fat. That's close enough in my book! :smile:

    Exactly this^. And the best part is that this is simple so I can spend my time thinking about other things as well.
  • DeeDel32
    DeeDel32 Posts: 542 Member
    As long as you have calories and you're hungry and you're keeping your fats under reasonable control, eat it.
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    Should you try to eat nutritious foods as much as possible? Yeah.

    Is it going to hurt your ability to lose weight to have a little junk now and then? Nope.

    A lot of people find it much easier to build some treats in, rather than try to restrict everything. The best plan is the one you can do forever, and I don't think I could cut out anything forever.

    As I'm typing this, I'm eating a bowl of Lucky Charms :tongue:

    Spot on! The minute you say "I can never eat x, y or z again" you're setting yourself up for failure. Just keep it as a treat once in a while and work those calories in.
  • Eating the right things is way important no doubt. It helps give your body the nutrients it needs for max benefits and to help your muscles heal properly as well as ligaments and tendons. The cleanse benefits are als more effective when you eat right. That being said if you have the extra calories to spend as long as the negative junk foods are in moderation and just a once in a while thing like a special celebration then it's ok. I plan out those "sin" days ahead of time and eat as best I can the rest of the day so I'm not feeling sluggish later on. The junk food really draggs your body down after you've been eating clean, but as long as you are in calorie range you can still lose the weight. It is crazy thought and I totally understand the confusion.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Should you try to eat nutritious foods as much as possible? Yeah.

    Is it going to hurt your ability to lose weight to have a little junk now and then? Nope.

    A lot of people find it much easier to build some treats in, rather than try to restrict everything. The best plan is the one you can do forever, and I don't think I could cut out anything forever.

    As I'm typing this, I'm eating a bowl of Lucky Charms :tongue:


    It's best to find a program that works for YOU!
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Right, I get the once in a while thing.. I actually build treats in myself, but I'm saying there are those people who I see eating crap everyday and have sodium levels out the roof and high sat fats and are losing more weight than me.. I mean I really wish I could eat whatever I want and lose weight.

    I see that you are frustrated about this. Honestly? I would just do what *you* need to do and stop paying such close attention to what other people are doing. You're just going to make yourself crazy!


    When I started on here, I only watched my calorie limit. I ate whatever I wanted as long as it was within my limit and lost 30 pounds doing that. It's only been more recently that I've started watching everything else. Some people have to start with just one small change (learning to eat less) and work their way up to tracking all their macros. Everyone is different so as long as what you're doing works for you, that's all that matters.
  • chelchelt
    chelchelt Posts: 77 Member
    Eating right is important but not the whole of it. I try and eat alot of protein and healthy foods each day but I also have my indulgent food every day. It may be cookies, or ice cream or whatever. I just don't eat half the tub like I use to or eat 2 king size candy bars. Everything in moderation and if you try and cut something out completely it makes it harder to keep on the right track.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I agree with what has been said about healthy choices etc.

    How are you progressing?

    Find what works for you.

    You're still on the younger side but as you get older, you just won't have the metabolism of a 20 year old who burns calories just thinking about working out- lol:wink:
  • Gin66
    Gin66 Posts: 47 Member
    I don't eat junk, deep fried or many carb. However I can't live without my Dark Chocolate.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    Okay, so I am a little confused.. I see on here a lot people saying things like "I'm craving potato chips, chocolate, etc..." and then I see responses that are "If you have the calories left eat it!" I thought to lose weight it wasn't just about counting calories. I thought you also had to watch what types of foods you eat and also watch macros like carbs, fat, saturated fat, and sodium. Am I going about this all wrong? I just don't see how you can eat whatever as long as you stay under a certain number of calories and still lose weight. Just saying. It doesn't make sense to me.

    if you "watch macros like carbs, fat, saturated fat, and sodium", it doesn't matter what food you eat to meet your macro goals. the only exception is for medically mandated diets, of course.
  • DocMarr
    DocMarr Posts: 132 Member
    I follow the 80/20 rule. 80% of my food intake is wholegrain, lean, lots of veg, fruit and all the other healthy stuff. But I am no saint and this is not a diet but the way I have eaten for years and will continue to eat in the future - so I allow up to 20% of my calorie intake to be the more indulgent stuff that we shouldn't eat so much of. That means the vast majority of what I eat is wholesome and healthy, but there is some wiggle room for slightly unhealthier eating that won't make me ill and is sustainable in the long term.