girls how much do you leg press



  • I do 270 and my legs are muscular but not bulky. I think it depends on your diet and genes
  • I think your weight is the amount you should be lifting leg-wise. Thats what I do and I do lots of reps.
  • Catwoman1037
    Catwoman1037 Posts: 102 Member
    I workout with 350 lbs and this seems to be making my thighs bigger. When I started here they measured 25.5" and now there a bit over 26". I think I may be working out with too much. I love how strong they are but would like them to be a little thinner.

    When I use the leg press I sometimes turn my feet out, like a 1st or 2nd position in ballet. This works the inner thighs more. I think muscular legs are much more attractive than super skinny legs!
  • I usually do around 300-350lbs. It depends on the day. My hip and knee joints are pretty damaged so I have to see what my body will allow me to do that day. That being said, I have little 18" bird legs (up from 17"!!) but I'm working on it. My goal is to get up to at least 20" by the end of the year at the latest.
    wow you have strong legs for them being so small
  • I usually do around 300-350lbs. It depends on the day. My hip and knee joints are pretty damaged so I have to see what my body will allow me to do that day. That being said, I have little 18" bird legs (up from 17"!!) but I'm working on it. My goal is to get up to at least 20" by the end of the year at the latest.
    wow you have strong legs for them being so small
    I gain strength very easily but it's much harder for me to gain mass. People at the gym are always surprised when they see me lifting much heavier than they'd expect.
  • I leg press:

    hi-rep (12 x 3) @ 450
    low-rep (4x3) @ 630

    And then it hurts.

    I started at 220 lbs and am now 195lbs and 5'9" though.
  • I leg press:

    hi-rep (12 x 3) @ 450
    low-rep (4x3) @ 630

    And then it hurts.

    I started at 220 lbs and am now 195lbs and 5'9" though.
    how much is your max
  • azwen
    azwen Posts: 237 Member
    I can only do 105, but I'm proud of it, because when I started six months ago, I could only do 45! My legs have too much fat to see the definition yet, but I know eventually I'll see some muscles!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Lifting heavy on a calorie deficit doesn't bulk you up.:laugh:

    Lifting lighter for higher reps doesn't lean you out.

    Genetics has a lot to do with how ones' legs look and are shaped.

    Girls who leg press light weight aren't doing much because their body weight may well exceed what they press. And I'm more than sure that you spend more time on your feet carrying that weight than you do leg press.

    Strong legs make the difference in an overall body change since it takes a lot of energy to train them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Ughh.... Low weight and high reps will not "tone" you as good as heavy lifting.. If you want good muscle you have to lift heavy and lower reps!!

    If you think your legs are getting too big then do some endurance cardio or something like that. I think that after you get more and more muscle, the fat will melt off and your legs will be "thinner", but thats just what i think...

    I did leg press for the first time yesterday, and i did i think 270 pounds... You should do deeeeep ones if you want a nice butt!
  • Do not have any answer for you. But I am interested to see the answer. Maybe if your Legs are Strong and Toned, the additional inch(s) will not be an issue?
    I really don't mind the extra size its just jeans don't fit my thighs very well lol

    mine either. When I leg press I stick to around 150-200, not higher. I really don't want to add more girth but that's just me.
  • samuzik15
    samuzik15 Posts: 26
    girl are very strong .her legs can press a lol. do you like leg press machine? how many kilos can you push?
  • sokkache
    sokkache Posts: 220 Member
    The machine at my gym goes up to 350 and that's fine for me. I can stick with 350. I do 2 sets of 5 reps.
  • Hi all, I am currently leg pressing 350kg/771lbs for 4-6 reps depending on how much I have knackered my legs before this!

    I have worked up to this over the past 6 months or so and know I have very strong legs for a girl. I am currently unable to squat with heavy weights as I have hip issues which we (my PT and I) are working on and slowly things are getting better. My leg's are very slim...but solid...I can't wait to squat but for now the leg press will do! : )
  • aftess87
    aftess87 Posts: 1 Member
    I know this post is kind of old but I just wanted to add, if you are building muscle good on you! I wouldn't recommend decreasing your calories as some people have said. You may try increasing your running though. Running tends to inhibit muscle growth, for many that's not what we want but if you really want to slow muscle growth it'd work. Try long steady state running though. Sprints work like weight lifting. Pick a pace you can maintain for 30 minutes or more and still feel good and tired afterward. Plus running has many other health benefits.

    I am an exercise science and nutrition major in an accredited school in Oklahoma. Happy to answer any questions or clarify. :)
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    Just did 450 lbs 10x.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,519 Member
    On the leg press, I can do 160lbs for 4-5 sets of 10 (depending). I moved to the sled thing. I put on 110lbs and I think the "carriage" (that's what my husband called it) weighs 50lbs; so 160lbs on that for 5 sets of 10. I prefer the sled motion.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I remember you OP, didn't you post one (or a couple) threads last year about how you thought your muscular calves were too big? Now quads?
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I remember you OP, didn't you post one (or a couple) threads last year about how you thought your muscular calves were too big? Now quads?
    i thought this seemed familiar.
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    650lbs for 8 reps