Loose skin???

So I have about 70lbs to lose and I'm nervous about loose skin I'm in my early twenties and I drink lots if water but I'm still scared that my stomach and body will have tons of loose skin is this anyone else fear? Has this happened to any of you? What should I do is there something that I can do so that I don't get the loose skin???


  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    You used loose in the proper context! YAY!

    Oh... there's a post... hmmm

    If you lose the weight at a healthy rate (1-2lbs per week average) and do some strength training, you should have very little (extra skin) to worry about.
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    I have this fear also. I have lost just over 50lbs already, and still want to lose about 70 more pounds. I'm terrified of having extra hanging skin.
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    I understand where you're coming from.. since I was there.
    Palmer's Coco Butter for stretch marks helped me a lot with getting rid of those.. but now my skin is still a little floppy.
    They also have a Firming Butter which I've started to use recently and I've noticed that that has helped my skin a lot :)

    Stretch Marks: http://www.palmers.com/product/detail.php?SID=2&ID=43
    Firming: http://www.palmers.com/product/detail.php?ID=53
  • mimstero
    mimstero Posts: 119 Member
    The younger you are, the less chance of having loose skin. At my highest I was 218 and today am 163. I do have somewhat of a small pooch below my belly button, but I can see my ab muscles and think I look pretty good.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Dont.t be afraid of what you cannot predict.

    Focus on what you CAN control

    eat healthy.

    kick butt in the gym..lift some weights.

    you wont regret it.
  • errantskitten

    Im 50 and I was /am worried about that as well. However, at this point I have lost just over 40 lbs with more to go and i dont really see alot of loose skin.
  • For_the_Last_Time
    For_the_Last_Time Posts: 136 Member
    I have those moments too of I wonder what my body will look like, 3 c-sections highest weight of 299 when I had my 2nd child, age, length of time being obese. Then I kick myself in the butt. i can try to lessen the excess skin, losing at a reasonable rate, working out including strength upping my protien intake to preserve LBM. regardless of how I look I will be healthier, and I will look better with loose skin then I do with the fat. When the end result leaves me with more skin then i would like well that is what Spanx was invented for!
  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    Dont.t be afraid of what you cannot predict.

    Focus on what you CAN control

    eat healthy.

    kick butt in the gym..lift some weights.

    you wont regret it.

    LOVE this! <3
  • brunetteavoxgirl
    brunetteavoxgirl Posts: 88 Member
    I'm 23, and am trying to lose 70/80ish more lbs (Sad. I can't remember the number). I'm moderately scared of loose skin, but I'm only losing like 1 lb a week right now, and I'm doing strength training, so I mean, if it happens, I'll deal with it. That's about all I can say.
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    Dont.t be afraid of what you cannot predict.

    Focus on what you CAN control

    eat healthy.

    kick butt in the gym..lift some weights.

    you wont regret it.

    This is entirely too sensible! Not worry about things I can't control? Who ever heard of such a thing! :wink:
  • zonah
    zonah Posts: 216 Member
    Eat foods high in omega 3 like fish, flax and chia seed. Healthy fats can help your skins elasticity.
  • UrsinaBear
    UrsinaBear Posts: 2 Member
    "The Anti-Jared" on Facebook said that worrying about loose skin after major weight loss is like worrying about paying taxes on your winnings should you win the lottery. I like that analogy. Sure, loose skin is not great, but being overweight is so much worse.

    But FWIW, I have lost 100 pounds (as of this morning! Go me!) and yes, I am getting some loose skin. But I am 40 years old and have been overweight all of my life. And I still have lots left to lose.

    You are in your 20s and only need to lose 70 pounds? I doubt you will even have an issue. And if you do have a tiny bit of loose skin, it will likely tighten up over a year or two. I would not worry about it at all if I were you.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I had the same worry. But, 105 lbs later and just a very little bit of loose skin on my upper thighs. I started at 277, now im 172. Im 30 and have been obese or overweight since i was probably 10. So, yeah, maybe i got lucky? Not sure but i do think genetics play a huge part in it. Either way, loose skin is better than the extra weight :)
  • bubbli71
    Stretch marks are NOT caused by losing weight, they are caused by STRETCHING your skin when you get fat.
    Lift weights and do cardio and look after yourself.
    You are young and its easier for the skin to pull itself back together.
    Stretch marks are an unfortunate part of putting on too much weight and I have to say that they look better than being overweight does... at least nobody can see them when you have clothes on... unlike being overweight.
    I used to freak out about this whole issue so much that I would spend all my time sabotaging my weight loss efforts and just got bigger and bigger.
    I am now 42 and have lost alot of weight, but my skin is struggling. Not very badly but enough so it annoys me.
    But I do ALOT of exercise and weights and I honestly believe that helps.
    Get the weight off while you're young, you wont regret it.
  • saminmio
    saminmio Posts: 44 Member
    Don't worry about the loose skin. At your age it will bounce back without too much problem but if you are worried get Parkers Lotion it's for stretch marks and loosing weight in the drugstore - cheap too.
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    "The Anti-Jared" on Facebook said that worrying about loose skin after major weight loss is like worrying about paying taxes on your winnings should you win the lottery. I like that analogy. Sure, loose skin is not great, but being overweight is so much worse.

    But FWIW, I have lost 100 pounds (as of this morning! Go me!) and yes, I am getting some loose skin. But I am 40 years old and have been overweight all of my life. And I still have lots left to lose.

    Congratulations on your milestone! Sounds like you should go celebrate. Maybe a new top, a pretty bracelet, tickets to a performance. You certainly deserve to reward yourself!

    And I love the taxes on winnings analogy, though I'm trying not to think of the loose skin. At my age, I don't think think there will be much shrinkage. I'll just have to learn how to tuck it into my clothes. :-)
  • janisdianis
    janisdianis Posts: 49 Member
    I have those moments too of I wonder what my body will look like, 3 c-sections highest weight of 299 when I had my 2nd child, age, length of time being obese. Then I kick myself in the butt. i can try to lessen the excess skin, losing at a reasonable rate, working out including strength upping my protien intake to preserve LBM. regardless of how I look I will be healthier, and I will look better with loose skin then I do with the fat. When the end result leaves me with more skin then i would like well that is what Spanx was invented for!

    Same here, I have had 2 c-sections and a huge area around the scar has no feeling whatsoever! I know I will get to a point where I may have to have it removed. BUT, I guess one monkey at a time, right? lol
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    Lose slowly and healthily. You'll see the skin get looser, and then it will slowly firm up. However, since you'll still be losing, it will mean they cycle is always occurring until you hit goal weight for several months. I'd rather be thin and healthy with some loose skin than heavy with taut skin. Don't let it become an excuse.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    You might have or not have loose skin. No way to know but let me tell you, loose skin is a lot easier to hide then fat.
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    Eating at a sensible deficit from your TDEE , eating around 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass and strength training will all help you to retain muscle and lose more body fat. The end result will be good body shape and tone and not so much chance of being 'skinny fat'