Calling all non-overweight people!

Hello, I wanted to know if anybody out there who is actually within the healthy BMI range but wants to tone-up, lose those last 10 pounds but finds it a real struggle? Is losing a bit of weight when you're not overweight harder than losing a lot of weight when you're bigger? I've been trying for 3 years to lose the 12 pounds I gained over Christmas 2010 - I think my body has decided the weight it wants to be!

I'm not promoting thinness and I am totally against unhealthy weightloss - I just want to get back to my pre-Christmas size (still inside healthy BMI) when my clothes fit a lot better!


  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    I don't even know how to respond to this. Good luck
  • Gin66
    Gin66 Posts: 47 Member
    Those last one are HARD!!!!. I lost 105lbs 3 years ago. Maintaining was hard, gained back 25 over the last year (2012) now I want it gone. seems much harder this time.
  • sarabeth120
    sarabeth120 Posts: 172 Member
    Yea, I am in the same boat as you. I am currently in the right weight and BMI zone for my height/age/gender, but I want to tone up, so I'm still looking to lose a few more pounds and gain some muscle.

    I've been doing Jillain Micheal's 30 day shred and it's really helped me lose inches/weight and it has also helped me tone up; maybe that could be something you could try?

    Also, feel free to add me if you want! :)
  • Willkathmum
    Willkathmum Posts: 62 Member
    Yes me, I wanted to lose 10lb and have so far lost 5. It is hard as your body doesn't need as many calories to maintain so you need even fewer to lose, that is why I am doing weight (NROLW) as well as cardio. By building muscle you can eat more but also it will help you lose inches even if your weight doesn't change and your body will look more toned.
    feel free to add me
  • I'm at a healthy weight and trying to lose 12 lbs too. When I was younger it was so much easier - but since I hit my 30's it's rough. Good luck to you!
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    I came here just to lose 6-8 pounds, and stayed because I really like it here and it helps me be more aware of what I eat. :)
  • Yup, trying to lose another 10lb or so. It definitely takes a LOT of patience, lol. I've really reduced my calorie deficit and have amped up my weight lifting. I've found that focusing on strength and fitness goals keeps me from stressing too much about the scale.
  • In a similar situation! Recently joined, trying to get rid of a few bits of fat while toning up at the same time while trying not to go under a healthy weight, haha. Currently working on the 30DS with a bit of lifting. Always looking for more fitness buddies. :)
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 671 Member
    It is hard to see movement when you don't have much to lose. Work a little harder, and keep at it. I lost 14 pounds and kept it off this year. I didn't think I would ever be this low again, but I'm really enjoying it. Your body does reach set points, but you can re-set it lower if you do it slow and steady!
  • swillybay
    swillybay Posts: 61 Member
    I'm in the same boat - healthy range BMI, but I think BMIs are so generalized that even though it says I'm "healthy," I know, for my body structure, I'm overweight. I'm trying to lose 10-15 lbs., and am literally losing it about .2 lb. at a time. Sometimes it's rough seeing a lot of my MFP friends losing 3 lbs. in a week, but I have to remember that, number one, my plan is to lose .5 lb. a week, and, number two, if I lost weight too fast, I know it will just come back on. I think exercise, both cardio and strength training, and healthy eating are the keys. I love MFP because I never realized how/when I was overeating until now when I have to write it all down. It really makes you aware of portion size too. It's a heck of a lot harder for me to lose weight now than it was when I was in my 30s, that's for sure!
  • rvhorsburgh
    rvhorsburgh Posts: 53 Member
    Same here. Great BMI, low cholesteral, acid level 7.2, healthy weigh and good fat % - I wanted to lose 5 lbs but prefer 9 - But I just don't think I can get that low. My real goal is inches. I want to lose 10 inches signifying the flatting of my stomach and bra strap area fat. I'm athletic, but I want to be toned. I've been trying since the beginning of the year and have lost 6 lbs and need to measure to check my inches count. I'm doing hot yoga, ellipitical, racquet ball, aerobic DVD. My next step is to add 4 months of Boot Camps to drive the strength training home.
  • This is me exactly. In healthy BMI but just need to tone up the soft flabby bits!
  • Yep, just trying to lose a few more pounds and focusing on muscle gains.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Hello, I wanted to know if anybody out there who is actually within the healthy BMI range but wants to tone-up, lose those last 10 pounds but finds it a real struggle? Is losing a bit of weight when you're not overweight harder than losing a lot of weight when you're bigger? I've been trying for 3 years to lose the 12 pounds I gained over Christmas 2010 - I think my body has decided the weight it wants to be!

    I'm not promoting thinness and I am totally against unhealthy weightloss - I just want to get back to my pre-Christmas size (still inside healthy BMI) when my clothes fit a lot better!

    BMI is an inaccurate representation of health.
  • Same here. It is quite a problem. But you have to discover what your body responds to most - for yourself.
    Weights training is a good way. More muscles = more calorie burn just by existing.
    Weights + cardio + healthy diet (lots of proteins, healthy fats and complex carbs) and a looot of patience.

    Good luck :)
  • The best thing you can do is throw BMI in the garbage! Im considered to be obese by BMI. Use a tape measure and how you look and feel to guage what you should weigh.
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    Pain. In. The. Butt. LOL. I don't have that much left but that just makes it so much harder to lose and it drives you insane! Right now I am just trying to focus on my running and on fitness and I'm hoping that my small calorie deficit on top of that will just help my bust through the last bit.

    I am also hoping that some day I'll be able to join a gym and do New Rules of Lifting for Women while eating at maintenance. Then I can get down to the BF% I want and my tummy will be less jiggly!

    But yeah, if you want your clothes to fit better it's time to ignore the scale and pick up the weights!
  • Same, I've never been overweight, but i'd like to shed my holiday weight and get toned instead of being "skinny fat" for once.
    I'm just eating healthy, working out 5 to 6 times a week. Strength training + cardio 3 days week and just plain cardio on the other 2 or 3 days.
    Add me i'f you'd like! I love to help motivate!
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    You might find that if you take a break from calorie restriction and just focus on some serious strength training with moderate cardio thrown in that your body will get smaller even if the scale doesn't move. In the last 6 months, I've probably lost barely 10lbs BUT I'm much smaller than I was (maybe 2 dress sizes). I wonder if this isn't like when you purposely try to stop yourself from thinking of something then that's ALL you can think about: maybe you're fighting your body right now rather than working with it.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    This is me too. I am low end bmi, but not quite where I felt my best before Christmas. Can I shift those last 7lb? Can I *kitten*. But I'm going to keep trying.